Bible Translation Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Translation Phrase lists
willing ......... a willing 4288 -prothumia->

willing ......... and ye were willing 2309 -thelo->

willing ......... But he , willing 2309 -thelo->

willing ......... I say , and willing 2106 -eudokeo->

willing ......... is willing 4289 -prothumos->

willing ......... man , and not willing 2309 -thelo->

willing ......... not willing 1014 -boo -lom -ahee->

willing ......... of you , we were willing 2106 -eudokeo->

willing ......... they were willing 0830 -authairetos->

willing ......... things willing 2309 -thelo->

willing ......... thou be willing 1014 -boo -lom -ahee->

willing ......... willing 1014 -boo -lom -ahee->

willing ......... willing 2309 -thelo->

willing ......... willing 2843 -koinonikos->

willingly ......... but willingly 1595 -hekousion->

willingly ......... but willingly 1596 -hekousios->

willingly ......... not willingly 1635 -hekon->

willingly ......... they willingly 2309 -thelo->

willingly ......... thing willingly 1635 -hekon->