carnal 4559 # sarkikos {sar-kee-kos'}; from 4561; pertaining to
flesh, i.e. (by extension) bodily, temporal, or (by implication)
animal, unregenerate: -- {carnal}, fleshly.[ql

carnal 4561 # sarx {sarx}; probably from the base of 4563; flesh
(as stripped of the skin), i.e. (strictly) the meat of an animal
(as food), or (by extension) the body (as opposed to the soul
[or spirit], or as the symbol of what is external, or as the
means of kindred), or (by implication) human nature (with its
frailties [physically or morally] and passions), or
(specifically) a human being (as such): -- {carnal}(-ly, + -ly
minded), flesh([-ly]).[ql

carnally 2233 ## zera< {zeh'-rah}; from 2232; seed; figuratively,
fruit, plant, sowing-time, posterity: -- X {carnally}, child,
fruitful, seed(-time), sowing- time. [ql

carnally 7902 ## sh@kabah {shek-aw-baw'}; from 7901; a lying
down (of dew, or for the sexual act): -- X {carnally},
copulation, X lay, seed.[ql

carnally 5427 # phronema {fron'-ay-mah}; from 5426; (mental)
inclination or purpose: -- (be, + be {carnally}, + be
spiritually) mind(-ed).[ql
