contain -1004 {contain} , court , daughter , door , families ,
family , great , hangings , home , homeborn , house , household ,
households , houses , images , inside , inward , of , palace ,
place , places , temple , thank , the , was , web , within ,

contain -3557 abide , bear , comprehended , {contain} ,
contained , containeth , fed , feed , forbearing , guide , held ,
hold , holding , nourish , nourished , nourisher , present ,
provision , receive , sustain , sustenance , victual , victuals ,

contain -5375 able , accept , accepted , accepteth , advanced ,
bare , barest , bear , beareth , bearing , borne , bring ,
bringing , brought , burned , carried , carrieth , carry ,
carrying , cast , {contain} , ease , exalt , exalted , extolled ,
fetch , fetched , forgavest , forgive , forgiven , forgiving ,
forth , furnished , furthered , given , have , help , helped ,
high , hold , laded , laden , laid , lift , lifted , liftest ,
lifteth , lifting , lofty , magnified , married , obtained ,
offer , pardon , pardoneth , pluck , raise , receive , regard ,
regardeth , respect , respected , set , setteth , spare ,
stirred , suffer , suffered , sware , swear , sworn , take ,
taken , takest , taketh , took , wear , wearing , yield ,

contained -3557 abide , bear , comprehended , contain ,
{contained} , containeth , fed , feed , forbearing , guide ,
held , hold , holding , nourish , nourished , nourisher ,
present , provision , receive , sustain , sustenance , victual ,
victuals ,

containeth -3557 abide , bear , comprehended , contain ,
contained , {containeth} , fed , feed , forbearing , guide ,
held , hold , holding , nourish , nourished , nourisher ,
present , provision , receive , sustain , sustenance , victual ,
victuals ,
