antichrists , 1JO , 2:18

christs , MR , 13:22

christs , MT , 24:24



Christs Interlinear Index Study

Christs MAT 024 024 For there shall arise <1453 -egeiro -> false
{Christs} <5580 -pseudochristos -> , and false <5578 -
pseudoprophetes -> prophets <5578 -pseudoprophetes -> , and
shall shew <1325 -didomi -> great <3173 -megas -> signs <4592 -
semeion -> and wonders <5059 -teras -> ; insomuch <5620 -hoste -
> that , if <1487 -ei -> [ it were ] possible <1415 -dunatos -> ,
they shall deceive <4105 -planao -> the very <2532 -kai ->
elect <1588 -eklektos -> .

Christs MAR 013 022 For false <5580 -pseudochristos -> {Christs}
<5580 -pseudochristos -> and false <5578 -pseudoprophetes ->
prophets <5578 -pseudoprophetes -> shall rise <1453 -egeiro -> ,
and shall shew <1325 -didomi -> signs <4592 -semeion -> and
wonders <5059 -teras -> , to seduce <0635 -apoplanao -> , if
<1487 -ei -> [ it were ] possible <1415 -dunatos -> , even <2532
-kai -> the elect <1588 -eklektos -> .


* antichrists , 0500 ,

* christs , 5580 ,

* antichrists , 0500 antichristos ,

* christs , 5580 pseudochristos ,


antichrists -0500 antichrist, {antichrists},

christs -5580 {christs}, false,




antichrists ......... antichrists 0500 -antichristos->

Christs ......... Christs 5580 -pseudochristos->

Christs ......... false Christs 5580 -pseudochristos->




antichrists 002 018 IJo /${antichrists /whereby we
know that it is the last time .

Christs 024 024 Mat /${Christs /and false
prophets , and shall shew great signs and wonders ; insomuch
that , if it were possible , they shall deceive the very elect .

Christs 013 022 Mar /${Christs /and false
prophets shall rise , and shall shew signs and wonders , to
seduce , if it were possible , even the elect .


christs 2 -
