

consumeth -0398 ate , burnt , consume , consumed , {consumeth} ,
consuming , devour , devoured , devourer , devourest ,
devoureth , devouring , dine , eat , eaten , eater , eatest ,
eateth , eating , fed , feed , feedest , food , meat , plenty ,

consumeth -1086 become , consume , {consumeth} , enjoy ,
mourning , old , waste ,

consumeth -7503 abated , alone , cease , {consumeth} , down ,
draweth , fail , faint , feeble , forsake , go , leave , let ,
respite , slack , slothful , stay , still , weak , weakened ,
weakeneth ,






consumeth 013 028 Job /^{consumeth /as a garment
that is moth eaten .

consumeth 005 024 Isa /^{consumeth /the chaff , so
their root shall be as rottenness , and their blossom shall go
up as dust : because they have cast away the law of the LORD of
hosts , and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel .

consumeth 031 012 Job /^{consumeth /to destruction
, and would root out all mine increase .


consumeth 4 -
