castle Act_22_24 /${castle /and bade that he
should be examined by scourging ; that he might know wherefore
they cried so against him .

castle Act_23_16 /${castle /and told Paul .

castle Act_21_37 /${castle /he said unto the
chief captain , May I speak unto thee ? Who said , Canst thou
speak Greek ?

castle 1Ch_11_05 /^{castle /of Zion , which is
the city of David .

castle 1Ch_11_07 /^{castle /therefore they
called it the city of David .

castles 2Ch_17_12 /^{castles /and cities of store

castles 2Ch_27_04 /^{castles /and towers .

castles 1Ch_06_54 /^{castles /in their coasts ,
of the sons of Aaron , of the families of the Kohathites : for
theirs was the lot .

castles Gen_25_16 /^{castles /twelve princes
according to their nations .

castles 1Ch_27_25 /^{castles /was Jehonathan the
son of Uzziah :

castles Num_31_10 /^{castles /with fire .
