* consolation , 3874 paraklesis ,


consolation -3874 comfort, {consolation}, exhortation, intreaty,


consolation -8575 comforts , {consolation} , consolations ,

consolations -8575 comforts , consolation , {consolations} ,


consolation 8575 -- tanchuwm -- comfort, {consolation}.

consolation 3874 ** paraklesis ** comfort, {consolation},
exhortation, intreaty.


consolation ......... and consolation 3874 -paraklesis->

consolation ......... but by the consolation 3874 -paraklesis->

consolation ......... consolation 3874 -paraklesis->

consolation ......... for the consolation 3874 -paraklesis->

consolation ......... of consolation 3874 -paraklesis->

consolation ......... of the consolation 3874 -paraklesis->

consolation ......... our consolation 3874 -paraklesis->



consolation 8575 ## tanchuwm {tan-khoom'}; or tanchum {tan-
khoom'}; and (feminine) tanchuwmah {tan-khoo-maw'}; from 5162;
compassion, solace: -- comfort, {consolation}.[ql

consolation 3874 # paraklesis {par-ak'-lay-sis}; from 3870;
imploration, hortation, solace: -- comfort, {consolation},
exhortation, intreaty.[ql


consolation 004 036 Act /${consolation /a Levite ,
and of the country of Cyprus ,

consolation 001 005 IICo /${consolation /also
aboundeth by Christ .

consolation 002 016 IITh /${consolation /and good
hope through grace ,

consolation 001 006 IICo /${consolation /and
salvation , which is effectual in the enduring of the same
sufferings which we also suffer : or whether we be comforted ,
it is for your consolation and salvation .

consolation 001 006 IICo /${consolation /and
salvation .

consolation 015 005 Rom /${consolation /grant you to
be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus :

consolation 002 001 Php /${consolation /in Christ ,
if any comfort of love , if any fellowship of the Spirit , if
any bowels and mercies ,

consolation 001 007 Phm /${consolation /in thy love ,
because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by thee ,
brother .

consolation 002 025 Luk /${consolation /of Israel :
and the Holy Ghost was upon him .

consolation 016 007 Jer /^{consolation /to drink for
their father or for their mother .

consolation 007 007 IICo /${consolation /wherewith he
was comforted in you , when he told us your earnest desire ,
your mourning , your fervent mind toward me ; so that I rejoiced
the more .

consolation 006 018 Heb /${consolation /who have
fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us :

consolations 015 011 Job /^{consolations /of God
small with thee? is there any secret thing with thee?

consolations 066 011 Isa /^{consolations /that ye may
milk out , and be delighted with the abundance of her glory .

