cloudy Eze_34_12 /^{cloudy /and dark day .

cloudy Eze_30_03 /^{cloudy /day ; it shall be
the time of the heathen .

cloudy Psa_99_07 /^{cloudy /pillar : they kept
his testimonies , and the ordinance that he gave them.

cloudy Neh_09_12 /^{cloudy /pillar ; and in the
night by a pillar of fire , to give them light in the way
wherein they should go .

cloudy Exo_33_09 /^{cloudy /pillar descended ,
and stood at the door of the tabernacle , and the LORD talked
with Moses .

cloudy Exo_33_10 /^{cloudy /pillar stand at the
tabernacle door : and all the people rose up and worshipped ,
every man in his tent door .
