conducted Interlinear Index Study

conducted 2SA 019 040 . Then the king <04428 +melek > went
<05674 + on to Gilgal <01537 +Gilgal > , and Chimham
<03643 +Kimham > went <05674 + on with him : and all
<03605 +kol > the people <05971 + of Judah <03063 +Y@huwdah
> {conducted} <05674 + the king <04428 +melek > , and
also <01571 +gam > half <02677 +chetsiy > the people <05971 + > of Israel <03478 +Yisra>el > .

conducted ACT 017 015 And they that {conducted} <2525 -
kathistemi -> Paul <3972 -Paulos -> brought <0071 -ago -> him
unto Athens <0116 -Athenai -> : and receiving <2983 -lambano ->
a commandment <1785 -entole -> unto Silas <4609 -Silas -> and
Timotheus <5095 -Timotheos -> for to come <2064 -erchomai -> to
him with all <5033 -tachista -> speed <5033 -tachista -> , they
departed <1826 -exeimi -> .
