English Theasurus that shows all the ways the English word is translated from the original Greek and Hebrew.

English Theasurus from the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary

Chorazin 5523 ** Chorazin ** {Chorazin}.

gazing 2301 ** theatrizo ** make a {gazing} stock.

gazingstock 7210 ro/iy -- -- {gazingstock}, look to, (that) see(-th).

Ittahkazin 6278 -- \Eth Qatsiyn -- {Ittah-kazin} [by including directive enclitic].

Rezin 7526 R@tsiyn -- -- {Rezin}.

sneezing 5846 -- \atiyshah -- {sneezing}.

Zin 6790 -- Tsin -- {Zin}.

Zina 2126 -- Ziyna/ -- {Zina}.