Bible Phrases for Individual word studies

Bible Phrase lists
city abiding certain days 44_ACT_16_12

city about 12_2KI_06_14

city adam 06_JOS_03_16

city after 06_JOS_06_15

city against city 23_ISA_19_02

city against thee 07_JUD_09_31

city against them 06_JOS_08_22

city all 07_JUD_09_45

city an eunuch 24_JER_52_25

city an heap 23_ISA_25_02

city arose early 07_JUD_06_28

city ascended 06_JOS_08_21

city ascended up 06_JOS_08_20

city ascended up 07_JUD_20_40

city before 07_JUD_01_23

city behind it 06_JOS_08_02

city being 11_1KI_01_41

city believed on him for 43_JOH_04_39

city boldly 01_GEN_34_25

city both with horses 12_2KI_06_15

city by 44_ACT_16_13

city by 01_GEN_24_11

city by city 14_2CH_19_05

city by iniquity 35_HAB_02_12

city by night 24_JER_39_04

city by night by 24_JER_52_07

city called bethsaida 42_LUK_09_10

city called ephraim 43_JOH_11_54

city called nain 42_LUK_07_11

city called nazareth 40_MAT_02_23

city come out 01_GEN_24_13

city cried out 09_1SA_04_13

city dan 07_JUD_18_29

city fell 66_REV_11_13

city five thousand broad 26_EZE_45_06

city for 01_GEN_18_28

city for habitation 19_PSA_107_36

city for my sake 09_1SA_23_10

city found me 22_SON_03_03

city found me 22_SON_05_07

city from 26_EZE_48_35

city from bethlehemjudah 07_JUD_17_08

city from pharaoh 02_EXO_09_33

city full 26_EZE_09_09

city had no need 66_REV_21_23

city had twelve foundations 66_REV_21_14

city he took an officer 12_2KI_25_19

city heard 07_JUD_09_30

city into 03_LEV_14_53

city into 20_PRO_29_08

city into an unclean place 03_LEV_14_41

city into an unclean place 03_LEV_14_45

city into bethany 40_MAT_21_17

city is 26_EZE_11_03

city is 26_EZE_11_07

city is 26_EZE_27_32

city is 06_JOS_15_13

city is 06_JOS_21_11

city is 66_REV_18_18

city is exalted 20_PRO_11_11

city is full 26_EZE_07_23

city is given into 24_JER_32_24

city is given into 24_JER_32_25

city is left desolation 23_ISA_24_12

city is smitten 26_EZE_33_21

city israel took for 06_JOS_08_27

city lieth foursquare 66_REV_21_16

city not forsaken 23_ISA_62_12

city on 26_EZE_40_02

city on 26_EZE_48_30

city on 04_NUM_35_05

city on an uproar 44_ACT_17_05

city on fire 06_JOS_08_19

city on fire 06_JOS_08_08

city on fire 07_JUD_01_08

city once 06_JOS_06_14

city once 06_JOS_06_03

city open 06_JOS_08_17

city rang again 11_1KI_01_45

city rehoboth 01_GEN_10_11

city rejoiceth 20_PRO_11_10

city round about 13_1CH_11_08

city round about 12_2KI_25_04

city round about 24_JER_52_07

city said unto elisha 12_2KI_02_19

city said unto him on 07_JUD_14_18

city said unto joash 07_JUD_06_30

city saluteth you 45_ROM_16_23

city seven times 06_JOS_06_15

city seven times 06_JOS_06_04

city shall 11_1KI_14_11

city shall 11_1KI_16_04

city shall be 26_EZE_48_15

city shall be accursed 06_JOS_06_17

city shall be builded upon her own heap 24_JER_30_18

city shall be built 24_JER_31_38

city shall be full 38_ZEC_08_05

city shall be left 23_ISA_32_14

city shall be low 23_ISA_32_19

city shall be taken 38_ZEC_14_02

city shall be toward 26_EZE_48_17

city shall bring down 05_DEU_21_04

city shall fall down flat 06_JOS_06_05

city shall flourish like grass 19_PSA_72_16

city shall go forth into captivity 38_ZEC_14_02

city shall serve it out 26_EZE_48_19

city shall take 05_DEU_22_18

city shall take an heifer 05_DEU_21_03

city she uttereth her words 20_PRO_01_21

city sheddeth blood 26_EZE_22_03

city shushan was perplexed 17_EST_03_15

city sit solitary 25_LAM_01_01

city through 14_2CH_30_10

city told him 12_2KI_23_17

city trophimus an ephesian 44_ACT_21_29

city unto 07_JUD_20_32

city unto them 06_JOS_20_04

city was 12_2KI_11_20

city was besieged 12_2KI_24_10

city was besieged unto 12_2KI_25_02

city was besieged unto 24_JER_52_05

city was broken up 12_2KI_25_04

city was broken up 24_JER_39_02

city was broken up 24_JER_52_07

city was called hormah 07_JUD_01_17

city was called zoar 01_GEN_19_22

city was divided 44_ACT_14_04

city was gathered together at 41_MAR_01_33

city was moved 44_ACT_21_30

city was moved 40_MAT_21_10

city was moved about them 08_RUT_01_19

city was quiet 14_2CH_23_21

city was smitten 26_EZE_40_01

city was taken 11_1KI_16_18

city was with her 42_LUK_07_12

city went out 10_2SA_11_17

city went out against israel 06_JOS_08_14

city went up 09_1SA_05_12

city were spent 24_JER_37_21

city when ye did fight 10_2SA_11_20

city where 11_1KI_13_25

city where 09_1SA_09_10

city where they had so done 21_ECC_09_10

city wherein is made 26_EZE_26_10

city which 11_1KI_11_32

city which 11_1KI_11_36

city which 11_1KI_14_21

city which 14_2CH_12_13

city which hath foundations 58_HEB_11_10

city which he asked 06_JOS_19_50

city which he built 11_1KI_16_24

city which is called by my name 24_JER_25_29

city which is called by thy name 27_DAN_09_18

city which thou hast 14_2CH_06_38

city which thou hast chosen 11_1KI_08_44

city which thou hast chosen 11_1KI_08_48

city which we took not from them 05_DEU_03_04

city whither 24_JER_29_07

city wholly given 44_ACT_17_16

city with 09_1SA_05_09

city with 10_2SA_15_14

city with 05_DEU_13_15

city with 07_JUD_01_25

city with 07_JUD_20_37

city with 07_JUD_20_40

city with 66_REV_21_16

city with all 30_AMO_06_08

city with fire 06_JOS_06_24

city with fire 07_JUD_18_27