circle , ISA , 40:22


about 2945 # kukloi {koo'-klo}; as if dative case of kuklos (a
ring, "cycle"; akin to 2947); i.e. in a circle (by implication
of 1722), i.e. (adverbially) all around: -- round {about}.[ql

compass 4033 # perikukloo {per-ee-koo-klo'-o}; from 4012 and
2944; to encircle all around, i.e. blockade completely: --
{compass} round.[ql

round 4033 # perikukloo {per-ee-koo-klo'-o}; from 4012 and 2944;
to encircle all around, i.e. blockade completely: -- compass

round 2945 # kukloi {koo'-klo}; as if dative case of kuklos (a
ring, "cycle"; akin to 2947); i.e. in a circle (by implication
of 1722), i.e. (adverbially) all around: -- {round} about.[ql


circle Interlinear Index Study

circle ISA 040 022 [ It is ] he that sitteth <03427 +yashab >
upon the {circle} <02329 +chuwg > of the earth <00776 +>erets > ,
and the inhabitants <03427 +yashab > thereof [ are ] as
grasshoppers <02284 +chagab > ; that stretcheth <05186 +natah >
out the heavens <08064 +shamayim > as a curtain <01852 +doq > ,
and spreadeth <04969 +mathach > them out as a tent <00168 +>ohel
> to dwell <03427 +yashab > in :


- circle , 2329 ,



circle -2329 {circle} , circuit , compass ,


circle 2329 -- chuwg -- {circle}, circuit, compass.




circle 2329 ## chuwg {khoog}; from 2328; a circle: -- {circle},
circuit, compass. [ql


circle 040 022 Isa /^{circle /of the earth ,
and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers ; that
stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain , and spreadeth them out
as a tent to dwell in :

