Bible Word Index with Strong's Number

Language Tranliteration of original language words

cool 01_GEN_03_08 And they heard (08085 +shama( ) the voice (06963 +qowl ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) God (00430 +)elohiym ) walking (01980 +halak ) in the garden (01588 +gan ) in the {cool} (07307 +ruwach ) of the day (03117 +yowm ):and Adam (00120 +)adam ) and his wife (00802 +)ishshah ) hid (2244) themselves from the presence (06440 +paniym ) of the LORD (03068 +Y@hovah ) God (00430 +)elohiym ) amongst (08432 +tavek ) the trees (06086 +(ets ) of the garden (01588 +gan ) .

cool 42_LUK_16_24 And he cried 5455 -phoneo - and said 2036 -epo - , Father 3962 -pater - Abraham 11 , have mercy 1653 -eleeo - on me , and send 3992 -pempo - Lazarus 2976 -Lazaros - , that he may dip 0911 -bapto - the tip 0206 -akron - of his finger 1147 -daktulos - in water 5204 -hudor - , and {cool} 2711 -katapsucho - my tongue 1100 -glossa - ; for I am tormented 3600 -odunao - in this 5026 -taute - flame 5395 -phlox - .

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