Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

+Cheth 13_1CH_01_13 And Canaan (03667 +K@na(an ) begat (03205 +yalad ) Zidon (06721 +Tsiydown ) his firstborn (01060 +b@kowr ) , and Heth (02845 {+Cheth} ) ,

+Cheth 01_GEN_10_15 . And Canaan (03667 +K@na(an ) begat (03205 +yalad ) Sidon (06721 +Tsiydown ) his firstborn (01060 +b@kowr ) , and Heth (02845 {+Cheth} ) ,

+Cheth 01_GEN_23_03 . And Abraham (85) stood (06965 +quwm ) up from before his dead (04191 +muwth ) , and spake (01696 +dabar ) unto the sons (01121 +ben ) of Heth (02845 {+Cheth} ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) ,

+Cheth 01_GEN_23_05 And the children (01121 +ben ) of Heth (02845 {+Cheth} ) answered (06030 +(anah ) Abraham (85) , saying (00559 +)amar ) unto him ,

+Cheth 01_GEN_23_07 And Abraham (85) stood (06965 +quwm ) up , and bowed (07812 +shachah ) himself to the people (05971 +(am ) of the land (00776 +)erets ) , [ even ] to the children (01121 +ben ) of Heth (02845 {+Cheth} ) .

+Cheth 01_GEN_23_10 And Ephron (06085 +(Ephrown ) dwelt (03427 +yashab ) among (08432 +tavek ) the children (01121 +ben ) of Heth (02845 +Cheth ):and Ephron (06085 +(Ephrown ) the Hittite (02850 +Chittiy ) answered (06030 +(anah ) Abraham (85) in the audience (00241 +)ozen ) of the children (01121 +ben ) of Heth (02845 {+Cheth} ) , [ even ] of all (03605 +kol ) that went (00935 +bow) ) in at the gate (08179 +sha(ar ) of his city (05892 +(iyr ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) ,

+Cheth 01_GEN_23_10 And Ephron (06085 +(Ephrown ) dwelt (03427 +yashab ) among (08432 +tavek ) the children (01121 +ben ) of Heth (02845 {+Cheth} ):and Ephron (06085 +(Ephrown ) the Hittite (02850 +Chittiy ) answered (06030 +(anah ) Abraham (85) in the audience (00241 +)ozen ) of the children (01121 +ben ) of Heth (02845 +Cheth ) , [ even ] of all (03605 +kol ) that went (00935 +bow) ) in at the gate (08179 +sha(ar ) of his city (05892 +(iyr ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) ,

+Cheth 01_GEN_23_16 . And Abraham (85) hearkened (08085 +shama( ) unto Ephron (06085 +(Ephrown ) ; and Abraham weighed (08254 +shaqal ) to Ephron (06085 +(Ephrown ) the silver (03701 +keceph ) , which (00834 +)aher ) he had named (01696 +dabar ) in the audience (00241 +)ozen ) of the sons (01121 +ben ) of Heth (02845 {+Cheth} ) , four (00702 +)arba( ) hundred (03967 +me)ah ) shekels (08255 +sheqel ) of silver (03701 +keceph ) , current (05674 +(abar ) [ money (03701 +keceph ) ] with the merchant .

+Cheth 01_GEN_23_18 Unto Abraham (85) for a possession (04736 +miqnah ) in the presence (05869 +(ayin ) of the children (01121 +ben ) of Heth (02845 {+Cheth} ) , before (06440 +paniym ) all (03605 +kol ) that went (00935 +bow) ) in at the gate (08179 +sha(ar ) of his city (05892 +(iyr ) .

+Cheth 01_GEN_23_20 And the field (07704 +sadeh ) , and the cave (04631 +m@(arah ) that [ is ] therein , were made sure (06965 +quwm ) unto Abraham (85) for a possession (00272 +)achuzzah ) of a buryingplace (06913 +qeber ) by the sons (01121 +ben ) of Heth (02845 {+Cheth} ) .

+Cheth 01_GEN_25_10 The field (07704 +sadeh ) which (00834 +)aher ) Abraham (85) purchased (07069 +qanah ) of the sons (01121 +ben ) of Heth (02845 {+Cheth} ):there (08033 +sham ) was Abraham (85) buried (06912 +qabar ) , and Sarah (08283 +Sarah ) his wife (00802 +)ishshah ) .

+Cheth 01_GEN_27_46 And Rebekah (07259 +Ribqah ) said (00559 +)amar ) to Isaac (03327 +Yitschaq ) , I am weary (06973 +quwts ) of my life (02416 +chay ) because (06440 +paniym ) of the daughters (01363 +gobahh ) of Heth (02845 +Cheth ):if (00518 +)im ) Jacob (03290 +Ya(aqob ) take (03947 +laqach ) a wife (00802 +)ishshah ) of the daughters (01363 +gobahh ) of Heth (02845 {+Cheth} ) , such as these (00428 +)el - leh ) [ which (00834 +)aher ) are ] of the daughters (01363 +gobahh ) of the land (00776 +)erets ) , what (04100 +mah ) good shall my life (02416 +chay ) do me ?

+Cheth 01_GEN_27_46 And Rebekah (07259 +Ribqah ) said (00559 +)amar ) to Isaac (03327 +Yitschaq ) , I am weary (06973 +quwts ) of my life (02416 +chay ) because (06440 +paniym ) of the daughters (01363 +gobahh ) of Heth (02845 {+Cheth} ):if (00518 +)im ) Jacob (03290 +Ya(aqob ) take (03947 +laqach ) a wife (00802 +)ishshah ) of the daughters (01363 +gobahh ) of Heth (02845 +Cheth ) , such as these (00428 +)el - leh ) [ which (00834 +)aher ) are ] of the daughters (01363 +gobahh ) of the land (00776 +)erets ) , what (04100 +mah ) good shall my life (02416 +chay ) do me ?

+Cheth 01_GEN_49_32 The purchase (04736 +miqnah ) of the field (07704 +sadeh ) and of the cave (04631 +m@(arah ) that [ is ] therein [ was ] from the children (01121 +ben ) of Heth (02845 {+Cheth} ) .

+Chethlon 26_EZE_47_15 And this (02088 +zeh ) [ shall be ] the border (01366 +g@buwl ) of the land (00776 +)erets ) toward the north (06828 +tsaphown ) side (06285 +pe)ah ) , from the great (01419 +gadowl ) sea (03220 +yam ) , the way (01870 +derek ) of Hethlon (02855 {+Chethlon} ) , as men go (00935 +bow) ) to Zedad (06657 +Ts@dad ) ;

+Chethlon 26_EZE_48_01 . Now these (00428 +)el - leh ) [ are ] the names (08034 +shem ) of the tribes(07626 +shebet ) . From the north (06828 +tsaphown ) end (07097 +qatseh ) to the coast (03027 +yad ) of the way (01870 +derek ) of Hethlon (02855 {+Chethlon} ) , as one goeth (00935 +bow) ) to Hamath (02574 +Chamath ) , Hazarenan (02704 +Chatsar (Eynan ) , the border (01366 +g@buwl ) of Damascus (01834 +Dammeseq ) northward (06828 +tsaphown ) , to the coast (03027 +yad ) of Hamath (02574 +Chamath ) ; for these are his sides (06285 +pe)ah ) east (06921 +qadiym ) [ and ] west (03220 +yam ) ; a [ portion for ] Dan (01835 +Dan ) .

+mashcheth 26_EZE_09_01 . He cried (07121 +qara) ) also in mine ears (00241 +)ozen ) with a loud (01419 +gadowl ) voice (06963 +qowl ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) , Cause them that have charge (06486 +p@quddah ) over the city (05892 +(iyr ) to draw near (07126 +qarab ) , even every man (00376 +)iysh ) [ with ] his destroying (04892 {+mashcheth} ) weapon (03627 +k@liy ) in his hand (03027 +yad ) .

+nacheth 12_2KI_06_09 And the man (00376 +)iysh ) of God (00430 +)elohiym ) sent (07971 +shalach ) unto the king (04428 +melek ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) , Beware (08104 +shamar ) that thou pass (05674 +(abar ) not such (02088 +zeh ) a place (04725 +maqowm ) ; for thither (08033 +sham ) the Syrians (00758 +)Aram ) are come (05185 {+nacheth} ) down (05181 +nachath ) .

+p@chetheth 03_LEV_13_55 And the priest (03548 +kohen ) shall look (07200 +ra)ah ) on the plague (05061 +nega( ) , after (00310 +)achar ) that it is washed (03526 +kabac ) : and , behold (02009 +hinneh ) , [ if ] the plague (05061 +nega( ) have not changed (02015 +haphak ) his colour (05869 +(ayin ) , and the plague (05061 +nega( ) be not spread (06581 +pasah ) ; it [ is ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) ; thou shalt burn (08313 +saraph ) it in the fire (00784 +)esh ) ; it [ is ] fret (06356 {+p@chetheth} ) inward , [ whether ] it [ be ] bare (07146 +qarachath ) within (07146 +qarachath ) or (00176 +)ow ) without (01372 +gabbachath ) .

2863chetheph 20_PRO_23_28 She also (00637 +)aph ) lieth in wait (00693 +)arab ) as [ for ] a prey ({2863chetheph} ) , and increaseth (03254 +yacaph ) the transgressors (00898 +bagad ) among men (00120 +)adam ) .

CHETH 19_PSA_119_057 . {CHETH} . [ Thou art ] my portion (02506 +cheleq ) , O LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ):I have said (00559 +)amar ) that I would keep (08104 +shamar ) thy words (01697 +dabar ) .

Shallecheth 13_1CH_26_16 To Shuppim (08206 +Shuppiym ) and Hosah (02621 +Chocah ) [ the lot came forth ] westward (04628 +ma(arab ) , with the gate (08179 +sha(ar ) {Shallecheth} (07996 +Shalleketh ) , by the causeway (04546 +m@cillah ) of the going (05927 +(alah ) up , ward (04929 +mishmar ) against (05984 +(Ammowniy ) ward (04929 +mishmar ) .

Zowcheth 13_1CH_04_20 And the sons (01121 +ben ) of Shimon (07889 +Shiymown ) [ were ] , Amnon (00550 +)Amnown ) , and Rinnah (07441 +Rinnah ) , Benhanan (01135 +Ben - Chanan ) , and Tilon (08436 +Tuwlon ) . And the sons (01121 +ben ) of Ishi (03469 +Yish(iy ) [ were ] , Zoheth , and Benzoheth (01132 +Ben - {Zowcheth} ) .

approacheth 42_LUK_12_33 Sell 4453 -poleo - that ye have 5224 -huparchonta - , and give 1325 -didomi - alms 1654 -eleemosune - ; provide 4160 -poieo - yourselves 1438 -heautou - bags 0905 -balantion - which wax 3822 -palaioo - not old 3822 -palaioo - , a treasure 2344 -thesauros - in the heavens 3772 -ouranos - that faileth 0413 -anekleiptos - not , where 3699 -hopou - no 3756 -ou - thief 2812 -kleptes - {approacheth} 1448 -eggizo - , neither 3761 -oude - moth 4597 -ses - corrupteth 1311 -diaphtheiro - .

catcheth 43_JOH_10_12 But he that is an hireling (3411 -misthotos -) , and not the shepherd (4166 -poimen -) , whose (3739 -hos -) own (2398 -idios -) the sheep (4263 -probaton -) are not , seeth (2334 -theoreo -) the wolf (3074 -lukos -) coming (2064 -erchomai -) , and leaveth (0863 -aphiemi -) the sheep (4263 -probaton -) , and fleeth (5343 -pheugo -):and the wolf (3074 -lukos -) {catcheth} (0726 -harpazo -) them , and scattereth (4650 -skorpizo -) the sheep (4263 -probaton -) .

catcheth 03_LEV_17_13 And whatsoever man (00376 +)iysh ) [ there be ] of the children (01121 +ben ) of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , or of the strangers (01616 +ger ) that sojourn (01481 +guwr ) among (08432 +tavek ) you , which (00834 +)aher ) hunteth (06679 +tsuwd ) and {catcheth} (06679 +tsuwd ) any beast (02416 +chay ) or (00176 +)ow ) fowl (05775 +(owph ) that may be eaten (00398 +)akal ) ; he shall even pour (08210 +shaphak ) out the blood (01818 +dam ) thereof , and cover (03680 +kacah ) it with dust (06083 +(aphar )

catcheth 40_MAT_13_19 When any (3956 -pas -) one heareth (0191 -akouo -) the word (3056 -logos -) of the kingdom (0932 -basileia -) , and understandeth (4920 -suniemi -) [ it ] not , then cometh (2064 -erchomai -) the wicked (4190 -poneros -) [ one ] , and {catcheth} (0726 -harpazo -) away (0726 -harpazo -) that which (3588 -ho -) was sown (4687 -speiro -) in his heart (2588 -kardia -) . This (3778 -houtos -) is he which (3588 -ho -) received (4687 -speiro -) seed (4687 -speiro -) by the way (3598 -hodos -) side (3844 -para -) .

coucheth 05_DEU_33_13 And of Joseph (03130 +Yowceph ) he said (00559 +)amar ) , Blessed (01288 +barak ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) [ be ] his land (00776 +)erets ) , for the precious (04022 +meged ) things of heaven (08064 +shamayim ) , for the dew (02919 +tal ) , and for the deep (08415 +t@howm ) that {coucheth} (07257 +rabats ) beneath (08478 +tachath ) ,

croucheth 19_PSA_10_10 He {croucheth} (01794 +dakah ) , [ and ] humbleth (07817 +shachach ) himself , that the poor (02489 +chel@ka) ) may fall (05307 +naphal ) by his strong (06099 +(atsuwm ) ones .

fetcheth 05_DEU_19_05 As when (00834 +)aher ) a man goeth (00935 +bow) ) into the wood (03293 +ya(ar ) with his neighbour (07453 +rea( ) to hew (02404 +chatab ) wood (06086 +(ets ) , and his hand (03027 +yad ) {fetcheth} (05080 +nadach ) a stroke with the axe (01631 +garzen ) to cut (03772 +karath ) down the tree (06086 +(ets ) , and the head (01270 +barzel ) slippeth (05394 +nashal ) from the helve (06086 +(ets ) , and lighteth (04672 +matsa) ) upon his neighbour (07453 +rea( ) , that he die (04191 +muwth ) ; he shall flee (05127 +nuwc ) unto one (00259 +)echad ) of those (00428 +)el - leh ) cities (05892 +(iyr ) , and live (02425 +chayay ) :

hatcheth 24_JER_17_11 [ As ] the partridge (07124 +qore) ) sitteth (01716 +dagar ) [ on eggs ] , and {hatcheth} (03205 +yalad ) [ them ] not ; [ so ] he that getteth (06213 +(asah ) riches (06239 +(osher ) , and not by right (04941 +mishpat ) , shall leave (05800 +(azab ) them in the midst (02677 +chetsiy ) of his days (03117 +yowm ) , and at his end (00319 +)achariyth ) shall be a fool (05036 +nabal ) .

preacheth 47_2CO_11_04 For if (1487 -ei -) he that cometh (2064 -erchomai -) {preacheth} (2784 -kerusso -) another (0243 -allos -) Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) , whom (3739 -hos -) we have not preached (2784 -kerusso -) , or (2228 -e -) [ if ] ye receive (2983 -lambano -) another (2087 -heteros -) spirit (4151 -pneuma -) , which (3739 -hos -) ye have not received (2983 -lambano -) , or (2228 -e -) another (2087 -heteros -) gospel (2098 -euaggelion -) , which ye have not accepted (1209 -dechomai -) , ye might well (2573 -kalos -) bear (0430 -anechomai -) with [ him ] .

preacheth 44_ACT_19_13 . Then (1161 -de -) certain (5100 -tis -) of the vagabond (4022 -perierchomai -) Jews (2453 -Ioudaios -) , exorcists (1845 -exorkistes -) , took (2021 -epicheireo -) upon them to call (3687 -onomazo -) over (1909 -epi -) them which had (2192 -echo -) evil (4190 -poneros -) spirits (4151 -pneuma -) the name (3686 -onoma -) of the Lord (2962 -kurios -) Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) , saying (3004 -lego -) , We adjure (3726 -horkizo -) you by Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) whom (3739 -hos -) Paul (3972 -Paulos -) {preacheth} (2784 -kerusso -) .

preacheth 48_GAL_01_23 But they had heard (0191 -akouo -) only (3440 -monon -) , That he which persecuted (1377 -dioko -) us in times (4218 -pote -) past now (3568 -nun -) {preacheth} (2097 -euaggelizo -) the faith (4102 -pistis -) which (3739 -hos -) once (4218 -pote -) he destroyed (4199 -portheo -) .

reacheth 14_2CH_28_09 But a prophet (05030 +nabiy) ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) was there (08033 +sham ) , whose name (08034 +shem ) [ was ] Oded (05752 +(Owded ):and he went (03318 +yatsa) ) out before (06440 +paniym ) the host (06635 +tsaba) ) that came (00935 +bow) ) to Samaria (08111 +Shom@rown ) , and said (00559 +)amar ) unto them , Behold (02009 +hinneh ) , because the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) God (00430 +)elohiym ) of your fathers (1) was wroth (02534 +chemah ) with Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) , he hath delivered (05414 +nathan ) them into your hand (03027 +yad ) , and ye have slain (02026 +harag ) them in a rage (02197 +za(aph ) [ that ] {reacheth} (05060 +naga( ) up unto heaven (08064 +shamayim ) .

reacheth 27_DAN_04_22 It [ is ] thou , O king (04430 +melek ) , that art grown (07236 +r@bah ) and become (08631 +t@qeph ) strong (08631 +t@qeph ):for thy greatness (07238 +r@buw ) is grown (07236 +r@bah ) , and {reacheth} (04291 +m@ta) ) unto heaven (08065 +shamayin ) , and thy dominion (07985 +sholtan ) to the end (05491 +cowph ) of the earth (00772 +)ara( ) .

reacheth 24_JER_04_10 Then said (00559 +)amar ) I , Ah (00162 +)ahahh ) , Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) ! surely (00403 +)aken ) thou hast greatly deceived (05377 +nasha) ) this (02088 +zeh ) people (05971 +(am ) and Jerusalem (03389 +Y@ruwshalaim ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) , Ye shall have (01961 +hayah ) peace (07965 +shalowm ) ; whereas the sword (02719 +chereb ) {reacheth} (05060 +naga( ) unto the soul (05315 +nephesh ) .

reacheth 24_JER_04_18 Thy way (01870 +derek ) and thy doings (04611 +ma(alal ) have procured (06213 +(asah ) these (00428 +)el - leh ) [ things ] unto thee ; this (02063 +zo)th ) [ is ] thy wickedness (07451 +ra( ) , because (03588 +kiy ) it is bitter (04751 +mar ) , because (03588 +kiy ) it {reacheth} (05060 +naga( ) unto thine heart (03820 +leb ) .

reacheth 24_JER_51_09 We would have healed (07495 +rapha) ) Babylon (00894 +Babel ) , but she is not healed (07495 +rapha) ):forsake (05800 +(azab ) her , and let us go (03212 +yalak ) every (00376 +)iysh ) one (00376 +)iysh ) into his own country (00776 +)erets ):for her judgment (04941 +mishpat ) {reacheth} (05060 +naga( ) unto heaven (08064 +shamayim ) , and is lifted (05375 +nasa) ) up [ even ] to the skies (07834 +shachaq ) .

reacheth 06_JOS_19_22 And the coast (01366 +g@buwl ) {reacheth} (06293 +paga( ) to Tabor (08396 +Tabowr ) , and Shahazimah (07831 +Shachatsowm ) , and Bethshemesh (01053 +Beyth Shemesh ) ; and the outgoings (08444 +towtsa)ah ) of their border (01366 +g@buwl ) were at Jordan (03383 +Yarden ):sixteen cities (05892 +(iyr ) with their villages (02691 +chatser ) .

reacheth 06_JOS_19_26 And Alammelech (00487 +)Allammelek ) , and Amad (06008 +(Am(ad ) , and Misheal (04861 +Mish)al ) ; and {reacheth} (06293 +paga( ) to Carmel (03760 +Karmel ) westward (03220 +yam ) , and to Shihorlibnath (07884 +Shiychowr Libnath ) ;

reacheth 06_JOS_19_27 And turneth (07725 +shuwb ) toward the sunrising to Bethdagon (01016 +Beyth - Dagown ) , and {reacheth} (06293 +paga( ) to Zebulun (02074 +Z@buwluwn ) , and to the valley (01516 +gay) ) of Jiphthahel (03317 +Yiphtach - )el ) toward the north (06828 +tsaphown ) side of Bethemek (01025 +Beyth ha - (Emeq ) , and Neiel (05272 +N@(iy)el ) , and goeth (03318 +yatsa) ) out to Cabul (03521 +Kabuwl ) on the left (08040 +s@mo)wl ) hand (08040 +s@mo)wl ) ,

reacheth 06_JOS_19_34 And [ then ] the coast (01366 +g@buwl ) turneth (07725 +shuwb ) westward (03220 +yam ) to Aznothtabor (00243 +)Aznowth Tabowr ) , and goeth (03318 +yatsa) ) out from thence (08033 +sham ) to Hukkok (02712 +Chuqqog ) , and reacheth (06293 +paga( ) to Zebulun (02074 +Z@buwluwn ) on the south (05045 +negeb ) side , and {reacheth} (06293 +paga( ) to Asher (00836 +)Asher ) on the west (03220 +yam ) side , and to Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) upon Jordan (03383 +Yarden ) toward the sunrising .

reacheth 06_JOS_19_34 And [ then ] the coast (01366 +g@buwl ) turneth (07725 +shuwb ) westward (03220 +yam ) to Aznothtabor (00243 +)Aznowth Tabowr ) , and goeth (03318 +yatsa) ) out from thence (08033 +sham ) to Hukkok (02712 +Chuqqog ) , and {reacheth} (06293 +paga( ) to Zebulun (02074 +Z@buwluwn ) on the south (05045 +negeb ) side , and reacheth (06293 +paga( ) to Asher (00836 +)Asher ) on the west (03220 +yam ) side , and to Judah (03063 +Y@huwdah ) upon Jordan (03383 +Yarden ) toward the sunrising .

reacheth 04_NUM_21_30 We have shot (03384 +yarah ) at them ; Heshbon (02809 +Cheshbown ) is perished (6) even unto Dibon (01769 +Diybown ) , and we have laid them waste (08074 +shamem ) even unto Nophah (05302 +Nophach ) , which (00834 +)aher ) [ {reacheth} ] unto Medeba (04311 +Meyd@ba) ) .

reacheth 20_PRO_31_20 She stretcheth (06566 +paras ) out her hand (03709 +kaph ) to the poor (06041 +(aniy ) ; yea , she {reacheth} (07971 +shalach ) forth (06566 +paras ) her hands (03027 +yad ) to the needy (34) .

reacheth 19_PSA_108_04 For thy mercy (02617 +checed ) [ is ] great (01419 +gadowl ) above (05921 +(al ) the heavens (08064 +shamayim ):and thy truth (00571 +)emeth ) [ {reacheth} ] unto the clouds (07834 +shachaq ) .

reacheth 19_PSA_36_05 . Thy mercy (02617 +checed ) , O LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , [ is ] in the heavens (08064 +shamayim ) ; [ and ] thy faithfulness (00530 +)emuwnah ) [ {reacheth} ] unto the clouds (07834 +shachaq ) .

reproacheth 04_NUM_15_30 . But the soul (05315 +nephesh ) that doeth (06213 +(asah ) [ ought ] presumptuously (03027 +yad ) , [ whether (04480 +min ) he be ] born (00249 +)ezrach ) in the land (00249 +)ezrach ) , or a stranger (01616 +ger ) , the same (01931 +huw) ) {reproacheth} (01442 +gadaph ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) ; and that soul (05315 +nephesh ) shall be cut (03772 +karath ) off from among (07130 +qereb ) his people (05971 +(am ) .

reproacheth 20_PRO_14_31 . He that oppresseth (06231 +(ashaq ) the poor (01800 +dal ) {reproacheth} (02778 +charaph . ) his Maker (06213 +(asah ):but he that honoureth (03513 +kabad ) him hath mercy (02603 +chanan ) on the poor (34) .

reproacheth 20_PRO_17_05 . Whoso mocketh (03932 +la(ag ) the poor (07326 +ruwsh ) {reproacheth} (02778 +charaph . ) his Maker (06213 +(asah ):[ and ] he that is glad (08056 +sameach ) at calamities (00343 +)eyd ) shall not be unpunished (05352 +naqah ) .

reproacheth 20_PRO_27_11 . My son (01121 +ben ) , be wise (02449 +chakam ) , and make my heart (03820 +leb ) glad (08056 +sameach ) , that I may answer (01697 +dabar ) him that {reproacheth} (02778 +charaph . ) me .

reproacheth 19_PSA_119_042 So shall I have wherewith (01697 +dabar ) to answer (06030 +(anah ) him that {reproacheth} (02778 +charaph . ) me:for I trust (00982 +batach ) in thy word (01697 +dabar ) .

reproacheth 19_PSA_44_16 For the voice (06963 +qowl ) of him that {reproacheth} (02778 +charaph . ) and blasphemeth (01442 +gadaph ) ; by reason (06440 +paniym ) of the enemy (00341 +)oyeb ) and avenger (05358 +naqam ) .

reproacheth 19_PSA_74_22 Arise (06965 +quwm ) , O God (00430 +)elohiym ) , plead (07378 +riyb ) thine own cause (07379 +riyb ):remember (02142 +zakar ) how the foolish (05036 +nabal ) man {reproacheth} (02781 +cherpah ) thee daily .

searcheth 13_1CH_28_09 And thou , Solomon (08010 +Sh@lomoh ) my son (01121 +ben ) , know (03045 +yada( ) thou the God (00430 +)elohiym ) of thy father (25) , and serve (05647 +(abad ) him with a perfect (08003 +shalem ) heart (03820 +leb ) and with a willing (02655 +chaphets ) mind (05315 +nephesh ):for the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) {searcheth} (01875 +darash ) all (03605 +kol ) hearts (03824 +lebab ) , and understandeth (00995 +biyn ) all (03605 +kol ) the imaginations (03336 +yetser ) of the thoughts (04284 +machashabah ):if (00518 +)im ) thou seek (01875 +darash ) him , he will be found (04672 +matsa) ) of thee ; but if (00518 +)im ) thou forsake (05800 +(azab ) him , he will cast (02186 +zanach ) thee off for ever (05703 +(ad ) .

searcheth 46_1CO_02_10 But God (2316 -theos -) hath revealed (0601 -apokalupto -) [ them ] unto us by his Spirit (4151 -pneuma -):for the Spirit (4151 -pneuma -) {searcheth} (2045 -ereunao -) all (3956 -pas -) things , yea (2532 -kai -) , the deep (0899 -bathos -) things of God (2316 -theos -) .

searcheth 18_JOB_28_03 He setteth (07760 +suwm ) an end (07093 +qets ) to darkness (02822 +choshek ) , and {searcheth} (02713 +chaqar ) out all (03605 +kol ) perfection (08503 +takliyth ):the stones (68) of darkness (00652 +)ophel ) , and the shadow (06757 +tsalmaveth ) of death (06757 +tsalmaveth ) .

searcheth 18_JOB_39_08 The range (03491 +yathuwr ) of the mountains (02022 +har ) [ is ] his pasture (04829 +mir(eh ) , and he {searcheth} (01875 +darash ) after (00310 +)achar ) every (03605 +kol ) green (03387 +yarowq ) thing .

searcheth 20_PRO_18_17 . [ He that is ] first (07223 +ri)shown ) in his own cause (07379 +riyb ) [ seemeth ] just (06662 +tsaddiyq ) ; but his neighbour (07453 +rea( ) cometh (00935 +bow) ) and {searcheth} (02713 +chaqar ) him .

searcheth 20_PRO_28_11 . The rich (06223 +(ashiyr ) man (00376 +)iysh ) [ is ] wise (02450 +chakam ) in his own conceit (05869 +(ayin ) ; but the poor (01800 +dal ) that hath understanding (00995 +biyn ) {searcheth} (02713 +chaqar ) him out .

searcheth 66_REV_02_23 And I will kill (0615 -apokteino -) her children (5043 -teknon -) with death (2288 -thanatos -) ; and all (3956 -pas -) the churches (1577 -ekklesia -) shall know (1097 -ginosko -) that I am (1510 -eimi -) he which (3739 -hos -) {searcheth} (2045 -ereunao -) the reins (3510 -nephros -) and hearts (2588 -kardia -):and I will give (1325 -didomi -) unto every (1538 -hekastos -) one of you according (2596 -kata -) to your (5216 -humon -) works (2041 -ergon -) .

searcheth 45_ROM_08_27 And he that {searcheth} (2045 -ereunao -) the hearts (2588 -kardia -) knoweth (1492 -eido -) what (5101 -tis -) [ is ] the mind (5427 -phronema -) of the Spirit (4151 -pneuma -) , because (3754 -hoti -) he maketh (1793 -entugchano -) intercession (1793 -entugchano -) for the saints (0040 -hagios -) according (2596 -kata -) to [ the will of ] God (2316 -theos -) .

stretcheth 23_ISA_40_22 [ It is ] he that sitteth (03427 +yashab ) upon the circle (02329 +chuwg ) of the earth (00776 +)erets ) , and the inhabitants (03427 +yashab ) thereof [ are ] as grasshoppers (02284 +chagab ) ; that {stretcheth} (05186 +natah ) out the heavens (08064 +shamayim ) as a curtain (01852 +doq ) , and spreadeth (04969 +mathach ) them out as a tent (00168 +)ohel ) to dwell (03427 +yashab ) in :

stretcheth 23_ISA_44_13 The carpenter (02796 +charash ) {stretcheth} (05186 +natah ) out [ his ] rule (04910 +mashal ) ; he marketh (08388 +ta)ar ) it out with a line (08279 +sered ) ; he fitteth (06213 +(asah ) it with planes (04741 +maqtsu(ah ) , and he marketh (08388 +ta)ar ) it out with the compass (04230 +m@chuwgah ) , and maketh (06213 +(asah ) it after the figure (08403 +tabniyth ) of a man (00376 +)iysh ) , according to the beauty (08597 +tiph)arah ) of a man (00120 +)adam ) ; that it may remain (03427 +yashab ) in the house (01004 +bayith ) .

stretcheth 23_ISA_44_24 Thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , thy redeemer (01350 +ga)al ) , and he that formed (03335 +yatsar ) thee from the womb (00990 +beten ) , I [ am ] the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) that maketh (06213 +(asah ) all (03605 +kol ) [ things ] ; that {stretcheth} (05186 +natah ) forth the heavens (08064 +shamayim ) alone (00905 +bad ) ; that spreadeth (07554 +raqa( ) abroad (07554 +raqa( ) the earth (00776 +)erets ) by myself ;

stretcheth 18_JOB_15_25 For he {stretcheth} (05186 +natah ) out his hand (03027 +yad ) against (00413 +)el ) God (00410 +)el ) , and strengtheneth (01396 +gabar ) himself against (00413 +)el ) the Almighty (07706 +Shadday ) .

stretcheth 18_JOB_26_07 He {stretcheth} (05186 +natah ) out the north (06828 +tsaphown ) over (05921 +(al ) the empty (08414 +tohuw ) place (08414 +tohuw ) , [ and ] hangeth (08518 +talah ) the earth (00776 +)erets ) upon nothing (01099 +b@liymah ) .

stretcheth 20_PRO_31_20 She {stretcheth} (06566 +paras ) out her hand (03709 +kaph ) to the poor (06041 +(aniy ) ; yea , she reacheth (07971 +shalach ) forth (06566 +paras ) her hands (03027 +yad ) to the needy (34) .

stretcheth 38_ZEC_12_01 . The burden (04853 +massa) ) of the word (01697 +dabar ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) for Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) , saith (05002 +n@)um ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , which {stretcheth} (05186 +natah ) forth the heavens (08064 +shamayim ) , and layeth the foundation (03248 +y@cuwdah ) of the earth (00776 +)erets ) , and formeth (03335 +yatsar ) the spirit (07307 +ruwach ) of man (00120 +)adam ) within (07130 +qereb ) him .

teacheth 46_1CO_02_13 Which (3739 -hos -) things also (2532 -kai -) we speak (2980 -laleo -) , not in the words (3056 -logos -) which man s (0442 -anthropinos -) wisdom (4678 -sophia -) teacheth (1318 -didaktos -) , but which the Holy (0040 -hagios -) Ghost (4151 -pneuma -) {teacheth} (1318 -didaktos -) ; comparing (4793 -sugkrino -) spiritual (4152 -pneumatikos -) things with spiritual (4152 -pneumatikos -) .

teacheth 46_1CO_02_13 Which (3739 -hos -) things also (2532 -kai -) we speak (2980 -laleo -) , not in the words (3056 -logos -) which man s (0442 -anthropinos -) wisdom (4678 -sophia -) {teacheth} (1318 -didaktos -) , but which the Holy (0040 -hagios -) Ghost (4151 -pneuma -) teacheth (1318 -didaktos -) ; comparing (4793 -sugkrino -) spiritual (4152 -pneumatikos -) things with spiritual (4152 -pneumatikos -) .

teacheth 62_1JO_02_27 But the anointing (5545 -chrisma -) which (3739 -hos -) ye have received (2983 -lambano -) of him abideth (3306 -meno -) in you , and ye need (5532 -chreia -) not that any (5100 -tis -) man teach (1321 -didasko -) you:but as the same (0846 -autos -) anointing (5545 -chrisma -) {teacheth} (1321 -didasko -) you of all (3956 -pas -) things , and is truth (0227 -alethes -) , and is no (3756 -ou -) lie (5579 -pseudos -) , and even (2531 -kathos -) as it hath taught (1321 -didasko -) you , ye shall abide (3306 -meno -) in him .

teacheth 10_2SA_22_35 He {teacheth} (03925 +lamad ) my hands (03027 +yad ) to war (04421 +milchamah ) ; so that a bow (07198 +qesheth ) of steel (05154 +n@chuwshah ) is broken (05181 +nachath ) by mine arms (02220 +z@rowa( ) .

teacheth 44_ACT_21_28 Crying (2896 -krazo -) out , Men (0435 -aner -) of Israel (2475 -Israelites -) , help (0997 -boetheo -):This (3778 -houtos -) is the man (0444 -anthropos -) , that {teacheth} (1321 -didasko -) all (3956 -pas -) [ men ] every (3837 -pantachou -) where (3837 -pantachou -) against (2596 -kata -) the people (2992 -laos -) , and the law (3551 -nomos -) , and this (5126 -touton -) place (5117 -topos -):and further (2089 -eti -) brought (1521 -eisago -) Greeks (1672 -Hellen -) also (2532 -kai -) into (1519 -eis -) the temple (2411 -hieron -) , and hath polluted (2840 -koinoo -) this (5127 -toutou -) holy (0040 -hagios -) place (5117 -topos -) .

teacheth 48_GAL_06_06 Let him that is taught (2727 -katecheo -) in the word (4487 -rhema -) communicate (2841 -koinoneo -) unto him that {teacheth} (2727 -katecheo -) in all (3956 -pas -) good (0018 -agathos -) things .

teacheth 23_ISA_09_15 The ancient (02204 +zaqen ) and honourable , he [ is ] the head (07218 +ro)sh ) ; and the prophet (05030 +nabiy) ) that {teacheth} (03384 +yarah ) lies (08267 +sheqer ) , he [ is ] the tail (02180 +zanab ) .

teacheth 23_ISA_48_17 Thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) , thy Redeemer (01350 +ga)al ) , the Holy (06918 +qadowsh ) One of Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ) ; I [ am ] the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) thy God (00430 +)elohiym ) which {teacheth} (03925 +lamad ) thee to profit (03276 +ya(al ) , which leadeth (01869 +darak ) thee by the way (01870 +derek ) [ that ] thou shouldest go (03212 +yalak ) .

teacheth 18_JOB_35_11 Who {teacheth} (00502 +)alph ) us more than the beasts (00929 +b@hemah ) of the earth (00776 +)erets ) , and maketh us wiser (02449 +chakam ) than the fowls (05775 +(owph ) of heaven (08064 +shamayim ) ?

teacheth 18_JOB_36_22 Behold (02005 +hen ) , God (00410 +)el ) exalteth (07682 +sagab ) by his power (03581 +koach ):who (04310 +miy ) {teacheth} (03384 +yarah ) like (03644 +k@mow ) him ?

teacheth 20_PRO_06_13 He winketh (07169 +qarats ) with his eyes (05869 +(ayin ) , he speaketh (04448 +malal ) with his feet (07272 +regel ) , he {teacheth} (03384 +yarah ) with his fingers (00676 +)etsba( ) ;

teacheth 20_PRO_16_23 . The heart (03820 +leb ) of the wise (02450 +chakam ) {teacheth} (07919 +sakal ) his mouth (06310 +peh ) , and addeth (03254 +yacaph ) learning (03948 +leqach ) to his lips (08193 +saphah ) .

teacheth 19_PSA_144_01 . [ A Psalm ] of David (01732 +David ) . Blessed (01288 +barak ) [ be ] the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) my strength (06697 +tsuwr ) , which {teacheth} (03925 +lamad ) my hands (03027 +yad ) to war , [ and ] my fingers (00676 +)etsba( ) to fight (04421 +milchamah ) :

teacheth 19_PSA_18_34 He {teacheth} (03925 +lamad ) my hands (03027 +yad ) to war (04421 +milchamah ) , so that a bow (07198 +qesheth ) of steel (05154 +n@chuwshah ) is broken (05181 +nachath ) by mine arms (02220 +z@rowa( ) .

teacheth 19_PSA_94_10 He that chastiseth (03256 +yacar ) the heathen (01471 +gowy ) , shall not he correct (03198 +yakach ) ? he that {teacheth} (03925 +lamad ) man (00120 +)adam ) knowledge (01847 +da(ath ) , [ shall not he know ] ?

teacheth 45_ROM_12_07 Or (1535 -eite -) ministry (1248 -diakonia -) , [ let us wait ] on (1722 -en -) [ our ] ministering (1248 -diakonia -):or (1535 -eite -) he that {teacheth} (1321 -didasko -) , on (1722 -en -) teaching (1319 -didaskalia -) ;

toucheth 62_1JO_05_18 . We know (1492 -eido -) that whosoever (3588 -ho -) is born (1080 -gennao -) of God (2316 -theos -) sinneth (0264 -hamartano -) not ; but he that is begotten (1080 -gennao -) of God (2316 -theos -) keepeth (5083 -tereo -) himself (1438 -heautou -) , and that wicked (4190 -poneros -) one {toucheth} (0680 -haptomai -) him not .

toucheth 30_AMO_09_05 And the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) of hosts (06635 +tsaba) ) [ is ] he that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the land (00776 +)erets ) , and it shall melt (04127 +muwg ) , and all (03605 +kol ) that dwell therein shall mourn (56):and it shall rise (05927 +(alah ) up wholly (03605 +kol ) like a flood (02975 +y@(or ) ; and shall be drowned (08248 +shaqah ) , as [ by ] the flood (02975 +y@(or ) of Egypt (04714 +Mitsrayim ) .

toucheth 02_EXO_19_12 And thou shalt set bounds (01379 +gabal ) unto the people (05971 +(am ) round (05439 +cabiyb ) about , saying (00559 +)amar ) , Take heed (08104 +shamar ) to yourselves , [ that ye ] go (05927 +(alah ) [ not ] up into the mount (02022 +har ) , or touch (05060 +naga( ) the border (07097 +qatseh ) of it:whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the mount (02022 +har ) shall be surely put to death (04191 +muwth ) :

toucheth 02_EXO_29_37 Seven (07651 +sheba( ) days (03117 +yowm ) thou shalt make an atonement (03722 +kaphar ) for the altar (04196 +mizbeach ) , and sanctify (06942 +qadash ) it ; and it shall be an altar (04196 +mizbeach ) most (06944 +qodesh ) holy (06944 +qodesh ):whatsoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the altar (04196 +mizbeach ) shall be holy (06944 +qodesh ) .

toucheth 02_EXO_30_29 And thou shalt sanctify (06942 +qadash ) them , that they may be most (06944 +qodesh ) holy (06944 +qodesh ):whatsoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) them shall be holy (06942 +qadash ) .

toucheth 26_EZE_17_10 Yea , behold (02009 +hinneh ) , [ being ] planted (08362 +shathal ) , shall it prosper (06743 +tsalach ) ? shall it not utterly wither (03001 +yabesh ) , when the east (06921 +qadiym ) wind (07307 +ruwach ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) it ? it shall wither (03001 +yabesh ) in the furrows (06170 +(aruwgah ) where (05921 +(al ) it grew (06780 +tsemach ) .

toucheth 01_GEN_26_11 And Abimelech (40) charged (06680 +tsavah ) all (03605 +kol ) [ his ] people (05971 +(am ) , saying (00559 +)amar ) , He that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) this (02088 +zeh ) man (00376 +)iysh ) or his wife (00802 +)ishshah ) shall surely be put to death (04194 +maveth ) .

toucheth 28_HOS_04_02 By swearing (00422 +)alah ) , and lying (03584 +kachash ) , and killing (07523 +ratsach ) , and stealing (01589 +ganab ) , and committing (05003 +na)aph ) adultery (05003 +na)aph ) , they break (06555 +parats ) out , and blood (01818 +dam ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) blood (01818 +dam ) .

toucheth 18_JOB_04_05 But now (06258 +(attah ) it is come (00935 +bow) ) upon thee , and thou faintest (03811 +la)ah ) ; it {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) thee , and thou art troubled (00926 +bahal ) .

toucheth 07_JUD_16_09 Now [ there were ] men lying in wait (00693 +)arab ) , abiding (03427 +yashab ) with her in the chamber (02315 +cheder ) . And she said (00559 +)amar ) unto him , The Philistines (06430 +P@lishtiy ) [ be ] upon thee , Samson (08123 +Shimshown ) . And he brake (05423 +nathaq ) the withs (03499 +yether ) , as a thread (06616 +pathiyl ) of tow (05296 +n@(oreth ) is broken (05423 +nathaq ) when it {toucheth} (07306 +ruwach ) the fire (00784 +)esh ) . So his strength (03581 +koach ) was not known (03045 +yada( ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_06_18 All (03605 +kol ) the males (02145 +zakar ) among the children (01121 +ben ) of Aaron (00175 +)Aharown ) shall eat (00398 +)akal ) of it . [ It shall be ] a statute (02706 +choq ) for ever (05769 +(owlam ) in your generations (01755 +dowr ) concerning the offerings of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) made by fire : every (03605 +kol ) one that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) them shall be holy (06942 +qadash ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_07_19 And the flesh (01320 +basar ) that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) any (03605 +kol ) unclean (02931 +tame) ) [ thing ] shall not be eaten (00398 +)akal ) ; it shall be burnt (08313 +saraph ) with fire (00784 +)esh ) : and as for the flesh (01320 +basar ) , all (03605 +kol ) that be clean (02889 +tahowr ) shall eat (00398 +)akal ) thereof .

toucheth 03_LEV_11_24 And for these (00428 +)el - leh ) ye shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) : whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the carcase (05038 +n@belah ) of them shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_11_26 [ The carcases (06297 +peger ) ] of every (03605 +kol ) beast (00929 +b@hemah ) which (00834 +)aher ) divideth (06536 +parac ) the hoof (06541 +parcah ) , and [ is ] not clovenfooted , nor (00369 +)ayin ) cheweth (05927 +(alah ) the cud (01625 +gerah ) , [ are ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) unto you : every (03605 +kol ) one (00259 +)echad ) that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) them shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_11_27 And whatsoever (03605 +kol ) goeth (01980 +halak ) upon his paws (03709 +kaph ) , among all (03605 +kol ) manner of beasts (02416 +chay ) that go (01980 +halak ) on (05921 +(al ) [ all (03605 +kol ) ] four (00702 +)arba( ) , those (01992 +hem ) [ are ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) unto you : whoso (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) their carcase (05038 +n@belah ) shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_11_36 Nevertheless (00389 +)ak ) a fountain (04599 +ma(yan ) or pit (00953 +bowr ) , [ wherein there is ] plenty (04723 +miqveh ) of water (04325 +mayim ) , shall be clean (02889 +tahowr ) : but that which {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) their carcase (05038 +n@belah ) shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_11_39 And if (03588 +kiy ) any beast (00929 +b@hemah ) , of which (00834 +)aher ) ye may eat (00402 +)oklah ) , die (04191 +muwth ) ; he that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the carcase (05038 +n@belah ) thereof shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_15_05 And whosoever {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) his bed (04904 +mishkab ) shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) , and bathe (07364 +rachats ) [ himself ] in water (04325 +mayim ) , and be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) . 15 : 06 And he that sitteth (03427 +yashab ) on (05921 +(al ) [ any ] thing (03627 +k@liy ) whereon he sat (03427 +yashab ) that hath the issue (02100 +zuwb ) shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) , and bathe (07364 +rachats ) [ himself ] in water (04325 +mayim ) , and be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_15_07 And he that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the flesh (01320 +basar ) of him that hath the issue (02100 +zuwb ) shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) , and bathe (07364 +rachats ) [ himself ] in water (04325 +mayim ) , and be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_15_10 And whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) any (03605 +kol ) thing that was under (08478 +tachath ) him shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) : and he that beareth (05375 +nasa) ) [ any of ] those things shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) , and bathe (07364 +rachats ) [ himself ] in water (04325 +mayim ) , and be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_15_11 And whomsoever he {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) that hath the issue (02100 +zuwb ) , and hath not rinsed (07857 +shataph ) his hands (03027 +yad ) in water (04325 +mayim ) , he shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) , and bathe (07364 +rachats ) [ himself ] in water (04325 +mayim ) , and be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_15_12 And the vessel (03627 +k@liy ) of earth (02789 +cheres ) , that he {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) which (00834 +)aher ) hath the issue (02100 +zuwb ) , shall be broken (07665 +shabar ) : and every (03605 +kol ) vessel (03627 +k@liy ) of wood (06086 +(ets ) shall be rinsed (07857 +shataph ) in water (04325 +mayim ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_15_19 . And if (03588 +kiy ) a woman (00802 +)ishshah ) have (01961 +hayah ) an issue (02100 +zuwb ) , [ and ] her issue (02101 +zowb ) in her flesh (01320 +basar ) be blood (01818 +dam ) , she shall be put (05079 +niddah ) apart (05079 +niddah ) seven (07651 +sheba( ) days (03117 +yowm ) : and whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) her shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_15_21 And whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) her bed (04904 +mishkab ) shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) , and bathe (07364 +rachats ) [ himself ] in water (04325 +mayim ) , and be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_15_22 And whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) any (03605 +kol ) thing (03627 +k@liy ) that she sat (03427 +yashab ) upon shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) , and bathe (07364 +rachats ) [ himself ] in water (04325 +mayim ) , and be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_15_23 And if (00518 +)im ) it [ be ] on (05921 +(al ) [ her ] bed (04904 +mishkab ) , or (00176 +)ow ) on (05921 +(al ) any thing (03627 +k@liy ) whereon she sitteth (03427 +yashab ) , when (03588 +kiy ) he {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) it , he shall be unclean until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_15_27 And whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) those things shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) , and shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) , and bathe (07364 +rachats ) [ himself ] in water (04325 +mayim ) , and be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) the even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth 03_LEV_22_04 What (00376 +)iysh ) man (00376 +)iysh ) soever of the seed (02233 +zera( ) of Aaron (00175 +)Aharown ) [ is ] a leper (06879 +tsara( ) , or (00176 +)ow ) hath a running (02100 +zuwb ) issue (02100 +zuwb ) ; he shall not eat (00398 +)akal ) of the holy (06944 +qodesh ) things , until (05704 +(ad ) he be clean (02891 +taher ) . And whoso {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) any (03605 +kol ) thing [ that is ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) [ by ] the dead (05315 +nephesh ) , or (00176 +)ow ) a man (00376 +)iysh ) whose (00834 +)aher ) seed goeth (03318 +yatsa) ) from him ;

toucheth 03_LEV_22_05 Or (00176 +)ow ) whosoever {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) any (03605 +kol ) creeping (08318 +sherets ) thing , whereby (00834 +)aher ) he may be made unclean (02930 +tame) ) , or (00176 +)ow ) a man (00120 +)adam ) of whom (00834 +)aher ) he may take uncleanness (02930 +tame) ) , whatsoever (03605 +kol ) uncleanness (02932 +tum)ah ) he hath ;

toucheth 42_LUK_07_39 Now 1161 -de - when the Pharisee 5330 -Pharisaios - which 3588 -ho - had bidden 2564 -kaleo - him saw 1492 -eido - [ it ] , he spake 2036 -epo - within 1722 -en - himself 1438 -heautou - , saying 3004 -lego - , This 3778 -houtos - man , if 1487 -ei - he were a prophet 4396 -prophetes - , would have known 1097 -ginosko - who 5101 -tis - and what 4217 -potapos - manner 4217 -potapos - of woman 1135 -gune - [ this 3588 -ho - is ] that {toucheth} 0680 -haptomai - him:for she is a sinner 0268 -hamartolos - .

toucheth 04_NUM_19_11 . He that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the dead (04191 +muwth ) body (05315 +nephesh ) of any (03605 +kol ) man (00120 +)adam ) shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) seven (07651 +sheba( ) days (03117 +yowm ) .

toucheth 04_NUM_19_13 Whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the dead (04191 +muwth ) body (05315 +nephesh ) of any (03605 +kol ) man (00120 +)adam ) that is dead (04191 +muwth ) , and purifieth (02398 +chata) ) not himself , defileth (02930 +tame) ) the tabernacle (04908 +mishkan ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) ; and that soul (05315 +nephesh ) shall be cut (03772 +karath ) off from Israel (03478 +Yisra)el ):because (03588 +kiy ) the water (04325 +mayim ) of separation (05079 +niddah ) was not sprinkled (02236 +zaraq ) upon him , he shall be unclean (02931 +tame) ) ; his uncleanness (02932 +tum)ah ) [ is ] yet (05750 +(owd ) upon him .

toucheth 04_NUM_19_16 And whosoever {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) one that is slain (02491 +chalal ) with a sword (02719 +chereb ) in the open (06440 +paniym ) fields (07704 +sadeh ) , or a dead (04191 +muwth ) body (05315 +nephesh ) , or a bone (06106 +(etsem ) of a man (00120 +)adam ) , or a grave (06913 +qeber ) , shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) seven (07651 +sheba( ) days (03117 +yowm ) .

toucheth 04_NUM_19_21 And it shall be a perpetual (05769 +(owlam ) statute (02708 +chuqqah ) unto them , that he that sprinkleth (05137 +nazah ) the water (04325 +mayim ) of separation (05079 +niddah ) shall wash (03526 +kabac ) his clothes (00899 +beged ) ; and he that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the water (04325 +mayim ) of separation (05079 +niddah ) shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth 04_NUM_19_22 And whatsoever (03605 +kol ) the unclean (02931 +tame) ) [ person ] toucheth (05060 +naga( ) shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) ; and the soul (05315 +nephesh ) that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) [ it ] shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth 04_NUM_19_22 And whatsoever (03605 +kol ) the unclean (02931 +tame) ) [ person ] {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) ; and the soul (05315 +nephesh ) that toucheth (05060 +naga( ) [ it ] shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) until (05704 +(ad ) even (06153 +(ereb ) .

toucheth 20_PRO_06_29 So (03651 +ken ) he that goeth (00935 +bow) ) in to his neighbour s (07453 +rea( ) wife (00802 +)ishshah ) ; whosoever (03605 +kol ) {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) her shall not be innocent (05352 +naqah ) .

toucheth 19_PSA_104_32 He looketh (05027 +nabat ) on the earth (00776 +)erets ) , and it trembleth (7460):he {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the hills (02022 +har ) , and they smoke (06225 +(ashan ) .

toucheth 38_ZEC_02_08 For thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) of hosts (06635 +tsaba) ) ; After (00310 +)achar ) the glory (03519 +kabowd ) hath he sent (07971 +shalach ) me unto the nations (01471 +gowy ) which spoiled (07997 +shalal ) you:for he that toucheth (05060 +naga( ) you {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) the apple (00892 +babah ) of his eye (05869 +(ayin ) .

toucheth 38_ZEC_02_08 For thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) of hosts (06635 +tsaba) ) ; After (00310 +)achar ) the glory (03519 +kabowd ) hath he sent (07971 +shalach ) me unto the nations (01471 +gowy ) which spoiled (07997 +shalal ) you:for he that {toucheth} (05060 +naga( ) you toucheth (05060 +naga( ) the apple (00892 +babah ) of his eye (05869 +(ayin ) .

watcheth 26_EZE_07_06 An end (07093 +qets ) is come (00935 +bow) ) , the end (07093 +qets ) is come (00935 +bow) ):it {watcheth} (06974 +quwts ) for thee ; behold (02009 +hinneh ) , it is come (00935 +bow) ) .

watcheth 19_PSA_37_32 The wicked (07563 +rasha( ) {watcheth} (06822 +tsaphah ) the righteous (06662 +tsaddiyq ) , and seeketh (01245 +baqash ) to slay (04191 +muwth ) him .

watcheth 66_REV_16_15 Behold (2400 -idou -) , I come (2064 -erchomai -) as a thief (2812 -kleptes -) . Blessed (3107 -makarios -) [ is ] he that {watcheth} (1127 -gregoreuo -) , and keepeth (5083 -tereo -) his garments (2440 -himation -) , lest (3361 -me -) he walk (4043 -peripateo -) naked (1131 -gumnos -) , and they see (0991 -blepo -) his shame (0808 -aschemosune -) .

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