clear Rev_22_01 /${clear /as crystal ,
proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb .

clear Rev_21_11 /${clear /as crystal ;

clear Son_06_10 /^{clear /as the sun , and
terrible as an army with banners ?

clear Amo_08_09 /^{clear /day :

clear Gen_24_41 /^{clear /from my oath .

clear Gen_24_41 /^{clear /from this my oath ,
when thou comest to my kindred ; and if they give not thee one,
thou shalt be clear from my oath .

clear Gen_24_08 /^{clear /from this my oath :
only bring not my son thither again .

clear Rev_21_18 /${clear /glass .

clear Isa_18_04 /^{clear /heat upon herbs ,
and like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest .

clear 2Co_07_11 /${clear /in this matter .

clear Zec_14_06 /^{clear /nor dark :

clear Gen_44_16 /^{clear /ourselves ? God hath
found out the iniquity of thy servants : behold, we are my
lord's servants , both we, and he also with whom the cup is
found .

clear 2Sa_23_04 /^{clear /shining after rain .

clear Exo_34_07 /^{clear /the guilty; visiting
the iniquity of the fathers upon the children , and upon the
children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.

clear Psa_51_04 /^{clear /when thou judgest .

clearer Job_11_17 /^{clearer /than the noonday ;
thou shalt shine forth , thou shalt be as the morning .

clearing 2Co_07_11 /${clearing /of yourselves ,
yea , what indignation , yea , what fear , yea , what vehement
desire , yea , what zeal , yea , what revenge ! In all things ye
have approved yourselves to be clear in this matter .

clearing Num_14_18 /^{clearing /the guilty,
visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the
third and fourth generation.

clearly Rom_01_20 /${clearly /seen , being
understood by the things that are made , even his eternal power
and Godhead ; so that they are without excuse :

clearly Mat_07_05 /${clearly /to cast out the
mote out of thy brother's eye .

clearly Luk_06_42 /${clearly /to pull out the
mote that is in thy brother's eye .
