cock Mat_26_74 /${cock /crew .

cock Luk_22_60 /${cock /crew .

cock Joh_18_27 /${cock /crew .

cock Mar_14_68 /${cock /crew .

cock Mar_14_72 /${cock /crew . And Peter
called to mind the word that Jesus said unto him , Before the
cock crow twice , thou shalt deny me thrice . And when he
thought thereon , he wept .

cock Mat_26_34 /${cock /crow , thou shalt
deny me thrice .

cock Luk_22_61 /${cock /crow , thou shalt
deny me thrice .

cock Mat_26_75 /${cock /crow , thou shalt
deny me thrice . And he went out , and wept bitterly .

cock Mar_14_30 /${cock /crow twice , thou
shalt deny me thrice .

cock Mar_14_72 /${cock /crow twice , thou
shalt deny me thrice . And when he thought thereon , he wept .

cock Joh_13_38 /${cock /shall not crow , till
thou hast denied me thrice .

cock Luk_22_34 /${cock /shall not crow this
day , before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me .

cockatrice Isa_14_29 /^{cockatrice /and his fruit
shall be a fiery flying serpent .

cockatrice Isa_11_08 /^{cockatrice /den .

cockatrice Isa_59_05 /^{cockatrice /eggs , and
weave the spider's web : he that eateth of their eggs dieth ,
and that which is crushed breaketh out into a viper .

cockatrices Jer_08_17 /^{cockatrices /among you,
which will not be charmed , and they shall bite you, saith the

cockcrowing Mar_13_35 /${cockcrowing /or in the
morning :

cockle Job_31_40 /^{cockle /instead of barley .
The words of Job are ended .

peacocks Job_39_13 /^{peacocks /or wings and
feathers unto the ostrich ?
