Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

audience 00241 ## 'ozen {o'- zen} ; from 00238 ; broadness . i . e . (concrete) the ear (from its form in man) : -- + advertise , {audience} , + displease , ear , hearing , + show .

audience 04928 ## mishma` ath {mish-mah'- ath} ; fem . of 04926 ; {audience} , i . e . the royal court ; also obedience , i . e . (concr .) a subject : -- bidding , guard , obey .

audience 08088 ## shema` {shay'- mah} ; from 08085 ; something heard , i . e . a sound , rumor , announcement ; abstractly , {audience} : -- bruit , fame , hear (- ing) , loud , report , speech , tidings .

audience 0189 - akoe {ak-o-ay'}; from 0191; hearing (the act, the sense or the thing heard): -- {audience}, ear, fame, which ye heard, hearing, preached, report, rumor.

audience 0191 - akouo {ak-oo'-o}; a primary verb; to hear (in various senses): -- give (in the) {audience} (of), come (to the ears), ( [shall]) hear(-er, -ken), be noised, be reported, understand.

audience-room 0201 - akroaterion {ak-ro-at-ay'-ree-on}; from 0202; an {audience-room}: -- place of hearing.

audience-room 2302 - theatron {theh'-at-ron}; from 2300; a place for public show ( " theatre " ), i.e. general {audience-room}; by implication, a show itself (figuratively): -- spectacle, theatre.