caught Jud_08_14 /^{caught /a young man of the
men of Succoth , and enquired of him: and he described unto him
the princes of Succoth , and the elders thereof, even threescore
and seventeen men .

caught Act_27_15 /${caught /and could not bear
up into the wind , we let her drive .

caught Jud_21_23 /^{caught /and they went and
returned unto their inheritance , and repaired the cities , and
dwelt in them.

caught Act_08_39 /${caught /away Philip , that
the eunuch saw him no more : and he went on his way rejoicing .

caught Jer_50_24 /^{caught /because thou hast
striven against the LORD .

caught 2Sa_02_16 /^{caught /every one his fellow
by the head , and thrust his sword in his fellow's side ; so
they fell down together : wherefore that place was called
Helkathhazzurim , which is in Gibeon .

caught Act_19_29 /${caught /Gaius and
Aristarchus , men of Macedonia , Paul's companions in travel ,
they rushed with one accord into the theatre .

caught Act_06_12 /${caught /him , and brought
him to the council ,

caught Mat_21_39 /${caught /him , and cast him
out of the vineyard , and slew him.

caught Mat_14_31 /${caught /him , and said unto
him , O thou of little faith , wherefore didst thou doubt ?

caught Luk_08_29 /${caught /him : and he was
kept bound with chains and in fetters ; and he brake the bands ,
and was driven of the devil into the wilderness .

caught 1Sa_17_35 /^{caught /him by his beard ,
and smote him, and slew him.

caught Gen_39_12 /^{caught /him by his garment ,
saying , Lie with me: and he left his garment in her hand , and
fled , and got him out .

caught 2Ki_04_27 /^{caught /him by the feet :
but Gehazi came near to thrust her away . And the man of God
said , Let her alone ; for her soul is vexed within her: and the
LORD hath hid it from me, and hath not told me.

caught Mar_12_03 /${caught /him, and beat him ,
and sent him away empty .

caught Jud_01_06 /^{caught /him, and cut off
his thumbs and his great toes .

caught Pro_07_13 /^{caught /him, and kissed him,
and with an impudent face said unto him,

caught 2Ch_22_09 /^{caught /him, in Samaria ,
and brought him to Jehu : and when they had slain him, they
buried him: Because, said they, he is the son of Jehoshaphat ,
who sought the LORD with all his heart . So the house of Ahaziah
had no power to keep still the kingdom .

caught 2Sa_18_09 /^{caught /hold of the oak ,
and he was taken up between the heaven and the earth ; and the
mule that was under him went away .

caught 1Ki_01_51 /^{caught /hold on the horns
of the altar , saying , Let king Solomon swear unto me to day
that he will not slay his servant with the sword .

caught 1Ki_01_50 /^{caught /hold on the horns
of the altar .

caught 1Ki_02_28 /^{caught /hold on the horns
of the altar .

caught Gen_22_13 /^{caught /in a thicket by his
horns : and Abraham went and took the ram , and offered him up
for a burnt offering in the stead of his son .

caught Ecc_09_12 /^{caught /in the snare ; so
are the sons of men snared in an evil time , when it falleth
suddenly upon them.

caught Exo_04_04 /^{caught /it, and it became a
rod in his hand :

caught Act_26_21 /${caught /me in the temple ,
and went about to kill me.

caught Joh_21_03 /${caught /nothing .

caught Act_16_19 /${caught /Paul and Silas ,
and drew them into the marketplace unto the rulers ,

caught 1Ki_11_30 /^{caught /the new garment
that was on him, and rent it in twelve pieces :

caught Jud_15_04 /^{caught /three hundred foxes
, and took firebrands , and turned tail to tail , and put a
firebrand in the midst between two tails .

caught 2Co_12_04 /${caught /up into paradise ,
and heard unspeakable words , which it is not lawful for a man
to utter .

caught 2Co_12_02 /${caught /up to the third
heaven .

caught 1Th_04_17 /${caught /up together with
them in the clouds , to meet the Lord in the air : and so shall
we ever be with the Lord .

caught Rev_12_05 /${caught /up unto God , and
to his throne .

caught Num_31_32 /^{caught /was six hundred
thousand and seventy thousand and five thousand sheep ,

caught 2Co_12_16 /${caught /you with guile .
