Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the definitions plus combined with every place that word is used in the definitions.

Complete index of every word used in both the Hebrew and Greek Strong's Dictionary in English Word order.

Hebrew and Greek Expanded Dictionary

collar 05188 ## n@tiyphah {net-ee-faw'} ; from 05197 ; a pendant for the ears (especially of pearls) : -- chain , {collar} .

collar 06059 ## ` anaq {aw-nak'} ; a primitive root ; properly , to choke ; used only as denominative from 06060 , to {collar} , i . e . adorn with a necklace ; figuratively , to fit out with supplies : -- compass about as a chain , furnish , liberally .

collar 06310 ## peh {peh} ; from 06284 ; the mouth (as the means of blowing) , whether literal or figurative (particularly speech) ; specifically edge , portion or side ; adverbially (with preposition) according to : -- accord (- ing as ,-ing to) , after , appointment , assent , {collar} , command (- ment) , X eat , edge , end , entry , + file , hole , X in , mind , mouth , part , portion , X (should) say (- ing) , sentence , skirt , sound , speech , X spoken , talk , tenor , X to , + two-edged , wish , word .

collar 07242 ## rabiyd {raw-beed'} ; from 07234 ; a {collar} (as spread around the neck) : -- chain .