corn Rut_02_02 /^{corn /after him in whose
sight I shall find grace . And she said unto her, Go , my
daughter .

corn Gen_42_05 /^{corn /among those that came
: for the famine was in the land of Canaan .

corn 1Ti_05_18 /${corn /And , The labourer is
worthy of his reward .

corn 1Sa_25_18 /^{corn /and an hundred
clusters of raisins , and two hundred cakes of figs, and laid
them on asses .

corn 2Sa_17_28 /^{corn /and beans , and
lentiles , and parched pulse,

corn Gen_45_23 /^{corn /and bread and meat
for his father by the way .

corn Gen_42_26 /^{corn /and departed thence.

corn Luk_06_01 /${corn /and did eat , rubbing
them in their hands .

corn Hos_14_07 /^{corn /and grow as the vine :
the scent thereof shall be as the wine of Lebanon .

corn Mat_12_01 /${corn /and his disciples
were an hungred , and began to pluck the ears of corn , and to
eat .

corn Isa_17_05 /^{corn /and reapeth the ears
with his arm ; and it shall be as he that gathereth ears in the
valley of Rephaim .

corn Rut_03_07 /^{corn /and she came softly ,
and uncovered his feet , and laid her down .

corn Rut_02_14 /^{corn /and she did eat , and
was sufficed , and left .

corn Neh_13_12 /^{corn /and the new wine and
the oil unto the treasuries .

corn Amo_08_05 /^{corn /and the sabbath ,
that we may set forth wheat , making the ephah small , and the
shekel great , and falsifying the balances by deceit ?

corn Hos_02_22 /^{corn /and the wine , and
the oil ; and they shall hear Jezreel .

corn Psa_04_07 /^{corn /and their wine
increased .

corn 1Sa_17_17 /^{corn /and these ten loaves ,
and run to the camp to thy brethren ;

corn Deu_07_13 /^{corn /and thy wine , and
thine oil , the increase of thy kine , and the flocks of thy
sheep , in the land which he sware unto thy fathers to give thee.

corn Deu_11_14 /^{corn /and thy wine , and
thine oil .

corn Deu_16_13 /^{corn /and thy wine :

corn Mat_12_01 /${corn /and to eat .

corn Gen_42_25 /^{corn /and to restore every
man's money into his sack , and to give them provision for the
way : and thus did he unto them.

corn Hag_01_11 /^{corn /and upon the new wine
, and upon the oil , and upon that which the ground bringeth
forth , and upon men , and upon cattle , and upon all the labour
of the hands .

corn Eze_36_29 /^{corn /and will increase it,
and lay no famine upon you.

corn 2Ki_18_32 /^{corn /and wine , a land of
bread and vineyards , a land of oil olive and of honey , that ye
may live , and not die : and hearken not unto Hezekiah , when he
persuadeth you, saying , The LORD will deliver us.

corn Isa_36_17 /^{corn /and wine , a land of
bread and vineyards .

corn Hos_02_08 /^{corn /and wine , and oil ,
and multiplied her silver and gold , which they prepared for
Baal .

corn Joe_02_19 /^{corn /and wine , and oil ,
and ye shall be satisfied therewith: and I will no more make you
a reproach among the heathen :

corn 2Ch_32_28 /^{corn /and wine , and oil ;
and stalls for all manner of beasts , and cotes for flocks .

corn Hos_07_14 /^{corn /and wine , and they
rebel against me.

corn Gen_27_28 /^{corn /and wine :

corn Deu_33_28 /^{corn /and wine ; also his
heavens shall drop down dew .

corn Lam_02_12 /^{corn /and wine ? when they
swooned as the wounded in the streets of the city , when their
soul was poured out into their mothers bosom .

corn Gen_27_37 /^{corn /and wine have I
sustained him: and what shall I do now unto thee, my son ?

corn Gen_41_49 /^{corn /as the sand of the
sea , very much , until he left numbering ; for it was without
number .

corn Lev_02_14 /^{corn /beaten out of full
ears .

corn Neh_05_03 /^{corn /because of the dearth

corn Gen_41_57 /^{corn /because that the
famine was so sore in all lands .

corn Isa_37_27 /^{corn /blasted before it be
grown up .

corn 2Ki_19_26 /^{corn /blasted before it be
grown up .

corn Hos_10_11 /^{corn /but I passed over
upon her fair neck : I will make Ephraim to ride ; Judah shall
plow , and Jacob shall break his clods .

corn Gen_41_05 /^{corn /came up upon one
stalk , rank and good .

corn Job_05_26 /^{corn /cometh in in his
season .

corn 1Co_09_09 /${corn /Doth God take care
for oxen ?

corn Lev_02_14 /^{corn /dried by the fire ,
even corn beaten out of full ears .

corn Luk_06_01 /${corn /fields ; and his
disciples plucked the ears of corn , and did eat , rubbing them
in their hands .

corn Mar_02_23 /${corn /fields on the sabbath
day ; and his disciples began , as they went , to pluck the ears
of corn .

corn Gen_42_19 /^{corn /for the famine of
your houses :

corn Neh_05_02 /^{corn /for them, that we may
eat , and live .

corn Neh_05_10 /^{corn /I pray you, let us
leave off this usury .

corn Act_07_12 /${corn /in Egypt , he sent
out our fathers first .

corn Gen_42_01 /^{corn /in Egypt , Jacob said
unto his sons , Why do ye look one upon another?

corn Gen_42_03 /^{corn /in Egypt .

corn Gen_42_02 /^{corn /in Egypt : get you
down thither, and buy for us from thence; that we may live , and
not die .

corn Mar_04_28 /${corn /in the ear .

corn Psa_72_16 /^{corn /in the earth upon the
top of the mountains ; the fruit thereof shall shake like
Lebanon : and they of the city shall flourish like grass of the
earth .

corn Job_24_06 /^{corn /in the field : and
they gather the vintage of the wicked .

corn 2Ki_04_42 /^{corn /in the husk thereof.
And he said , Give unto the people , that they may eat .

corn Jos_05_11 /^{corn /in the selfsame day .

corn Hos_02_09 /^{corn /in the time thereof,
and my wine in the season thereof, and will recover my wool and
my flax given to cover her nakedness .

corn Isa_28_28 /^{corn /is bruised ; because
he will not ever be threshing it, nor break it with the wheel of
his cart , nor bruise it with his horsemen .

corn Amo_09_09 /^{corn /is sifted in a sieve ,
yet shall not the least grain fall upon the earth .

corn Joe_01_10 /^{corn /is wasted : the new
wine is dried up , the oil languisheth .

corn Joe_01_17 /^{corn /is withered .

corn Gen_44_02 /^{corn /money . And he did
according to the word that Joseph had spoken .

corn Lev_23_14 /^{corn /nor green ears ,
until the selfsame day that ye have brought an offering unto
your God : it shall be a statute for ever throughout your
generations in all your dwellings .

corn Psa_78_24 /^{corn /of heaven .

corn Isa_21_10 /^{corn /of my floor : that
which I have heard of the LORD of hosts , the God of Israel ,
have I declared unto you.

corn Jos_05_12 /^{corn /of the land ; neither
had the children of Israel manna any more; but they did eat of
the fruit of the land of Canaan that year .

corn Jos_05_11 /^{corn /of the land on the
morrow after the passover , unleavened cakes , and parched corn
in the selfsame day .

corn Neh_10_39 /^{corn /of the new wine , and
the oil , unto the chambers , where are the vessels of the
sanctuary , and the priests that minister , and the porters ,
and the singers : and we will not forsake the house of our God .

corn Jud_15_05 /^{corn /of the Philistines ,
and burnt up both the shocks , and also the standing corn , with
the vineyards and olives .

corn Num_18_27 /^{corn /of the threshingfloor
, and as the fulness of the winepress .

corn Deu_23_25 /^{corn /of thy neighbour ,
then thou mayest pluck the ears with thine hand ; but thou shalt
not move a sickle unto thy neighbour's standing corn .

corn Deu_18_04 /^{corn /of thy wine , and of
thine oil , and the first of the fleece of thy sheep , shalt
thou give him.

corn Deu_14_23 /^{corn /of thy wine , and of
thine oil , and the firstlings of thy herds and of thy flocks ;
that thou mayest learn to fear the LORD thy God always .

corn Joh_12_24 /${corn /of wheat fall into
the ground and die , it abideth alone : but if it die , it
bringeth forth much fruit .

corn Deu_12_17 /^{corn /or of thy wine , or
of thy oil , or the firstlings of thy herds or of thy flock ,
nor any of thy vows which thou vowest , nor thy freewill
offerings , or heave offering of thine hand :

corn Exo_22_06 /^{corn /or the field , be
consumed therewith; he that kindled the fire shall surely make
restitution .

corn Exo_22_06 /^{corn /or the standing corn ,
or the field , be consumed therewith; he that kindled the fire
shall surely make restitution .

corn Zec_09_17 /^{corn /shall make the young
men cheerful , and new wine the maids .

corn Neh_13_05 /^{corn /the new wine , and
the oil , which was commanded to be given to the Levites , and
the singers , and the porters ; and the offerings of the priests

corn Pro_11_26 /^{corn /the people shall
curse him: but blessing shall be upon the head of him that
selleth it.

corn Neh_05_11 /^{corn /the wine , and the
oil , that ye exact of them.

corn Lev_02_16 /^{corn /thereof, and part of
the oil thereof, with all the frankincense thereof: it is an
offering made by fire unto the LORD .

corn 2Sa_17_19 /^{corn /thereon; and the thing
was not known .

corn Job_39_04 /^{corn /they go forth , and
return not unto them.

corn Psa_65_13 /^{corn /they shout for joy ,
they also sing .

corn Isa_62_08 /^{corn /to be meat for thine
enemies ; and the sons of the stranger shall not drink thy wine ,
for the which thou hast laboured :

corn Gen_41_35 /^{corn /under the hand of
Pharaoh , and let them keep food in the cities .

corn Psa_65_09 /^{corn /when thou hast so
provided for it.

corn Gen_47_14 /^{corn /which they bought :
and Joseph brought the money into Pharaoh's house .

corn Gen_43_02 /^{corn /which they had
brought out of Egypt , their father said unto them, Go again ,
buy us a little food .

corn 2Ch_31_05 /^{corn /wine , and oil , and
honey , and of all the increase of the field ; and the tithe of
all things brought they in abundantly .

corn Deu_28_51 /^{corn /wine , or oil , or
the increase of thy kine , or flocks of thy sheep , until he
have destroyed thee.

corn Jud_15_05 /^{corn /with the vineyards
and olives .

Cornelius Act_10_01 /${Cornelius /a centurion of
the band called the Italian band,

Cornelius Act_10_21 /${Cornelius /and said ,
Behold , I am he whom ye seek : what is the cause wherefore ye
are come ?

Cornelius Act_10_17 /${Cornelius /had made enquiry
for Simon's house , and stood before the gate ,

Cornelius Act_10_25 /${Cornelius /met him , and
fell down at his feet , and worshipped him.

Cornelius Act_10_30 /${Cornelius /said , Four days
ago I was fasting until this hour ; and at the ninth hour I
prayed in my house , and , behold , a man stood before me in
bright clothing ,

Cornelius Act_10_22 /${Cornelius /the centurion ,
a just man , and one that feareth God , and of good report among
all the nation of the Jews , was warned from God by an holy
angel to send for thee into his house , and to hear words of
thee .

Cornelius Act_10_31 /${Cornelius /thy prayer is
heard , and thine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of
God .

Cornelius Act_10_24 /${Cornelius /waited for them ,
and had called together his kinsmen and near friends .

Cornelius Act_10_07 /${Cornelius /was departed ,
he called two of his household servants , and a devout soldier
of them that waited on him continually ;

corner Pro_07_08 /^{corner /and he went the way
to her house ,

corner Isa_30_20 /^{corner /any more, but thine
eyes shall see thy teachers :

corner 2Ch_26_09 /^{corner /gate , and at the
valley gate , and at the turning of the wall, and fortified them.

corner Zec_14_10 /^{corner /gate , and from the
tower of Hananeel unto the king's winepresses .

corner 2Ch_25_23 /^{corner /gate , four hundred
cubits .

corner 2Ki_14_13 /^{corner /gate , four hundred
cubits .

corner Exo_36_25 /^{corner /he made twenty
boards ,

corner Jer_51_26 /^{corner /nor a stone for
foundations ; but thou shalt be desolate for ever , saith the

corner Amo_03_12 /^{corner /of a bed , and in
Damascus in a couch .

corner 2Ch_28_24 /^{corner /of Jerusalem .

corner Jer_48_45 /^{corner /of Moab , and the
crown of the head of the tumultuous ones .

corner Eze_46_21 /^{corner /of the court there
was a court .

corner Jer_31_40 /^{corner /of the horse gate
toward the east , shall be holy unto the LORD ; it shall not be
plucked up , nor thrown down any more for ever .

corner Pro_25_24 /^{corner /of the housetop ,
than with a brawling woman and in a wide house .

corner Pro_21_09 /^{corner /of the housetop ,
than with a brawling woman in a wide house .

corner Jos_18_14 /^{corner /of the sea
southward , from the hill that lieth before Bethhoron southward ;
and the goings out thereof were at Kirjathbaal , which is
Kirjathjearim , a city of the children of Judah : this was the
west quarter .

corner 2Ki_11_11 /^{corner /of the temple ,
along by the altar and the temple .

corner 2Ki_11_11 /^{corner /of the temple to the
left corner of the temple , along by the altar and the temple .

corner Lev_21_05 /^{corner /of their beard ,
nor make any cuttings in their flesh .

corner Zec_10_04 /^{corner /out of him the nail
, out of him the battle bow , out of him every oppressor
together .

corner 1Pe_02_06 /${corner /stone , elect ,
precious : and he that believeth on him shall not be confounded .

corner Job_38_06 /^{corner /stone thereof;

corner Isa_28_16 /^{corner /stone, a sure
foundation : he that believeth shall not make haste .

corner Eph_02_20 /${corner /stone;

corner Psa_144_12 /^{corner /stones , polished
after the similitude of a palace :

corner Mat_21_42 /${corner /this is the Lord's
doing , and it is marvellous in our eyes ?

corner Neh_03_32 /^{corner /unto the sheep gate
repaired the goldsmiths and the merchants .

corners Jer_49_32 /^{corners /and I will bring
their calamity from all sides thereof, saith the LORD .

corners Act_11_05 /${corners /and it came even
to me :

corners Act_10_11 /${corners /and let down to
the earth :

corners Deu_32_26 /^{corners /I would make the
remembrance of them to cease from among men :

corners Exo_37_27 /^{corners /of it, upon the
two sides thereof, to be places for the staves to bear it withal.

corners Exo_37_03 /^{corners /of it; even two
rings upon the one side of it, and two rings upon the other side
of it.

corners Exo_38_02 /^{corners /of it; the horns
thereof were of the same: and he overlaid it with brass .

corners Num_24_17 /^{corners /of Moab , and
destroy all the children of Sheth .

corners 1Ki_07_34 /^{corners /of one base : and
the undersetters were of the very base itself.

corners Zec_09_15 /^{corners /of the altar .

corners Eze_46_21 /^{corners /of the court ; and,
behold, in every corner of the court there was a court .

corners Eze_46_22 /^{corners /of the court there
were courts joined of forty cubits long and thirty broad : these
four corners were of one measure .

corners Rev_07_01 /${corners /of the earth ,
holding the four winds of the earth , that the wind should not
blow on the earth , nor on the sea , nor on any tree .

corners Isa_11_12 /^{corners /of the earth .

corners Job_01_19 /^{corners /of the house , and
it fell upon the young men , and they are dead ; and I only am
escaped alone to tell thee.

corners Eze_07_02 /^{corners /of the land .

corners Eze_43_20 /^{corners /of the settle ,
and upon the border round about : thus shalt thou cleanse and
purge it.

corners Eze_45_19 /^{corners /of the settle of
the altar , and upon the posts of the gate of the inner court .

corners Mat_06_05 /${corners /of the streets ,
that they may be seen of men . Verily I say unto you , They have
their reward .

corners Exo_26_23 /^{corners /of the tabernacle
in the two sides .

corners Exo_36_28 /^{corners /of the tabernacle
in the two sides .

corners Lev_19_27 /^{corners /of thy beard .

corners Lev_19_09 /^{corners /of thy field ,
neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest .

corners Lev_23_22 /^{corners /of thy field when
thou reapest , neither shalt thou gather any gleaning of thy
harvest : thou shalt leave them unto the poor , and to the
stranger : I am the LORD your God .

corners Lev_19_27 /^{corners /of your heads ,
neither shalt thou mar the corners of thy beard .

corners Neh_09_22 /^{corners /so they possessed
the land of Sihon , and the land of the king of Heshbon , and
the land of Og king of Bashan .

corners Exo_25_26 /^{corners /that are on the
four feet thereof.

corners Jer_09_26 /^{corners /that dwell in the
wilderness : for all these nations are uncircumcised , and all
the house of Israel are uncircumcised in the heart .

corners Exo_37_13 /^{corners /that were in the
four feet thereof.

corners 1Ki_07_30 /^{corners /thereof had
undersetters : under the laver were undersetters molten , at the
side of every addition .

corners Eze_41_22 /^{corners /thereof, and the
length thereof, and the walls thereof, were of wood : and he
said unto me, This is the table that is before the LORD .

corners Exo_30_04 /^{corners /thereof, upon the
two sides of it shalt thou make it; and they shall be for places
for the staves to bear it withal .

corners Exo_27_04 /^{corners /thereof.

corners Exo_27_02 /^{corners /thereof: his horns
shall be of the same: and thou shalt overlay it with brass .

corners Exo_25_12 /^{corners /thereof; and two
rings shall be in the one side of it, and two rings in the other
side of it.

corners Eze_46_22 /^{corners /were of one
measure .

cornet 1Ch_15_28 /^{cornet /and with trumpets ,
and with cymbals , making a noise with psalteries and harps .

cornet Dan_03_07 /^{cornet /flute , harp ,
sackbut , psaltery , and all kinds of musick , all the people ,
the nations , and the languages , fell down and worshipped the
golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up .

cornet Dan_03_10 /^{cornet /flute , harp ,
sackbut , psaltery , and dulcimer , and all kinds of musick ,
shall fall down and worship the golden image :

cornet Dan_03_15 /^{cornet /flute , harp ,
sackbut , psaltery , and dulcimer , and all kinds of musick , ye
fall down and worship the image which I have made ; well: but if
ye worship not , ye shall be cast the same hour into the midst
of a burning fiery furnace ; and who is that God that shall
deliver you out of my hands ?

cornet Dan_03_05 /^{cornet /flute , harp ,
sackbut , psaltery , dulcimer , and all kinds of musick , ye
fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the
king hath set up :

cornet Hos_05_08 /^{cornet /in Gibeah , and the
trumpet in Ramah : cry aloud at Bethaven , after thee, O
Benjamin .

cornet Psa_98_06 /^{cornet /make a joyful noise
before the LORD , the King .

cornets 2Sa_06_05 /^{cornets /and on cymbals .

scorn Psa_44_13 /^{scorn /and a derision to
them that are round about us.

scorn Psa_79_04 /^{scorn /and derision to them
that are round about us.

scorn Neh_02_19 /^{scorn /and despised us, and
said , What is this thing that ye do ? will ye rebel against the
king ?

scorn Eze_23_32 /^{scorn /and had in derision ;
it containeth much .

scorn 2Ch_30_10 /^{scorn /and mocked them.

scorn Mar_05_40 /${scorn /But when he had put
them all out , he taketh the father and the mother of the damsel
, and them that were with him , and entereth in where the damsel
was lying .

scorn Luk_08_53 /${scorn /knowing that she was
dead .

scorn Job_16_20 /^{scorn /me: but mine eye
poureth out tears unto God .

scorn Isa_37_22 /^{scorn /the daughter of
Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee .

scorn 2Ki_19_21 /^{scorn /the daughter of
Jerusalem hath shaken her head at thee .

scorn Psa_22_07 /^{scorn /they shoot out the
lip , they shake the head , saying,

scorn Est_03_06 /^{scorn /to lay hands on
Mordecai alone; for they had shewed him the people of Mordecai :
wherefore Haman sought to destroy all the Jews that were
throughout the whole kingdom of Ahasuerus , even the people of
Mordecai .

scorn Hab_01_10 /^{scorn /unto them: they
shall deride every strong hold ; for they shall heap dust , and
take it.

scorner Pro_22_10 /^{scorner /and contention
shall go out ; yea, strife and reproach shall cease .

scorner Pro_19_25 /^{scorner /and the simple
will beware : and reprove one that hath understanding , and he
will understand knowledge .

scorner Pro_09_07 /^{scorner /getteth to himself
shame : and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot

scorner Pro_13_01 /^{scorner /heareth not rebuke

scorner Pro_24_09 /^{scorner /is an abomination
to men .

scorner Isa_29_20 /^{scorner /is consumed , and
all that watch for iniquity are cut off :

scorner Pro_21_24 /^{scorner /is his name , who
dealeth in proud wrath .

scorner Pro_21_11 /^{scorner /is punished , the
simple is made wise : and when the wise is instructed , he
receiveth knowledge .

scorner Pro_09_08 /^{scorner /lest he hate thee:
rebuke a wise man , and he will love thee.

scorner Pro_15_12 /^{scorner /loveth not one
that reproveth him: neither will he go unto the wise .

scorner Pro_14_06 /^{scorner /seeketh wisdom ,
and findeth it not: but knowledge is easy unto him that
understandeth .

scorners Pro_19_29 /^{scorners /and stripes for
the back of fools .

scorners Pro_03_34 /^{scorners /but he giveth
grace unto the lowly .

scorners Pro_01_22 /^{scorners /delight in their
scorning , and fools hate knowledge ?

scornest Eze_16_31 /^{scornest /hire ;

scornest Pro_09_12 /^{scornest /thou alone shalt
bear it.

scorneth Pro_19_28 /^{scorneth /judgment : and
the mouth of the wicked devoureth iniquity .

scorneth Job_39_18 /^{scorneth /the horse and his
rider .

scorneth Job_39_07 /^{scorneth /the multitude of
the city , neither regardeth he the crying of the driver .

scorneth Pro_03_34 /^{scorneth /the scorners :
but he giveth grace unto the lowly .

scornful Isa_28_14 /^{scornful /men , that rule
this people which is in Jerusalem .

Scornful Pro_29_08 /^{Scornful /men bring a city
into a snare : but wise men turn away wrath .

scorning Pro_01_22 /^{scorning /and fools hate
knowledge ?

scorning Job_34_07 /^{scorning /like water ?

scorning Psa_123_04 /^{scorning /of those that
are at ease , and with the contempt of the proud .

unicorn Job_39_09 /^{unicorn /be willing to
serve thee, or abide by thy crib ?

unicorn Num_24_08 /^{unicorn /he shall eat up
the nations his enemies , and shall break their bones , and
pierce them through with his arrows .

unicorn Psa_92_10 /^{unicorn /I shall be
anointed with fresh oil .

unicorn Job_39_10 /^{unicorn /with his band in
the furrow ? or will he harrow the valleys after thee?

unicorns Isa_34_07 /^{unicorns /shall come down
with them, and the bullocks with the bulls ; and their land
shall be soaked with blood , and their dust made fat with
fatness .

unicorns Deu_33_17 /^{unicorns /with them he
shall push the people together to the ends of the earth : and
they are the ten thousands of Ephraim , and they are the
thousands of Manasseh .
