chase Deu_32_30 /^{chase /a thousand , and two
put ten thousand to flight , except their Rock had sold them ,
and the LORD had shut them up ?

chase Jos_23_10 /^{chase /a thousand : for the
LORD your God , he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath
promised you.

chase Lev_26_08 /^{chase /an hundred , and an
hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight : and your
enemies shall fall before you by the sword .

chase Psa_35_05 /^{chase /them.

chase Lev_26_36 /^{chase /them; and they shall
flee , as fleeing from a sword ; and they shall fall when none
pursueth .

chase Lev_26_07 /^{chase /your enemies , and
they shall fall before you by the sword .

chased Isa_17_13 /^{chased /as the chaff of the
mountains before the wind , and like a rolling thing before the
whirlwind .

chased Job_20_08 /^{chased /away as a vision of
the night .

chased Neh_13_28 /^{chased /him from me.

chased Jud_09_40 /^{chased /him, and he fled
before him, and many were overthrown and wounded , even unto the
entering of the gate .

chased Lam_03_52 /^{chased /me sore , like a
bird , without cause .

chased Job_18_18 /^{chased /out of the world .

chased Isa_13_14 /^{chased /roe , and as a
sheep that no man taketh up : they shall every man turn to his
own people , and flee every one into his own land .

chased Jos_10_10 /^{chased /them along the way
that goeth up to Bethhoron , and smote them to Azekah , and unto
Makkedah .

chased Jos_07_05 /^{chased /them from before
the gate even unto Shebarim , and smote them in the going down :
wherefore the hearts of the people melted , and became as water .

chased Jos_11_08 /^{chased /them unto great
Zidon , and unto Misrephothmaim , and unto the valley of Mizpeh
eastward ; and they smote them, until they left them none
remaining .

chased Jud_20_43 /^{chased /them, and trode
them down with ease over against Gibeah toward the sunrising .

chased Jos_08_24 /^{chased /them, and when they
were all fallen on the edge of the sword , until they were
consumed , that all the Israelites returned unto Ai , and smote
it with the edge of the sword .

chased Deu_01_44 /^{chased /you, as bees do ,
and destroyed you in Seir , even unto Hormah .

chaseth Pro_19_26 /^{chaseth /away his mother ,
is a son that causeth shame , and bringeth reproach .

purchase Jer_32_12 /^{purchase /before all the
Jews that sat in the court of the prison .

purchase Jer_32_11 /^{purchase /both that which
was sealed according to the law and custom , and that which was
open :

purchase Jer_32_14 /^{purchase /both which is
sealed , and this evidence which is open ; and put them in an
earthen vessel , that they may continue many days .

purchase Gen_49_32 /^{purchase /of the field and
of the cave that is therein was from the children of Heth .

purchase Lev_25_33 /^{purchase /of the Levites ,
then the house that was sold , and the city of his possession ,
shall go out in the year of jubile : for the houses of the
cities of the Levites are their possession among the children of
Israel .

purchase 1Ti_03_13 /${purchase /to themselves a
good degree , and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ
Jesus .

purchase Jer_32_16 /^{purchase /unto Baruch the
son of Neriah , I prayed unto the LORD , saying ,

purchase Jer_32_12 /^{purchase /unto Baruch the
son of Neriah , the son of Maaseiah , in the sight of Hanameel
mine uncle's son, and in the presence of the witnesses that
subscribed the book of the purchase , before all the Jews that
sat in the court of the prison .

purchased Act_01_18 /${purchased /a field with the
reward of iniquity ; and falling headlong , he burst asunder in
the midst , and all his bowels gushed out .

purchased Psa_74_02 /^{purchased /of old ; the rod
of thine inheritance , which thou hast redeemed ; this mount
Zion , wherein thou hast dwelt .

purchased Gen_25_10 /^{purchased /of the sons of
Heth : there was Abraham buried , and Sarah his wife .

purchased Eph_01_14 /${purchased /possession ,
unto the praise of his glory .

purchased Rut_04_10 /^{purchased /to be my wife ,
to raise up the name of the dead upon his inheritance , that the
name of the dead be not cut off from among his brethren , and
from the gate of his place : ye are witnesses this day .

purchased Act_20_28 /${purchased /with his own
blood .

purchased Act_08_20 /${purchased /with money .
