Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

5546 + Christians + me to be a Christian + any man suffer as a Christian +/ . Christianos {khris-tee-an-os'}; from 5547 + Christ 5547- Christ 5547- of Christ 5547- of Christ 5547- Christ + Christ s + as Christ + to Christ + of Christ + in Christ + is Christ + up Christ + by Christ + Is Christ + But Christ + not Christ + Let Christ + For Christ + and Christ + was Christ + but Christ + end Christ + the Christ + his Christ + for Christ + The Christ + unto Christ + of Christ s + That Christ + hath Christ + with Christ + is Christ s + that Christ + even Christ + from Christ + It is Christ + for Christ s + us in Christ + is of Christ + am of Christ + is in Christ + he be Christ + Shall Christ + we in Christ + be in Christ + ye of Christ + and of Christ + of his Christ + is not Christ + for in Christ + For in Christ + was in Christ + are in Christ + is the Christ + as unto Christ + even as Christ + not the Christ + were in Christ + ye be Christ s + thou be Christ + and I of Christ + thou the Christ + how that Christ + are we Christ s + they that Christ + not I but Christ + places in Christ + man be in Christ + things in Christ + and of his Christ + that is in Christ + waiting for Christ + he were the Christ + to preach Christ s + unto you is Christ + thou be the Christ + that he was Christ + that are in Christ + that he is Christ s + unto us thou Christ + And ye are Christ s + is in you in Christ + and to be with Christ + us with you in Christ + that as he is Christ s + they that are Christ s + to bring us unto Christ + thou be not that Christ + things and before Christ + And they that are Christ s + the reproach 3680 of Christ + to them which are in Christ + But of him are ye in Christ + for they knew that he was Christ +/ ; a Christian, i .e . follower of Christ: --Christian .