chaff 2842 ## chashash {khaw-shash'}; by variation for 7179; dry
grass: -- {chaff}. [ql

chaff 4671 ## mots {motes}; or mowts (Zephaniah 2:2) {motes};
from 4160; chaff (as pressed out, i.e. winnowed or [rather]
threshed loose): -- {chaff}.[ql

chaff 5784 ## {chaff}.[ql

chaff 8401 ## teben {teh'-ben}; probably from 1129; properly,
material, i.e. (specifically) refuse haum or stalks of grain (as
chopped in threshing and used for fodder): -- {chaff}, straw,

chaff 0892 # achuron {akh'-oo-ron}; perhaps remotely from cheo
(to shed forth); chaff (as diffusive): -- {chaff}.[ql
