bright 0216 ## >owr {ore}; from 215; illumination or (concrete)
luminary (in every sense, including lightning, happiness, etc.):
-- {bright}, clear, + day, light (-ning), morning, sun. [ql

bright 0925 ## bahiyr {baw-here'}; from an unused root (meaning
to be bright); shining: -- {bright}. [ql

bright 0934 ## bohereth {bo-heh'-reth}; feminine active
participle of the same as 925; a whitish spot on the skin: --
{bright} spot. [ql

bright 1300 ## baraq {baw-rawk'}; from 1299; lightning; by
analogy, a gleam; concretely, a flashing sword: -- {bright},
glitter(-ing sword), lightning. [ql

bright 1305 ## barar {baw-rar'}; a primitive root; to clarify (i.
e. brighten), examine, select: -- make {bright}, choice, chosen,
cleanse (be clean), clearly, polished, (shew self) pure(-ify),
purge (out). [ql

bright 2385 ## chaziyz {khaw-zeez'}; from an unused root meaning
to glare; a flash of lightning: -- {bright} cloud, lightning. [ql

bright 3851 ## lahab {lah'-hab}; from an usused root meaning to
gleam; a flash; figuratively, a sharply polished blade or point
of a weapon: -- blade, {bright}, flame, glittering. [ql

bright 3974 ## ma>owr {maw-ore'}; or ma>or {maw-ore'}; also (in
plural) feminine m@>owrah {meh-o-raw'}; or m@orah {meh-o-raw'};
from 2l5; properly, a luminous body or luminary, i.e .
(abstractly) light (as an element): figuratively, brightness, i.
e.cheerfulness; specifically, a chandelier: -- {bright}, light

bright 4803 ## marat {maw-rat'}; a primitive root; to polish; by
implication, to make bald (the head), to gall (the shoulder);
also, to sharpen: -- {bright}, furbish, (have his) hair (be)
fallen off, peeled, pluck off (hair).[ql

bright 4838 ## maraq {maw-rak'}; a primitive root; to polish; by
implication, to sharpen; also to rinse: -- {bright}, furbish,

bright 5051 ## nogahh {no'-gah}; from 5050; brilliancy
(literally or figuratively): -- {bright}(-ness), light, (clear)

bright 6219 ## polished: -- {bright}.[ql

bright 6247 ## {bright}.[ql bright 7043 ## qalal {kaw-lal'}; a primitive root;
to be (causatively, make) light, literally (swift, small, sharp,
etc.) or figuratively (easy, trifling, vile, etc.): -- abate,
make {bright}, bring into contempt, (ac-)curse, despise, (be)
ease(-y, -ier), (be a, make, make somewhat, move, seem a, set)
light(-en, -er, -ly, -ly afflict, -ly esteem, thing), X slight[-
ly], be swift(-er), (be, be more, make, re-)vile, whet.[ql

bright 0796 # astrape {as-trap-ay'}; from 797; lightning; by
analogy, glare: -- lightning, {bright} shining.[ql

bright 2986 # lampros {lam-pros'}; from the same as 2985;
radiant; by analogy, limpid; figuratively, magnificent or
sumptuous (in appearance): -- {bright}, clear, gay, goodly,
gorgeous, white.[ql

bright 5460 # photeinos {fo-ti-nos'}; from 5457; lustrous, i.e.
transparent or well-illuminated (figuratively): -- {bright},
full of light.[ql

brightness 2096 ## zohar {zo'-har}; from 2094; brilliancy: --
{brightness}. [ql

brightness 2122 ## ziyv (Aramaic) {zeev}; corresponding to 2099;
(figuratively) cheerfulness: -- {brightness}, countenance. [ql

brightness 3314 ## yiph (figuratively) beauty: -- {brightness}. [ql

brightness 3368 ## yaqar {yaw-kawr'}; from 3365; valuable (obj.
or subj.): -- {brightness}, clear, costly, excellent, fat,
honourable women, precious, reputation. [ql

brightness 5054 ## n@gohah {neg-o-haw'}; feminine of 5051;
splendor: -- {brightness}.[ql

brightness 0541 # apaugasma {ap-ow'-gas-mah}; from a compound of
575 and 826; an off-flash, i.e. effulgence: -- {brightness}.[ql

brightness 2015 # epiphaneia {ep-if-an'-i-ah}; from 2016; a
manifestation, i.e. (specially) the advent of Christ (past or
future): -- appearing, {brightness}.[ql

brightness 2987 # lamprotes {lam-prot'-ace}; from 2986;
brilliancy: -- {brightness}.[ql
