calvary , LU , 23:33


Calvary 2898 # kranion {kran-ee'-on}; diminutive of a
derivative of the base of 2768; a skull ("cranium"): --
{Calvary}, skull.[ql


Calvary Interlinear Index Study

Calvary LUK 023 033 And when 3753 -hote - they were come LUK
0565 -aperchomai - to the place 5117 -topos - , which 3588 -ho -
is called 2564 -kaleo - {Calvary} 2898 -kranion - , there 1563 -
ekei - they crucified 4717 -stauroo - him , and the malefactors
2557 -kakourgos - , one 3303 -men - on 1537 -ek - the right 1188
-dexios - hand , and the other 3739 -hos - on 1537 -ek - the
left LUK 0710 -aristeros - .


which is called calvary




Calvary 2898 ** kranion ** {Calvary}, skull.


Calvary ......... Calvary 2898 -kranion->



Calvary 2898 # kranion {kran-ee'-on}; diminutive of a
derivative of the base of 2768; a skull ("cranium"): --
{Calvary}, skull.[ql


Calvary 023 033 Luk /${Calvary /there they
crucified him , and the malefactors , one on the right hand ,
and the other on the left .

