* childbearing , 5042 teknogonia ,


childbearing -5042 {childbearing},



childbearing 5042 ** teknogonia ** {childbearing}.


childbearing ......... in childbearing 5042 -teknogonia->



childbearing 5042 # teknogonia {tek-nog-on-ee'-ah}; from the
same as 5041; childbirth (parentage), i.e. (by implication)
maternity (the performance of maternal duties): --


childbearing 002 015 ITi /${childbearing /if they
continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety .


childbearing 1 -


childbearing , 1TI , 2:15


childbearing 5042 # teknogonia {tek-nog-on-ee'-ah}; from the
same as 5041; childbirth (parentage), i.e. (by implication)
maternity (the performance of maternal duties): --


childbearing Interlinear Index Study

childbearing 1TI 002 015 Notwithstanding she shall be saved
<4982 -sozo -> in {childbearing} <5042 -teknogonia -> , if <1437
-ean -> they continue <3306 -meno -> in faith <4102 -pistis ->
and charity <0026 -agape -> and holiness <0038 -hagiasmos ->
with sobriety <4997 -sophrosune -> .
