dwell -1481 abide , afraid , assemble , awe , {dwell} , dwelleth , fear , feared , fearest , gather , gathered , inhabitant , remain , sojourn , sojourned , sojourners , sojourneth , sojourning , stand , strangers , dwell -1752 {dwell} , dwell -1753 {dwell} , dwelt , inhabitants , inhabited , wife , dwell -2073 {dwell} , dwelling , habitation , dwell -2082 {dwell} , dwell -3418 {dwell} , grass , green , dwell -3427 abide , abideth , abiding , abode , abodest , continue , continued , downsitting , {dwell} , dwelled , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwelt , ease , endure , establish , habitation , haunt , inhabit , inhabitant , inhabitants , inhabited , inhabitest , inhabiteth , lurking , married , marrying , of , place , placed , remain , remained , remainest , remaineth , return , sat , satest , set , setteth , settle , sit , sittest , sitteth , sitting , situate , taken , tarried , tarrieth , tarry , dwell -3488 {dwell} , set , sit , dwell -3885 abide , abideth , all , continue , {dwell} , endure , grudge , lay , left , lie , lodge , lodged , lodgest , lodging , murmur , murmured , remain , remaineth , taken , tarried , tarry , dwell -4186 assembly , {dwell} , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwellingplaces , dwellings , dwelt , habitation , habitations , inhabited , seat , sitting , situation , sojourning , dwell -5975 abide , abideth , able , abode , appoint , appointed , arise , arose , behind , ceased , confirmed , continue , continued , continueth , {dwell} , employed , endure , endureth , enduring , establish , established , establisheth , forth , left , made , ordained , over , placed , present , presented , raised , raiseth , remain , remained , remaineth , repair , serve , served , set , setteth , settle , settled , stablished , stand , standest , standeth , standing , stay , stayed , still , stood , stoodest , tarried , tarry , the , waited , withstand , withstood , dwell -7931 abiding , abode , continue , {dwell} , dwellers , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , dwelt , habitation , inhabit , inhabited , inhabiteth , lay , place , placed , remain , remaineth , remaining , rest , rested , set , dwell -7932 {dwell} , habitation , dwelled -3427 abide , abideth , abiding , abode , abodest , continue , continued , downsitting , dwell , {dwelled} , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwelt , ease , endure , establish , habitation , haunt , inhabit , inhabitant , inhabitants , inhabited , inhabitest , inhabiteth , lurking , married , marrying , of , place , placed , remain , remained , remainest , remaineth , return , sat , satest , set , setteth , settle , sit , sittest , sitteth , sitting , situate , taken , tarried , tarrieth , tarry , dwellers -7931 abiding , abode , continue , dwell , {dwellers} , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , dwelt , habitation , inhabit , inhabited , inhabiteth , lay , place , placed , remain , remaineth , remaining , rest , rested , set , dwellest -3427 abide , abideth , abiding , abode , abodest , continue , continued , downsitting , dwell , dwelled , {dwellest} , dwelleth , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwelt , ease , endure , establish , habitation , haunt , inhabit , inhabitant , inhabitants , inhabited , inhabitest , inhabiteth , lurking , married , marrying , of , place , placed , remain , remained , remainest , remaineth , return , sat , satest , set , setteth , settle , sit , sittest , sitteth , sitting , situate , taken , tarried , tarrieth , tarry , dwellest -7931 abiding , abode , continue , dwell , dwellers , {dwellest} , dwelleth , dwelling , dwelt , habitation , inhabit , inhabited , inhabiteth , lay , place , placed , remain , remaineth , remaining , rest , rested , set , dwelleth -1481 abide , afraid , assemble , awe , dwell , {dwelleth} , fear , feared , fearest , gather , gathered , inhabitant , remain , sojourn , sojourned , sojourners , sojourneth , sojourning , stand , strangers , dwelleth -3427 abide , abideth , abiding , abode , abodest , continue , continued , downsitting , dwell , dwelled , dwellest , {dwelleth} , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwelt , ease , endure , establish , habitation , haunt , inhabit , inhabitant , inhabitants , inhabited , inhabitest , inhabiteth , lurking , married , marrying , of , place , placed , remain , remained , remainest , remaineth , return , sat , satest , set , setteth , settle , sit , sittest , sitteth , sitting , situate , taken , tarried , tarrieth , tarry , dwelleth -4908 {dwelleth} , dwelling , dwellingplaces , dwellings , habitation , habitations , tabernacle , tabernacles , tents , dwelleth -7931 abiding , abode , continue , dwell , dwellers , dwellest , {dwelleth} , dwelling , dwelt , habitation , inhabit , inhabited , inhabiteth , lay , place , placed , remain , remaineth , remaining , rest , rested , set , dwelleth -8271 began , dissolve , dissolving , {dwelleth} , loose , loosed , dwelling -0168 covering , {dwelling} , home , places , tabernacle , tabernacles , tent , tents , dwelling -2073 dwell , {dwelling} , habitation , dwelling -3427 abide , abideth , abiding , abode , abodest , continue , continued , downsitting , dwell , dwelled , dwellest , dwelleth , {dwelling} , dwellingplace , dwelt , ease , endure , establish , habitation , haunt , inhabit , inhabitant , inhabitants , inhabited , inhabitest , inhabiteth , lurking , married , marrying , of , place , placed , remain , remained , remainest , remaineth , return , sat , satest , set , setteth , settle , sit , sittest , sitteth , sitting , situate , taken , tarried , tarrieth , tarry , dwelling -4070 {dwelling} , dwelling -4186 assembly , dwell , {dwelling} , dwellingplace , dwellingplaces , dwellings , dwelt , habitation , habitations , inhabited , seat , sitting , situation , sojourning , dwelling -4349 {dwelling} , foundations , habitation , place , settled , dwelling -4583 den , {dwelling} , habitation , habitations , dwelling -4585 den , dens , {dwelling} , habitations , places , refuge , dwelling -4908 dwelleth , {dwelling} , dwellingplaces , dwellings , habitation , habitations , tabernacle , tabernacles , tents , dwelling -5116 {dwelling} , dwellings , fold , folds , habitation , habitations , pleasant , sheepcote , stable , tarried , dwelling -7931 abiding , abode , continue , dwell , dwellers , dwellest , dwelleth , {dwelling} , dwelt , habitation , inhabit , inhabited , inhabiteth , lay , place , placed , remain , remaineth , remaining , rest , rested , set , dwellingplace -3427 abide , abideth , abiding , abode , abodest , continue , continued , downsitting , dwell , dwelled , dwellest , dwelleth , dwelling , {dwellingplace} , dwelt , ease , endure , establish , habitation , haunt , inhabit , inhabitant , inhabitants , inhabited , inhabitest , inhabiteth , lurking , married , marrying , of , place , placed , remain , remained , remainest , remaineth , return , sat , satest , set , setteth , settle , sit , sittest , sitteth , sitting , situate , taken , tarried , tarrieth , tarry , dwellingplace -4186 assembly , dwell , dwelling , {dwellingplace} , dwellingplaces , dwellings , dwelt , habitation , habitations , inhabited , seat , sitting , situation , sojourning , dwellingplaces -4186 assembly , dwell , dwelling , dwellingplace , {dwellingplaces} , dwellings , dwelt , habitation , habitations , inhabited , seat , sitting , situation , sojourning , dwellingplaces -4908 dwelleth , dwelling , {dwellingplaces} , dwellings , habitation , habitations , tabernacle , tabernacles , tents , dwellings -4033 {dwellings} , pilgrimage , sojourn , stranger , strangers , dwellings -4186 assembly , dwell , dwelling , dwellingplace , dwellingplaces , {dwellings} , dwelt , habitation , habitations , inhabited , seat , sitting , situation , sojourning , dwellings -4908 dwelleth , dwelling , dwellingplaces , {dwellings} , habitation , habitations , tabernacle , tabernacles , tents , dwellings -5116 dwelling , {dwellings} , fold , folds , habitation , habitations , pleasant , sheepcote , stable , tarried , swell -1216 {swell} , swelled , swell -6638 assembled , {swell} , swell -6639 {swell} , swelled -1216 swell , {swelled} , swelling -1158 boil , enquire , sought , {swelling} , swelling -1346 excellency , haughtiness , highness , pride , proud , proudly , {swelling} , swelling -1347 arrogancy , excellency , excellent , majesty , pomp , pride , proud , {swelling} , well -0071 abana , {well} , well -0369 cannot , else , except , faileth , gone , neither , never , no , none , nor , nothing , nought , past , {well} , without , well -0375 man , {well} , what , where , well -0875 pit , {well} , wells , well -0883 beerlahairoi , lahairoi , {well} , well -0953 cistern , dungeon , fountain , pit , pits , {well} , wells , well -0995 attended , consider , considered , considereth , considering , cunning , diligently , discern , discerned , discreet , eloquent , feel , informed , instruct , instructed , intelligence , know , looketh , mark , perceive , perceived , perceiveth , prudent , regard , regardest , regardeth , skilful , taught , teacher , think , understand , understandest , understandeth , understanding , understood , viewed , {well} , wise , wisely , well -1730 beloved , brother , father , love , loves , uncle , {well} , well -2090 another , this , thus , {well} , well -2654 delight , delighted , delighteth , desire , desired , desirest , favourest , favoureth , like , moveth , please , pleased , pleaseth , pleasure , {well} , will , would , well -2869 fine , good , {well} , well -2895 good , please , pleased , {well} , well -2896 beautiful , best , better , bountiful , cheerful , ease , fair , fairer , favour , fine , glad , good , goodlier , goodliest , goodly , goodness , goods , graciously , joyful , kind , kindly , kindness , liketh , loving , merry , most , pleasant , please , pleasing , pleasure , precious , prosperity , ready , sweet , wealth , welfare , {well} , well -2898 fair , gladness , good , goodness , goods , joy , {well} , well -3190 accepted , amend , aright , benefit , best , better , cheer , cheerful , comely , diligent , diligently , do , dresseth , earnestly , favour , give , good , merry , please , pleased , shewed , skilfully , small , sweet , thoroughly , tired , trimmest , very , {well} , well -3303 beautiful , comely , fair , fairest , pleasant , {well} , well -3651 according , also , aright , cause , even , howbeit , like , likewise , manner , more , not , right , so , state , straightway , such , surely , therefore , thing , this , thus , true , {well} , wherefore , which , well -3966 diligent , diligently , especially , exceeding , exceedingly , far , fast , good , great , greatly , louder , might , mightily , mighty , much , quickly , set , so , sore , utterly , very , {well} , years , well -4599 fountain , fountains , springs , {well} , wells , well -4639 business , deed , deeds , labour , labours , made , making , occupation , offered , operation , possessions , purpose , wares , {well} , work , working , workmanship , works , wrought , well -4726 fountain , issue , spring , springs , {well} , wellspring , well -5869 and , appearance , before , city , colour , conceit , countenance , eye , eyed , eyes , eyesight , face , fountain , fountains , furrows , knowledge , look , looks , of , open , outward , presence , resemblance , seem , seemed , seemeth , sight , think , thinkest , thought , to , {well} , wells , yourselves , well -5878 harod , {well} , well -6822 behold , beholding , espy , look , looketh , waited , watch , watched , watcheth , watching , watchman , watchmen , {well} , well -7181 and , attend , attended , divine , hear , heard , hearken , hearkened , heed , incline , mark , marked , regarded , {well} , well -7571 {well} , well -7965 did , doest , familiar , familiars , fare , favour , good , health , peace , peaceable , peaceably , prospered , prosperity , prosperous , rest , safe , safely , salute , welfare , {well} , wholly , wellbeloved -3039 amiable , beloved , {wellbeloved} , wells -0875 pit , well , {wells} , wells -0953 cistern , dungeon , fountain , pit , pits , well , {wells} , wells -4599 fountain , fountains , springs , well , {wells} , wells -5869 and , appearance , before , city , colour , conceit , countenance , eye , eyed , eyes , eyesight , face , fountain , fountains , furrows , knowledge , look , looks , of , open , outward , presence , resemblance , seem , seemed , seemeth , sight , think , thinkest , thought , to , well , {wells} , yourselves , wellspring -4726 fountain , issue , spring , springs , well , {wellspring} ,