could Isa_41_28 /^{could /answer a word .

could Mar_05_04 /${could /any man tame him .

could Luk_08_43 /${could /be healed of any ,

could 2Co_11_01 /${could /bear with me a little
in my folly : and indeed bear with me .

could Mar_05_03 /${could /bind him , no, not
with chains :

could 2Ch_20_25 /^{could /carry away : and they
were three days in gathering of the spoil , it was so much .

could Gen_41_24 /^{could /declare it to me.

could 2Ch_32_14 /^{could /deliver his people
out of mine hand , that your God should be able to deliver you
out of mine hand ?

could Dan_08_04 /^{could /deliver out of his
hand ; but he did according to his will , and became great .

could Dan_08_07 /^{could /deliver the ram out
of his hand .

could Joh_09_33 /${could /do nothing .

could Jud_17_08 /^{could /find a place: and he
came to mount Ephraim to the house of Micah , as he journeyed .

could Dan_06_04 /^{could /find none occasion
nor fault ; forasmuch as he was faithful , neither was there any
error or fault found in him .

could 1Sa_23_13 /^{could /go . And it was told
Saul that David was escaped from Keilah ; and he forbare to go
forth .

could 1Ch_12_08 /^{could /handle shield and
buckler , whose faces were like the faces of lions , and were as
swift as the roes upon the mountains ;

could 2Ch_25_05 /^{could /handle spear and
shield .

could Isa_05_04 /^{could /have been done more
to my vineyard , that I have not done in it? wherefore , when I
looked that it should bring forth grapes , brought it forth wild
grapes ?

could Psa_55_12 /^{could /have borne it:
neither was it he that hated me that did magnify himself against
me; then I would have hid myself from him:

could Gal_03_21 /${could /have given life ,
verily righteousness should have been by the law .

could Hos_05_13 /^{could /he not heal you, nor
cure you of your wound .

could Job_16_04 /^{could /heap up words
against you, and shake mine head at you.

could Neh_08_02 /^{could /hear with
understanding , upon the first day of the seventh month .

could Luk_13_11 /${could /in no wise lift up

could Gen_41_08 /^{could /interpret them unto
Pharaoh .

could 1Ch_12_38 /^{could /keep rank , came
with a perfect heart to Hebron , to make David king over all
Israel : and all the rest also of Israel were of one heart to
make David king .

could 1Ch_12_33 /^{could /keep rank : they
were not of double heart .

could Rut_03_14 /^{could /know another . And
he said , Let it not be known that a woman came into the floor .

could Rev_14_03 /${could /learn that song but
the hundred and forty and four thousand , which were redeemed
from the earth .

could Jer_44_22 /^{could /no longer bear ,
because of the evil of your doings , and because of the
abominations which ye have committed ; therefore is your land a
desolation , and an astonishment , and a curse , without an
inhabitant , as at this day .

could 1Th_03_05 /${could /no longer forbear ,
I sent to know your faith , lest by some means the tempter have
tempted you , and our labour be in vain .

could 1Th_03_01 /${could /no longer forbear ,
we thought it good to be left at Athens alone ;

could Mar_01_45 /${could /no more openly enter
into the city , but was without in desert places : and they came
to him from every quarter .

could Mar_09_18 /${could /not .

could Luk_09_40 /${could /not .

could Mar_06_19 /${could /not :

could 2Sa_03_11 /^{could /not answer Abner a
word again, because he feared him.

could Luk_14_06 /${could /not answer him again
to these things .

could Gen_45_03 /^{could /not answer him; for
they were troubled at his presence .

could Jud_02_14 /^{could /not any longer stand
before their enemies .

could 2Sa_22_39 /^{could /not arise : yea, they
are fallen under my feet .

could Jer_24_02 /^{could /not be eaten , they
were so bad .

could Psa_37_36 /^{could /not be found .

could 1Sa_10_21 /^{could /not be found .

could 003 018 IICh /^{could /not be found out .

could Mar_07_24 /${could /not be hid .

could Act_13_39 /${could /not be justified by
the law of Moses .

could Gen_41_21 /^{could /not be known that
they had eaten them ; but they were still ill favoured , as at
the beginning . So I awoke .

could Eze_47_05 /^{could /not be passed over .

could 2Ch_05_06 /^{could /not be told nor
numbered for multitude .

could 1Ki_08_05 /^{could /not be told nor
numbered for multitude .

could Jer_15_01 /^{could /not be toward this
people : cast them out of my sight , and let them go forth .

could Gen_36_07 /^{could /not bear them
because of their cattle .

could Act_27_15 /${could /not bear up into the
wind , we let her drive .

could Joh_12_39 /${could /not believe ,
because that Esaias said again ,

could 1Ki_05_03 /^{could /not build an house
unto the name of the LORD his God for the wars which were about
him on every side , until the LORD put them under the soles of
his feet .

could Ezr_05_05 /^{could /not cause them to
cease , till the matter came to Darius : and then they returned
answer by letter concerning this matter.

could Luk_08_19 /${could /not come at him for
the press .

could Mar_02_04 /${could /not come nigh unto
him for the press , they uncovered the roof where he was : and
when they had broken it up , they let down the bed wherein the
sick of the palsy lay .

could Joh_21_25 /${could /not contain the
books that should be written . Amen .

could Est_07_04 /^{could /not countervail the
king's damage .

could Mat_17_16 /${could /not cure him .

could Isa_46_02 /^{could /not deliver the
burden , but themselves are gone into captivity .

could 2Ch_25_15 /^{could /not deliver their own
people out of thine hand ?

could Job_04_16 /^{could /not discern the form
thereof: an image was before mine eyes , there was silence , and
I heard a voice , saying,

could Ezr_03_13 /^{could /not discern the
noise of the shout of joy from the noise of the weeping of the
people : for the people shouted with a loud shout , and the
noise was heard afar off .

could Rom_08_03 /${could /not do , in that it
was weak through the flesh , God sending his own Son in the
likeness of sinful flesh , and for sin , condemned sin in the
flesh :

could Jud_06_27 /^{could /not do it by day ,
that he did it by night .

could Jud_03_22 /^{could /not draw the dagger
out of his belly ; and the dirt came out .

could Psa_78_44 /^{could /not drink .

could Exo_07_24 /^{could /not drink of the
water of the river .

could Exo_07_21 /^{could /not drink of the
water of the river ; and there was blood throughout all the land
of Egypt .

could Exo_15_23 /^{could /not drink of the
waters of Marah , for they were bitter : therefore the name of
it was called Marah .

could Jud_01_19 /^{could /not drive out the
inhabitants of the valley , because they had chariots of iron .

could Jos_17_12 /^{could /not drive out the
inhabitants of those cities ; but the Canaanites would dwell in
that land .

could Jos_15_63 /^{could /not drive them out :
but the Jebusites dwell with the children of Judah at Jerusalem
unto this day .

could Gen_13_06 /^{could /not dwell together .

could 2Ki_04_40 /^{could /not eat thereof.

could Job_31_23 /^{could /not endure.

could Heb_03_19 /${could /not enter in because
of unbelief .

could 2Ch_07_02 /^{could /not enter into the
house of the LORD , because the glory of the LORD had filled the
LORD'S house .

could Luk_05_19 /${could /not find by what way
they might bring him in because of the multitude , they went
upon the housetop , and let him down through the tiling with his
couch into the midst before Jesus .

could Son_05_06 /^{could /not find him; I
called him, but he gave me no answer .

could 2Sa_17_20 /^{could /not find them, they
returned to Jerusalem .

could Luk_19_48 /${could /not find what they
might do : for all the people were very attentive to hear him .

could 2Ch_29_34 /^{could /not flay all the
burnt offerings : wherefore their brethren the Levites did help
them, till the work was ended , and until the other priests had
sanctified themselves: for the Levites were more upright in
heart to sanctify themselves than the priests .

could 1Sa_30_21 /^{could /not follow David ,
whom they had made also to abide at the brook Besor : and they
went forth to meet David , and to meet the people that were with
him: and when David came near to the people , he saluted them.

could Luk_19_03 /${could /not for the press ,
because he was little of stature .

could Jud_12_06 /^{could /not frame to
pronounce it right . Then they took him, and slew him at the
passages of Jordan : and there fell at that time of the
Ephraimites forty and two thousand .

could 1Ch_21_30 /^{could /not go before it to
enquire of God : for he was afraid because of the sword of the
angel of the LORD .

could 1Sa_30_10 /^{could /not go over the
brook Besor .

could Eze_31_08 /^{could /not hide him: the
fir trees were not like his boughs , and the chesnut trees were
not like his branches ; nor any tree in the garden of God was
like unto him in his beauty .

could Jud_14_14 /^{could /not in three days
expound the riddle .

could 2Ch_30_03 /^{could /not keep it at that
time , because the priests had not sanctified themselves
sufficiently , neither had the people gathered themselves
together to Jerusalem .

could Num_09_06 /^{could /not keep the
passover on that day : and they came before Moses and before
Aaron on that day :

could Act_21_34 /${could /not know the
certainty for the tumult , he commanded him to be carried into
the castle .

could 2Sa_01_10 /^{could /not live after that
he was fallen : and I took the crown that was upon his head ,
and the bracelet that was on his arm , and have brought them
hither unto my lord .

could Exo_02_03 /^{could /not longer hide him,
she took for him an ark of bulrushes , and daubed it with slime
and with pitch , and put the child therein; and she laid it in
the flags by the river's brink .

could Heb_09_09 /${could /not make him that
did the service perfect , as pertaining to the conscience ;

could 2Ki_16_05 /^{could /not overcome him.

could Eze_47_05 /^{could /not pass over : for
the waters were risen , waters to swim in , a river that could
not be passed over .

could Isa_07_01 /^{could /not prevail against

could Isa_30_05 /^{could /not profit them, nor
be an help nor profit , but a shame , and also a reproach .

could Act_25_07 /${could /not prove .

could 1Ki_13_04 /^{could /not pull it in again
to him.

could Dan_05_08 /^{could /not read the writing
, nor make known to the king the interpretation thereof.

could 2Ch_14_13 /^{could /not recover
themselves; for they were destroyed before the LORD , and before
his host ; and they carried away very much spoil .

could Gen_45_01 /^{could /not refrain himself
before all them that stood by him; and he cried , Cause every
man to go out from me. And there stood no man with him, while
Joseph made himself known unto his brethren .

could Lam_04_17 /^{could /not save us.

could Gen_27_01 /^{could /not see , he called
Esau his eldest son , and said unto him, My son : and he said
unto him, Behold, here am I.

could 1Sa_04_15 /^{could /not see .

could Gen_48_10 /^{could /not see . And he
brought them near unto him; and he kissed them, and embraced

could 1Sa_03_02 /^{could /not see ;

could 1Ki_14_04 /^{could /not see ; for his
eyes were set by reason of his age .

could Act_22_11 /${could /not see for the
glory of that light , being led by the hand of them that were
with me , I came into Damascus .

could Luk_06_48 /${could /not shake it : for
it was founded upon a rock .

could Dan_05_15 /^{could /not shew the
interpretation of the thing :

could Ezr_02_59 /^{could /not shew their
father's house , and their seed , whether they were of Israel :

could Neh_07_61 /^{could /not shew their
father's house , nor their seed , whether they were of Israel .

could Mar_03_20 /${could /not so much as eat
bread .

could Neh_13_24 /^{could /not speak in the
Jews' language , but according to the language of each people .

could Gen_37_04 /^{could /not speak peaceably
unto him.

could Luk_01_22 /${could /not speak unto them :
and they perceived that he had seen a vision in the temple :
for he beckoned unto them , and remained speechless .

could 1Co_03_01 /${could /not speak unto you
as unto spiritual , but as unto carnal , even as unto babes in
Christ .

could Isa_33_23 /^{could /not spread the sail :
then is the prey of a great spoil divided ; the lame take the
prey .

could Exo_09_11 /^{could /not stand before
Moses because of the boils ; for the boil was upon the magicians
, and upon all the Egyptians .

could Jos_07_12 /^{could /not stand before
their enemies , but turned their backs before their enemies ,
because they were accursed : neither will I be with you any more
, except ye destroy the accursed from among you.

could 1Ki_08_11 /^{could /not stand to
minister because of the cloud : for the glory of the LORD had
filled the house of the LORD .

could 2Ch_05_14 /^{could /not stand to minister
by reason of the cloud : for the glory of the LORD had filled
the house of God .

could Jer_20_09 /^{could /not stay.

could 2Co_03_07 /${could /not stedfastly behold
the face of Moses for the glory of his countenance ; which glory
was to be done away :

could 2Co_03_13 /${could /not stedfastly look
to the end of that which is abolished :

could Luk_20_26 /${could /not take hold of his
words before the people : and they marvelled at his answer , and
held their peace .

could Exo_12_39 /^{could /not tarry , neither
had they prepared for themselves any victual .

could Luk_20_07 /${could /not tell whence it

could Est_06_01 /^{could /not the king sleep ,
and he commanded to bring the book of records of the chronicles ;
and they were read before the king .

Could Joh_11_37 /${Could /not this man , which
opened the eyes of the blind , have caused that even this man
should not have died ?

could Lam_04_14 /^{could /not touch their
garments .

could Mat_17_19 /${could /not we cast him out ?

could Mar_09_28 /${could /not we cast him out ?

could Isa_33_23 /^{could /not well strengthen
their mast , they could not spread the sail : then is the prey
of a great spoil divided ; the lame take the prey .

could 2Ch_13_07 /^{could /not withstand them .

could 2Ki_03_26 /^{could /not.

could Jon_01_13 /^{could /not: for the sea
wrought , and was tempestuous against them.

could Exo_08_18 /^{could /not: so there were
lice upon man , and upon beast .

could Rev_07_09 /${could /number , of all
nations , and kindreds , and people , and tongues , stood before
the throne , and before the Lamb , clothed with white robes ,
and palms in their hands ;

could Mat_27_24 /${could /prevail nothing ,
but that rather a tumult was made , he took water , and washed
his hands before the multitude , saying , I am innocent of the
blood of this just person : see ye to it.

could 1Co_13_02 /${could /remove mountains ,
and have not charity , I am nothing .

could Act_04_14 /${could /say nothing against
it .

could Mar_14_08 /${could /she is come
aforehand to anoint my body to the burying .

could 2Ch_34_12 /^{could /skill of instruments
of musick .

could Jud_20_16 /^{could /sling stones at an
hair breadth, and not miss .

could Job_16_04 /^{could /speak as ye do: if
your soul were in my soul's stead, I could heap up words against
you, and shake mine head at you.

could Heb_06_13 /${could /swear by no greater ,
he sware by himself ,

could Act_27_43 /${could /swim should cast
themselves first into the sea, and get to land :

could Mar_06_05 /${could /there do no mighty
work , save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk , and
healed them.

could Jer_08_12 /^{could /they blush :
therefore shall they fall among them that fall : in the time of
their visitation they shall be cast down , saith the LORD .

could Jer_06_15 /^{could /they blush :
therefore they shall fall among them that fall : at the time
that I visit them they shall be cast down , saith the LORD .

could Neh_08_03 /^{could /understand ; and the
ears of all the people were attentive unto the book of the law .

could 1Ch_12_02 /^{could /use both the right
hand and the left in hurling stones and shooting arrows out of a
bow , even of Saul's brethren of Benjamin .

could Gen_43_07 /^{could /we certainly know
that he would say , Bring your brother down ?

could Psa_73_07 /^{could /wish .

could Rom_09_03 /${could /wish that myself
were accursed from Christ for my brethren , my kinsmen according
to the flesh :

could Act_11_17 /${could /withstand God ?

could Est_09_02 /^{could /withstand them ; for
the fear of them fell upon all people .

could Mat_26_40 /${could /ye not watch with me
one hour ?

couldest Joh_19_11 /${couldest /have no power at
all against me , except it were given thee from above :
therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin .

couldest Eze_16_28 /^{couldest /not be satisfied .

couldest Mar_14_37 /${couldest /not thou watch
one hour ?

couldest Dan_02_47 /^{couldest /reveal this
secret .
