consult Psa_62_04 /^{consult /to cast him down
from his excellency : they delight in lies : they bless with
their mouth , but they curse inwardly . Selah .

consultation Mar_15_01 /${consultation /with the
elders and scribes and the whole council , and bound Jesus , and
carried him away , and delivered him to Pilate .

consulted Psa_83_03 /^{consulted /against thy
hidden ones .

consulted Mic_06_05 /^{consulted /and what Balaam
the son of Beor answered him from Shittim unto Gilgal ; that ye
may know the righteousness of the LORD .

consulted Hab_02_10 /^{consulted /shame to thy
house by cutting off many people , and hast sinned against thy
soul .

consulted Joh_12_10 /${consulted /that they might
put Lazarus also to death ;

consulted Mat_26_04 /${consulted /that they might
take Jesus by subtilty , and kill him.

consulted Dan_06_07 /^{consulted /together to
establish a royal statute , and to make a firm decree , that
whosoever shall ask a petition of any God or man for thirty days
, save of thee , O king , he shall be cast into the den of lions

consulted Psa_83_05 /^{consulted /together with
one consent : they are confederate against thee:

consulted Eze_21_21 /^{consulted /with images , he
looked in the liver .

consulted Neh_05_07 /^{consulted /with myself ,
and I rebuked the nobles , and the rulers , and said unto them,
Ye exact usury , every one of his brother . And I set a great
assembly against them.

consulted 1Ch_13_01 /^{consulted /with the
captains of thousands and hundreds , and with every leader .

consulted 1Ki_12_06 /^{consulted /with the old men
, that stood before Solomon his father while he yet lived , and
said , How do ye advise that I may answer this people ?

consulted 2Ch_20_21 /^{consulted /with the people ,
he appointed singers unto the LORD , and that should praise the
beauty of holiness , as they went out before the army , and to
say , Praise the LORD ; for his mercy endureth for ever .

consulted 1Ki_12_08 /^{consulted /with the young
men that were grown up with him, and which stood before him:

consulter Deu_18_11 /^{consulter /with familiar
spirits , or a wizard , or a necromancer .

consulteth Luk_14_31 /${consulteth /whether he be
able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with
twenty thousand ?
