Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

3874 + comfort + intreaty + and comfort + exhortation + consolation + with comfort + of exhortation + by the comfort + to exhortation + of consolation + and consolation + the exhortation + our consolation + and exhortation + and in the comfort + of the consolation + For our exhortation + for the consolation + but by the consolation +/ . paraklesis {par-ak'-lay-sis}; from 3870 + pray + exhort + prayed + I pray + Comfort + beseech + desired + comfort + to pray + exhorted + I exhort + desiring + besought + I beseech + I desired + exhorting + to exhort + we exhort + comforted + we intreat + comforteth + beseeching + to comfort + But exhort + and prayed + and exhort + and comfort + did beseech + but intreat + and beseech + exhortation + And besought + and exhorted + and besought + she besought + But I beseech + As I besought + have I called + and exhorting + they besought + And I beseech + but we beseech + thou desiredst + they comforted + myself beseech + he is comforted + that comforteth + that we desired + him and comfort + we be comforted + And he besought + may be comforted + not be comforted + unto thee I pray + and were desired + and they beseech + with him beseech + thing I besought + he was comforted + he that exhorteth + unto him desiring + him they besought + me And he desired + And they besought + to him beseeching + and they besought + out and intreated + we were comforted + might be comforted + be of good comfort + is ; but exhorting + unto you and exhort + man unto him and besought + things in his exhortation + and that he might comfort + we ourselves are comforted + for they shall be comforted +/ ; imploration, hortation, solace: --comfort, consolation, exhortation, intreaty .

3889 + and comfort +/ . paramuthia {par-am-oo-thee'-ah}; from 3888 + comfort + to comfort + and comforted + we exhorted and comforted +/ ; consolation (properly, abstract): --comfort .

3890 + comfort +/ . paramuthion {par-am-oo'-thee-on}; neuter of 3889 + and comfort +/ ; consolation (properly, concretely): --comfort .