* contended , 1252 diakrino ,


contended -1252 {contended}, contending, differ, difference,
discern, discerning, doubt, doubting, judge, maketh, making,
partial, put, staggered, wavereth, wavering,


contended -4695 {contended} ,

contended -7378 adversaries , chide , chode , complain , contend
, {contended} , contendeth , debate , plead , pleaded , pleadeth
, rebuked , strive , striveth , strove ,


contended 4695 -- matstsuwth -- that {contended}.


contended ......... contended 1252 -diakrino->



contended 4695 ## matstsuwth {mats-tsooth'}; from 5327; a
quarrel: -- that {contended}.[ql


contended 013 011 Neh /^{contended /I with the
rulers , and said , Why is the house of God forsaken ? And I
gathered them together , and set them in their place .

contended 011 002 Act /${contended /with him ,

contended 031 013 Job /^{contended /with me;

contended 013 017 Neh /^{contended /with the
nobles of Judah , and said unto them, What evil thing is this
that ye do , and profane the sabbath day ?

contended 041 012 Isa /^{contended /with thee:
they that war against thee shall be as nothing, and as a thing
of nought .

contended 013 025 Neh /^{contended /with them, and
cursed them, and smote certain of them, and plucked off their
hair , and made them swear by God , saying, Ye shall not give
your daughters unto their sons , nor take their daughters unto
your sons , or for yourselves.


contended 6 -
