chain 0685 ## >ets properly, a step-chain; by analogy, a bracelet: -- bracelet,
{chain}. [ql

chain 2002 ## hamniyk (Aramaic) {ham-neek'}; but the text is
hamuwnek {ham-oo-nayk'}; of foreign origin; a necklace: --
{chain}. [ql

chain 2131 ## ziyqah (Isa. 50:ll) {zee-kaw'} (feminine); and ziq
{zeek}; or zeq {zake}; from 2187; properly, what leaps forth, i.
e. flash of fire, or a burning arrow; also (from the original
sense of the root) a bond: -- {chain}, fetter, firebrand, spark.

chain 2397 ## chach {khawkh}; once (Ezek. 29:4) chachiy {khakh-
ee'}; from the same as 2336; a ring for the nose (or lips): --
bracelet, {chain}, hook. [ql

chain 2737 ## charuwz {khaw-rooz'}; from an unused root meaning
to perforate; properly, pierced, i.e. a bead of pearl, gems or
jewels (as strung): -- {chain}. [ql

chain 3574 ## kowsharah {ko-shaw-raw'}; from 3787; prosperity;
in plural freedom: -- X {chain}. [ql

chain 5178 ## n@chosheth {nekh-o'-sheth}; for 5154; copper,
hence, something made of that metal, i.e. coin, a fetter;
figuratively, base (as compared with gold or silver): -- brasen,
brass, {chain}, copper, fetter (of brass), filthiness, steel.[ql

chain 5188 ## n@tiyphah {net-ee-faw'}; from 5197; a pendant for
the ears (especially of pearls): -- {chain}, collar.[ql

chain 5688 ## (feminine) intwined, i.e. a string, wreath or foliage: -- band, cord, rope,
thick bough (branch), wreathen ({chain}).[ql

chain 6059 ## choke; used only as denominative from 6060, to collar, i.e.
adorn with a necklace; figuratively, to fit out with supplies: --
compass about as a {chain}, furnish, liberally.[ql

chain 6060 ## strangling): -- {chain}.[ql

chain 7242 ## rabiyd {raw-beed'}; from 7234; a collar (as spread
around the neck): -- {chain}.[ql

chain 7569 ## rattowq {rat-toke'}; from 7576; a chain: --
{chain}.[ql chain 7572 ## rattiyqah {rat-tee-kaw'}; from 7576; a
chain: -- {chain}.[ql

chain 7577 ## r@thuqah {reth-oo-kaw'}; feminine passive
participle of 7576; something fastened, i.e. a chain: -- {chain}.

chain 8331 ## sharshah {shar-shaw'}; from 8327; a chain (as
rooted, i.e. linked): -- {chain}. Compare 8333.[ql

chain 8333 ## sharah@rah {shar-sher-aw'}; from 8327 [compare
8331]; a chain; (arch.) probably a garland: -- {chain}.[ql

chain 0254 # halusis {hal'-oo-sis}; of uncertain derivation; a
fetter or manacle: -- bonds, {chain}.[ql

chain 1199 # desmon {des-mon'}; or desmos {des-mos'}; neuter and
masculine respectively from 1210; a band, i.e. ligament (of the
body) or shackle (of a prisoner); figuratively, an impediment or
disability: -- band, bond, {chain}, string.[ql

chain 4577 # seira {si-rah'}; probably from 4951 through its
congener eiro (to fasten; akin to 138); a chain (as binding or
drawing): -- {chain}.[ql

chains 0246 ## >aziqqiym {az-ik-keem'}; a variation for 2131;
manacles: -- {chains}. [ql
