bare you on eagles' wings beareth them on her wings covered with their wings over for they had wings like give wings unto moab goodly wings unto had wings like his wings shall fill man under their wings on their four sides shall spread his wings over moab spread his wings over bozrah spreadeth abroad her wings stretch her wings toward their wings <1CH28 -:18 > their wings their wings their wings their wings their wings their wings their wings their wings straight their wings touched one anothe <1KI6 -:27 > them six wings about there was also another great eagle with great wings they let down their wings they shall mount up with wings as eagles thy wings thy wings thy wings will thy wings will two wings over <1KI8 -:7 > under his wings shalt thou trust under whose wings thou art come which hath wings shall tell wings on high wings on high wings over <2CH5 -:8 > wings thereof wings thereof were plucked woman were given two wings