cellars , 1CH , 27:27 , 1CH , 27:28



cellars Interlinear Index Study

cellars 1CH 027 027 And over <05921 + the vineyards <03754
+kerem > [ was ] Shimei <08096 +Shim the Ramathite <07435
+Ramathiy > : over <05921 + the increase of the vineyards
<03754 +kerem > for the wine <03196 +yayin > {cellars} <00214
+>owtsar > [ was ] Zabdi <02067 +Zabdiy > the Shiphmite <08225
+Shiphmiy > :

cellars 1CH 027 028 And over <05921 + the olive <02132
+zayith > trees and the sycomore <08256 +shaqam > trees that [
were ] in the low <08219 +sh@phelah > plains <08219 +sh@phelah >
[ was ] Baalhanan <01177 +Ba the Gederite <01451
+G@deriy > : and over <05921 + the {cellars} <00214
+>owtsar > of oil <08081 +shemen > [ was ] Joash <03135 +Yow > :


wine cellars <1CH27 -:27 >

- cellars , 0214 ,



cellars -0214 armoury , {cellars} , garners , store ,
storehouse , storehouses , treasure , treasures , treasuries ,
treasury ,






cellars 027 028 ICh /^{cellars /of oil was
Joash :

cellars 027 027 ICh /^{cellars /was Zabdi the
Shiphmite :

