Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

contain 46_1CO_07_09 But if (1487 -ei -) they cannot (3756 -ou -) {contain} (1467 -egkrateuomai -) , let them marry (1060 -gameo -):for it is better (2909 -kreitton -) to marry (1060 -gameo -) than (2228 -e -) to burn (4448 -puroo -) .

contain 11_1KI_08_27 But will God (00430 +)elohiym ) indeed (00552 +)umnam ) dwell (03427 +yashab ) on (05921 +(al ) the earth (00776 +)erets ) ? behold (02009 +hinneh ) , the heaven (08064 +shamayim ) and heaven (08064 +shamayim ) of heavens (08064 +shamayim ) cannot (03808 +lo) ) {contain} (03557 +kuwl ) thee ; how (00637 +)aph ) much (00637 +)aph ) less this (02088 +zeh ) house (01004 +bayith ) that I have builded (01129 +banah ) ?

contain 11_1KI_18_32 And with the stones (68) he built (01129 +banah ) an altar (04196 +mizbeach ) in the name (08034 +shem ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ):and he made (06213 +(asah ) a trench (08585 +t@(alah ) about (05439 +cabiyb ) the altar (04196 +mizbeach ) , as great (01004 +bayith ) as would {contain} (01004 +bayith ) two measures (05429 +c@)ah ) of seed (02233 +zera( ) .

contain 14_2CH_02_06 But who (04310 +miy ) is able to build (01129 +banah ) him an house (01004 +bayith ) , seeing the heaven (08064 +shamayim ) and heaven (08064 +shamayim ) of heavens (08064 +shamayim ) cannot (03808 +lo) ) {contain} (03557 +kuwl ) him ? who (04310 +miy ) [ am ] I then , that I should build (01129 +banah ) him an house (01004 +bayith ) , save (00518 +)im ) only to burn (06999 +qatar ) sacrifice before (06440 +paniym ) him ?

contain 14_2CH_06_18 But will God (00430 +)elohiym ) in very (00552 +)umnam ) deed dwell (03427 +yashab ) with men (00120 +)adam ) on (05921 +(al ) the earth (00776 +)erets ) ? behold (02009 +hinneh ) , heaven (08064 +shamayim ) and the heaven (08064 +shamayim ) of heavens (08064 +shamayim ) cannot (03808 +lo) ) {contain} (03557 +kuwl ) thee ; how (00637 +)aph ) much (00637 +)aph ) less this (02088 +zeh ) house (01004 +bayith ) which (00834 +)aher ) I have built (01129 +banah ) !

contain 26_EZE_45_11 The ephah (00374 +)eyphah ) and the bath (01324 +bath ) shall be of one (00259 +)echad ) measure (08506 +token ) , that the bath (01324 +bath ) may {contain} (05375 +nasa) ) the tenth (04643 +ma(aser ) part of an homer (02563 +chomer ) , and the ephah (00374 +)eyphah ) the tenth (06224 +(asiyriy ) part of an homer (02563 +chomer ):the measure (04971 +mathkoneth ) thereof shall be after the homer (02563 +chomer ) .

contain 43_JOH_21_25 And there are also (2532 -kai -) many (4183 -polus -) other (0243 -allos -) things which (3745 -hosos -) Jesus (2424 -Iesous -) did (4160 -poieo -) , the which (3748 -hostis -) , if (1437 -ean -) they should be written (1125 -grapho -) every (2596 -kata -) one (1520 -heis -) , I suppose (3633 -oiomai -) that even (3761 -oude -) the world (2889 -kosmos -) itself (0846 -autos -) could not {contain} (5562 -choreo -) the books (0975 -biblion -) that should be written (1125 -grapho -) . Amen (0281 -amen -) .

contained 11_1KI_07_26 And it [ was ] an hand (02947 +tephach ) breadth (02947 +tephach ) thick (5672(abiy ) , and the brim (08193 +saphah ) thereof was wrought (04639 +ma(aseh ) like the brim (08193 +saphah ) of a cup (03563 +kowc ) , with flowers (06525 +perach ) of lilies (07799 +shuwshan ):it {contained} (03557 +kuwl ) two thousand (00505 +)eleph ) baths (01324 +bath ) .

contained 11_1KI_07_38 Then made (06213 +(asah ) he ten (06235 +(eser ) lavers (03595 +kiyowr ) of brass (05178 +n@chosheth ):one (00259 +)echad ) laver (03595 +kiyowr ) {contained} (03557 +kuwl ) forty (00705 +)arba(iym ) baths (01324 +bath ):[ and ] every (00259 +)echad ) laver (03595 +kiyowr ) was four (00702 +)arba( ) cubits (00520 +)ammah ):[ and ] upon every one (00259 +)echad ) of the ten (06235 +(eser ) bases (04350 +m@kownah ) one (00259 +)echad ) laver (03595 +kiyowr ) .

contained 60_1PE_02_06 Wherefore (1352 -dio -) also (2532 -kai -) it is {contained} (4023 -periecho -) in the scripture (1124 -graphe -) , Behold (2400 -idou -) , I lay (5087 -tithemi -) in Sion (4622 -Sion -) a chief (0204 -akrogoniaios -) corner (0204 -akrogoniaios -) stone (3037 -lithos -) , elect (1588 -eklektos -) , precious (1784 -entimos -):and he that believeth (4100 -pisteuo -) on (1909 -epi -) him shall not be confounded (2617 -kataischuno -) .

contained 49_EPH_02_15 Having abolished (2673 -katargeo -) in his flesh (4561 -sarx -) the enmity (2189 -echthra -) , [ even ] the law (3551 -nomos -) of commandments (1785 -entole -) [ {contained} ] in ordinances (1378 -dogma -) ; for to make (2936 -ktizo -) in himself (1438 -heautou -) of twain (1417 -duo -) one (1520 -heis -) new (2537 -kainos -) man (0444 -anthropos -) , [ so ] making (4160 -poieo -) peace (1515 -eirene -) ;

contained 45_ROM_02_14 For when (3752 -hotan -) the Gentiles (1484 -ethnos -) , which (3588 -ho -) have (2192 -echo -) not the law (3551 -nomos -) , do (4160 -poieo -) by nature (5449 -phusis -) the things {contained} in the law (3551 -nomos -) , these (3778 -houtos -) , having (2192 -echo -) not the law (3551 -nomos -) , are a law (3551 -nomos -) unto themselves (1438 -heautou -) :

containeth 26_EZE_23_32 Thus (03541 +koh ) saith (00559 +)amar ) the Lord (00136 +)Adonay ) GOD (03069 +Y@hovih ) ; Thou shalt drink (08354 +shathah ) of thy sister s (00269 +)achowth ) cup (03563 +kowc ) deep (06013 +(amoq ) and large (07342 +rachab ):thou shalt be laughed (06712 +ts@choq ) to scorn and had in derision (03932 +la(ag ) ; it {containeth} (03557 +kuwl ) much (04767 +mirbah ) .

containing 43_JOH_02_06 And there were set (2749 -keimai -) there (1563 -ekei -) six (1803 -hex -) waterpots (5201 -hudria -) of stone (3035 -lithinos -) , after (2596 -kata -) the manner of the purifying (2512 -katharismos -) of the Jews (2453 -Ioudaios -) , {containing} (5562 -choreo -) two (1417 -duo -) or (2228 -e -) three (5140 -treis -) firkins (3355 -metretes -) apiece (0303 -ana -) .

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