clifts , ISA , 57:5



clifts Interlinear Index Study

clifts JOB 030 006 To dwell <07931 +shakan > in the {clifts}
<06178 + of the valleys <05158 +nachal > , [ in ]
caves <02356 +chowr > of the earth <06083 + , and [ in ]
the rocks <03710 +keph > .

clifts ISA 057 005 Enflaming <02552 +chamam > yourselves with
idols <00410 +>el > under <08478 +tachath > every <03605 +kol >
green <07488 +ra tree <06086 + , slaying <07819
+shachat > the children <03206 +yeled > in the valleys <05158
+nachal > under <08478 +tachath > the {clifts} <05585 +ca
of the rocks <05553 +cela< > ?


- clifts , 5585 ,



clifts -5585 branches , {clifts} , top , tops ,






clifts 057 005 Isa /^{clifts /of the rocks ?

clifts 030 006 Job /^{clifts /of the valleys ,
in caves of the earth , and in the rocks .


clifts 1 -
