concourse Pro_01_21 /^{concourse /in the openings
of the gates : in the city she uttereth her words , saying,

course 2Th_03_01 /${course /and be glorified ,
even as it is with you :

course 1Co_14_27 /${course /and let one
interpret .

course 1Ch_28_01 /^{course /and the captains
over the thousands , and captains over the hundreds , and the
stewards over all the substance and possession of the king , and
of his sons , with the officers , and with the mighty men , and
with all the valiant men , unto Jerusalem .

course Jer_08_06 /^{course /as the horse
rusheth into the battle .

course 1Ch_27_02 /^{course /for the first month
was Jashobeam the son of Zabdiel : and in his course were twenty
and four thousand .

course Act_21_07 /${course /from Tyre , we came
to Ptolemais , and saluted the brethren , and abode with them
one day .

course Act_13_25 /${course /he said , Whom
think ye that I am ? I am not he. But , behold , there cometh
one after me , whose shoes of his feet I am not worthy to loose .

course 2Ti_04_07 /${course /I have kept the
faith :

course Ezr_03_11 /^{course /in praising and
giving thanks unto the LORD ; because he is good , for his mercy
endureth for ever toward Israel . And all the people shouted
with a great shout , when they praised the LORD , because the
foundation of the house of the LORD was laid .

course Jer_23_10 /^{course /is evil , and their
force is not right.

course 1Ch_27_04 /^{course /likewise were
twenty and four thousand .

course Luk_01_05 /${course /of Abia : and his
wife was of the daughters of Aaron , and her name was Elisabeth .

course Jam_03_06 /${course /of nature ; and it
is set on fire of hell .

course 1Ch_27_04 /^{course /of the second month
was Dodai an Ahohite , and of his course was Mikloth also the
ruler : in his course likewise were twenty and four thousand .

course Eph_02_02 /${course /of this world ,
according to the prince of the power of the air , the spirit
that now worketh in the children of disobedience :

course Act_16_11 /${course /to Samothracia ,
and the next day to Neapolis ;

course Act_21_01 /${course /unto Coos , and the
day following unto Rhodes , and from thence unto Patara :

course 1Ch_27_06 /^{course /was Ammizabad his
son .

course 1Ch_27_04 /^{course /was Mikloth also
the ruler : in his course likewise were twenty and four thousand

course 1Ch_27_13 /^{course /were twenty and
four thousand .

course 1Ch_27_08 /^{course /were twenty and
four thousand .

course 1Ch_27_05 /^{course /were twenty and
four thousand .

course 1Ch_27_11 /^{course /were twenty and
four thousand .

course 1Ch_27_15 /^{course /were twenty and
four thousand .

course 1Ch_27_14 /^{course /were twenty and
four thousand .

course 1Ch_27_10 /^{course /were twenty and
four thousand .

course 1Ch_27_09 /^{course /were twenty and
four thousand .

course 1Ch_27_07 /^{course /were twenty and
four thousand .

course 1Ch_27_02 /^{course /were twenty and
four thousand .

course 1Ch_27_12 /^{course /were twenty and
four thousand .

course 1Ch_27_01 /^{course /were twenty and
four thousand .

course Act_20_24 /${course /with joy , and the
ministry , which I have received of the Lord Jesus , to testify
the gospel of the grace of God .

courses 1Ki_05_14 /^{courses /a month they were
in Lebanon , and two months at home : and Adoniram was over the
levy .

courses 2Ch_35_10 /^{courses /according to the
king's commandment .

courses 2Ch_35_04 /^{courses /according to the
writing of David king of Israel , and according to the writing
of Solomon his son .

courses 1Ch_23_06 /^{courses /among the sons of
Levi , namely, Gershon , Kohath , and Merari .

courses 2Ch_31_15 /^{courses /as well to the
great as to the small :

courses 2Ch_08_14 /^{courses /at every gate : for
so had David the man of God commanded .

courses 2Ch_31_02 /^{courses /every man according
to his service , the priests and Levites for burnt offerings and
for peace offerings , to minister , and to give thanks , and to
praise in the gates of the tents of the LORD .

courses Ezr_06_18 /^{courses /for the service of
God , which is at Jerusalem ; as it is written in the book of
Moses .

courses Jud_05_20 /^{courses /fought against
Sisera .

courses 1Ch_28_13 /^{courses /of the priests and
the Levites , and for all the work of the service of the house
of the LORD , and for all the vessels of service in the house of
the LORD .

courses 1Ch_28_21 /^{courses /of the priests and
the Levites , even they shall be with thee for all the service
of the house of God : and there shall be with thee for all
manner of workmanship every willing skilful man , for any manner
of service : also the princes and all the people will be wholly
at thy commandment .

courses 2Ch_31_02 /^{courses /of the priests and
the Levites after their courses , every man according to his
service , the priests and Levites for burnt offerings and for
peace offerings , to minister , and to give thanks , and to
praise in the gates of the tents of the LORD .

courses 2Ch_08_14 /^{courses /of the priests to
their service , and the Levites to their charges , to praise and
minister before the priests , as the duty of every day required :
the porters also by their courses at every gate : for so had
David the man of God commanded .

courses 1Ch_27_01 /^{courses /which came in and
went out month by month throughout all the months of the year ,
of every course were twenty and four thousand .

watercourse Job_38_25 /^{watercourse /for the
overflowing of waters , or a way for the lightning of thunder ;

watercourse 2Ch_32_30 /^{watercourse /of Gihon , and
brought it straight down to the west side of the city of David .
And Hezekiah prospered in all his works .
