Bezer 1Ch_07_37 /^{Bezer /and Hod , and Shamma
, and Shilshah , and Ithran , and Beera .

Bezer Deu_04_43 /^{Bezer /in the wilderness ,
in the plain country , of the Reubenites ; and Ramoth in Gilead ,
of the Gadites ; and Golan in Bashan , of the Manassites .

Bezer Jos_20_08 /^{Bezer /in the wilderness
upon the plain out of the tribe of Reuben , and Ramoth in Gilead
out of the tribe of Gad , and Golan in Bashan out of the tribe
of Manasseh .

Bezer 1Ch_06_78 /^{Bezer /in the wilderness
with her suburbs , and Jahzah with her suburbs ,

Bezer Jos_21_36 /^{Bezer /with her suburbs,
and Jahazah with her suburbs,
