Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

chew 05_DEU_14_07 Nevertheless (00389 +)ak ) these (02088 +zeh ) ye shall not eat (00398 +)akal ) of them that chew (05927 +(alah ) the cud (01625 +gerah ) , or (00176 +)ow ) of them that divide (06536 +parac ) the cloven (08156 +shaca( ) hoof (06541 +parcah ) ; [ as ] the camel (01581 +gamal ) , and the hare (00768 +)arnebeth ) , and the coney (08227 +shaphan ):for they {chew} (05927 +(alah ) the cud (01625 +gerah ) , but divide (06536 +parac ) not the hoof (06541 +parcah ) ; [ therefore ] they [ are ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) unto you .

chew 05_DEU_14_07 Nevertheless (00389 +)ak ) these (02088 +zeh ) ye shall not eat (00398 +)akal ) of them that {chew} (05927 +(alah ) the cud (01625 +gerah ) , or (00176 +)ow ) of them that divide (06536 +parac ) the cloven (08156 +shaca( ) hoof (06541 +parcah ) ; [ as ] the camel (01581 +gamal ) , and the hare (00768 +)arnebeth ) , and the coney (08227 +shaphan ):for they chew (05927 +(alah ) the cud (01625 +gerah ) , but divide (06536 +parac ) not the hoof (06541 +parcah ) ; [ therefore ] they [ are ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) unto you .

chew 03_LEV_11_04 Nevertheless (00389 +)ak ) these (02088 +zeh ) shall ye not eat (00398 +)akal ) of them that {chew} (05927 +(alah ) the cud (01625 +gerah ) , or of them that divide (06536 +parac ) the hoof (06541 +parcah ) : [ as ] the camel (01581 +gamal ) , because (03588 +kiy ) he cheweth (05927 +(alah ) the cud (01625 +gerah ) , but divideth (06536 +parac ) not the hoof (06541 +parcah ) ; he [ is ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) unto you .

chewed 04_NUM_11_33 And while the flesh (01320 +basar ) [ was ] yet (05750 +(owd ) between (00996 +beyn ) their teeth (08127 +shen ) , ere (02962 +terem ) it was {chewed} (03772 +karath ) , the wrath (00639 +)aph ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) was kindled (02734 +charah ) against the people (05971 +(am ) , and the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) smote (05221 +nakah ) the people (05971 +(am ) with a very (03966 +m@(od ) great (07227 +rab ) plague (04347 +makkah ) .

cheweth 05_DEU_14_06 And every (03605 +kol ) beast (00929 +b@hemah ) that parteth (06536 +parac ) the hoof (06541 +parcah ) , and cleaveth (08157 +sheca( ) the cleft (08156 +shaca( ) into two (08147 +sh@nayim ) claws (06541 +parcah ) , [ and ] {cheweth} (05927 +(alah ) the cud (01625 +gerah ) among the beasts (00929 +b@hemah ) , that ye shall eat (00398 +)akal ) .

cheweth 05_DEU_14_08 And the swine (02386 +chaziyr ) , because (03588 +kiy ) it divideth (06536 +parac ) the hoof (06541 +parcah ) , yet {cheweth} not the cud (01625 +gerah ) , it [ is ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) unto you:ye shall not eat (00398 +)akal ) of their flesh (01320 +basar ) , nor (03808 +lo) ) touch (05060 +naga( ) their dead (05038 +n@belah ) carcase (05038 +n@belah ) .

cheweth 03_LEV_11_03 Whatsoever (03605 +kol ) parteth (06536 +parac ) the hoof (06541 +parcah ) , and is clovenfooted , [ and ] {cheweth} (05927 +(alah ) the cud (01625 +gerah ) , among the beasts (00929 +b@hemah ) , that shall ye eat (00398 +)akal ) .

cheweth 03_LEV_11_04 Nevertheless (00389 +)ak ) these (02088 +zeh ) shall ye not eat (00398 +)akal ) of them that chew (05927 +(alah ) the cud (01625 +gerah ) , or of them that divide (06536 +parac ) the hoof (06541 +parcah ) : [ as ] the camel (01581 +gamal ) , because (03588 +kiy ) he {cheweth} (05927 +(alah ) the cud (01625 +gerah ) , but divideth (06536 +parac ) not the hoof (06541 +parcah ) ; he [ is ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) unto you .

cheweth 03_LEV_11_05 And the coney (08227 +shaphan ) , because (03588 +kiy ) he {cheweth} (05927 +(alah ) the cud (01625 +gerah ) , but divideth (06536 +parac ) not the hoof (06541 +parcah ) ; he [ is ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) unto you .

cheweth 03_LEV_11_06 And the hare (00768 +)arnebeth ) , because (03588 +kiy ) he {cheweth} (05927 +(alah ) the cud (01625 +gerah ) , but divideth (06536 +parac ) not the hoof (06541 +parcah ) ; he [ is ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) unto you .

cheweth 03_LEV_11_07 And the swine (02386 +chaziyr ) , though he divide (06536 +parac ) the hoof (06541 +parcah ) , and be clovenfooted , yet he {cheweth} (01647 +Ger@shom ) not the cud (01625 +gerah ) ; he [ is ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) to you .

cheweth 03_LEV_11_26 [ The carcases (06297 +peger ) ] of every (03605 +kol ) beast (00929 +b@hemah ) which (00834 +)aher ) divideth (06536 +parac ) the hoof (06541 +parcah ) , and [ is ] not clovenfooted , nor (00369 +)ayin ) {cheweth} (05927 +(alah ) the cud (01625 +gerah ) , [ are ] unclean (02931 +tame) ) unto you : every (03605 +kol ) one (00259 +)echad ) that toucheth (05060 +naga( ) them shall be unclean (02930 +tame) ) .

eschew 60_1PE_03_11 Let him {eschew} (1578 -ekklino -) evil (2556 -kakos -) , and do (4160 -poieo -) good (0018 -agathos -) ; let him seek (2212 -zeteo -) peace (1515 -eirene -) , and ensue (1377 -dioko -) it .

eschewed 18_JOB_01_01 . There was a man (00376 +)iysh ) in the land (00776 +)erets ) of Uz (05780 +(Uwts ) , whose name (08034 +shem ) [ was ] Job (00347 +)Iyowb ) ; and that man (00376 +)iysh ) was perfect (08535 +tam ) and upright (03477 +yashar ) , and one that feared (03373 +yare) ) God (00430 +)elohiym ) , and {eschewed} (05493 +cuwr ) evil (07451 +ra( ) .

escheweth 18_JOB_01_08 And the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto Satan (07854 +satan ) , Hast thou considered my servant (05650 +(ebed ) Job (00347 +)Iyowb ) , that [ there is ] none (00369 +)ayin ) like (03644 +k@mow ) him in the earth (00776 +)erets ) , a perfect (08535 +tam ) and an upright (03477 +yashar ) man (00376 +)iysh ) , one that feareth (03373 +yare) ) God (00430 +)elohiym ) , and {escheweth} (05493 +cuwr ) evil (07451 +ra( ) ?

escheweth 18_JOB_02_03 And the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) said (00559 +)amar ) unto Satan (07854 +satan ) , Hast thou considered my servant (05650 +(ebed ) Job (00347 +)Iyowb ) , that [ there is ] none (00369 +)ayin ) like (03644 +k@mow ) him in the earth (00776 +)erets ) , a perfect (08535 +tam ) and an upright (03477 +yashar ) man (00376 +)iysh ) , one that feareth (03373 +yare) ) God (00430 +)elohiym ) , and {escheweth} (05493 +cuwr ) evil (07451 +ra( ) ? and still (05750 +(owd ) he holdeth (02388 +chazaq ) fast his integrity (08538 +tummah ) , although thou movedst (05496 +cuwth ) me against him , to destroy (01104 +bala( ) him without (02600 +chinnam ) cause (02600 +chinnam ) .

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