coping , 1KI , 7:9



coping Interlinear Index Study

coping 1KI 007 009 All <03605 +kol > these <00428 +>el - leh > [
were of ] costly <03368 +yaqar > stones <68> , according to the
measures <04060 +middah > of hewed <01496 +gaziyth > stones
<01496 +gaziyth > , sawed <01641 +garar > with saws <04050
+m@gerah > , within <01004 +bayith > and without <02351 +chuwts
> , even from the foundation <04527 +maccad > unto the {coping}
<02947 +tephach > , and [ so ] on <05704 + the outside
<02351 +chuwts > toward <05704 + the great <01419 +gadowl >
court <02691 +chatser > .


- coping , 2947 ,



coping -2947 breadth , {coping} , hand , handbreadth ,


coping 2947 -- tephach -- {coping}, hand-breadth.




coping 2947 ## tephach {tay'-fakh}; from 2946; a spread of the
hand, i.e. a palm- breadth (not "span" of the fingers);
architecturally, a corbel (as a supporting palm): -- {coping},
hand-breadth. [ql


coping 007 009 IKi /^{coping /and so on the
outside toward the great court .

