court Eze_40_47 /^{court /an hundred cubits
long , and an hundred cubits broad , foursquare ; and the altar
that was before the house .

court Eze_46_21 /^{court /and caused me to
pass by the four corners of the court ; and, behold, in every
corner of the court there was a court .

court 2Ch_03_09 /^{court /and doors for the
court , and overlaid the doors of them with brass .

court Eze_42_03 /^{court /and over against the
pavement which was for the utter court , was gallery against
gallery in three stories.

court 2Ch_03_09 /^{court /and overlaid the
doors of them with brass .

court Eze_40_37 /^{court /and palm trees were
upon the posts thereof, on this side, and on that side: and the
going up to it had eight steps .

court Eze_40_34 /^{court /and palm trees were
upon the posts thereof, on this side, and on that side: and the
going up to it had eight steps .

court Eze_40_31 /^{court /and palm trees were
upon the posts thereof: and the going up to it had eight steps .

court Num_03_26 /^{court /and the curtain for
the door of the court , which is by the tabernacle , and by the
altar round about , and the cords of it for all the service

court Num_04_26 /^{court /and the hanging for
the door of the gate of the court , which is by the tabernacle
and by the altar round about , and their cords , and all the
instruments of their service , and all that is made for them: so
shall they serve .

court Est_06_05 /^{court /And the king said ,
Let him come in .

court Exo_35_18 /^{court /and their cords ,

court 2Ch_06_13 /^{court /and upon it he stood ,
and kneeled down upon his knees before all the congregation of
Israel , and spread forth his hands toward heaven ,

court Eze_08_07 /^{court /and when I looked ,
behold a hole in the wall .

court Eze_44_17 /^{court /and within .

court Eze_46_21 /^{court /and, behold, in
every corner of the court there was a court .

court Eze_43_05 /^{court /and, behold, the
glory of the LORD filled the house .

court Eze_40_17 /^{court /and, lo, there were
chambers , and a pavement made for the court round about :
thirty chambers were upon the pavement .

court Eze_10_05 /^{court /as the voice of the
Almighty God when he speaketh .

court Jer_36_10 /^{court /at the entry of the
new gate of the LORD'S house , in the ears of all the people .

court Eze_42_14 /^{court /but there they shall
lay their garments wherein they minister ; for they are holy ;
and shall put on other garments , and shall approach to those
things which are for the people .

court Jer_36_20 /^{court /but they laid up the
roll in the chamber of Elishama the scribe , and told all the
words in the ears of the king .

court Eze_40_28 /^{court /by the south gate :
and he measured the south gate according to these measures ;

court Eze_44_19 /^{court /even into the utter
court to the people , they shall put off their garments wherein
they ministered , and lay them in the holy chambers , and they
shall put on other garments ; and they shall not sanctify the
people with their garments .

court Isa_34_13 /^{court /for owls .

court Exo_38_31 /^{court /gate , and all the
pins of the tabernacle , and all the pins of the court round
about .

court Exo_39_40 /^{court /gate , his cords ,
and his pins , and all the vessels of the service of the
tabernacle , for the tent of the congregation ,

court Exo_38_15 /^{court /gate , on this hand
and that hand, were hangings of fifteen cubits ; their pillars
three , and their sockets three .

court Exo_40_08 /^{court /gate .

court Exo_40_33 /^{court /gate . So Moses
finished the work .

court Exo_39_40 /^{court /his pillars , and
his sockets , and the hanging for the court gate , his cords ,
and his pins , and all the vessels of the service of the
tabernacle , for the tent of the congregation ,

court Exo_35_17 /^{court /his pillars , and
their sockets , and the hanging for the door of the court ,

court Est_06_04 /^{court /Now Haman was come
into the outward court of the king's house , to speak unto the
king to hang Mordecai on the gallows that he had prepared for

court Exo_27_09 /^{court /of fine twined linen
of an hundred cubits long for one side :

court Est_01_05 /^{court /of the garden of the
king's palace ;

court 1Ki_07_12 /^{court /of the house of the
LORD , and for the porch of the house .

court 2Ch_24_21 /^{court /of the house of the

court 2Ch_29_16 /^{court /of the house of the
LORD . And the Levites took it, to carry it out abroad into the
brook Kidron .

court Est_05_01 /^{court /of the king's house ,
over against the king's house : and the king sat upon his royal
throne in the royal house , over against the gate of the house .

court Est_06_04 /^{court /of the king's house ,
to speak unto the king to hang Mordecai on the gallows that he
had prepared for him.

court Jer_26_02 /^{court /of the LORD'S house ,
and speak unto all the cities of Judah , which come to worship
in the LORD'S house , all the words that I command thee to speak
unto them; diminish not a word :

court Eze_08_16 /^{court /of the LORD'S house ,
and, behold, at the door of the temple of the LORD , between
the porch and the altar , were about five and twenty men , with
their backs toward the temple of the LORD , and their faces
toward the east ; and they worshipped the sun toward the east .

court Jer_19_14 /^{court /of the LORD'S house ;
and said to all the people ,

court 2Ch_03_09 /^{court /of the priests , and
the great court , and doors for the court , and overlaid the
doors of them with brass .

court Jer_39_14 /^{court /of the prison , and
committed him unto Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan
, that he should carry him home : so he dwelt among the people .

court Jer_37_21 /^{court /of the prison , and
that they should give him daily a piece of bread out of the
bakers street , until all the bread in the city were spent .
Thus Jeremiah remained in the court of the prison .

court Jer_39_15 /^{court /of the prison ,
saying ,

court Jer_33_01 /^{court /of the prison ,
saying ,

court Jer_32_02 /^{court /of the prison ,
which was in the king of Judah's house .

court Jer_37_21 /^{court /of the prison .

court Jer_38_13 /^{court /of the prison .

court Jer_32_12 /^{court /of the prison .

court Neh_03_25 /^{court /of the prison .
After him Pedaiah the son of Parosh .

court Jer_38_06 /^{court /of the prison : and
they let down Jeremiah with cords . And in the dungeon there was
no water , but mire : so Jeremiah sunk in the mire .

court Jer_32_08 /^{court /of the prison
according to the word of the LORD , and said unto me, Buy my
field , I pray thee, that is in Anathoth , which is in the
country of Benjamin : for the right of inheritance is thine, and
the redemption is thine; buy it for thyself. Then I knew that
this was the word of the LORD .

court Jer_38_28 /^{court /of the prison until
the day that Jerusalem was taken : and he was there when
Jerusalem was taken .

court Exo_27_09 /^{court /of the tabernacle :
for the south side southward there shall be hangings for the
court of fine twined linen of an hundred cubits long for one
side :

court Lev_06_26 /^{court /of the tabernacle of
the congregation .

court Lev_06_16 /^{court /of the tabernacle of
the congregation they shall eat it.

court Est_02_11 /^{court /of the women's house
, to know how Esther did , and what should become of her.

court Exo_27_13 /^{court /on the east side
eastward shall be fifty cubits .

court Eze_42_07 /^{court /on the forepart of
the chambers , the length thereof was fifty cubits .

court Exo_38_09 /^{court /on the south side
southward the hangings of the court were of fine twined linen ,
an hundred cubits :

court Exo_27_12 /^{court /on the west side
shall be hangings of fifty cubits : their pillars ten , and
their sockets ten .

court Exo_40_08 /^{court /round about , and
hang up the hanging at the court gate .

court Exo_38_31 /^{court /round about , and
the sockets of the court gate , and all the pins of the
tabernacle , and all the pins of the court round about .

court Num_04_32 /^{court /round about , and
their sockets , and their pins , and their cords , with all
their instruments , and with all their service : and by name ye
shall reckon the instruments of the charge of their burden .

court Num_03_37 /^{court /round about , and
their sockets , and their pins , and their cords .

court Exo_38_20 /^{court /round about , were
of brass .

court Exo_38_31 /^{court /round about .

court Eze_40_17 /^{court /round about : thirty
chambers were upon the pavement .

court Eze_40_14 /^{court /round about the gate

court Exo_40_33 /^{court /round about the
tabernacle and the altar , and set up the hanging of the court
gate . So Moses finished the work .

court 1Ki_07_12 /^{court /round about was with
three rows of hewed stones , and a row of cedar beams , both for
the inner court of the house of the LORD , and for the porch of
the house .

court Exo_38_16 /^{court /round about were of
fine twined linen .

court Exo_27_16 /^{court /shall be an hanging
of twenty cubits , of blue , and purple , and scarlet , and fine
twined linen , wrought with needlework : and their pillars shall
be four , and their sockets four .

court Exo_27_18 /^{court /shall be an hundred
cubits , and the breadth fifty every where , and the height five
cubits of fine twined linen , and their sockets of brass .

court Exo_27_17 /^{court /shall be filleted
with silver ; their hooks shall be of silver , and their sockets
of brass .

court Exo_27_19 /^{court /shall be of brass .

court Eze_40_20 /^{court /that looked toward
the north , he measured the length thereof, and the breadth

court Eze_46_01 /^{court /that looketh toward
the east shall be shut the six working days ; but on the sabbath
it shall be opened , and in the day of the new moon it shall be
opened .

court Est_05_02 /^{court /that she obtained
favour in his sight : and the king held out to Esther the golden
sceptre that was in his hand . So Esther drew near , and touched
the top of the sceptre .

court 2Ki_20_04 /^{court /that the word of the
LORD came to him, saying ,

court 1Ki_08_64 /^{court /that was before the
house of the LORD : for there he offered burnt offerings , and
meat offerings , and the fat of the peace offerings : because
the brasen altar that was before the LORD was too little to
receive the burnt offerings , and meat offerings , and the fat
of the peace offerings .

court 2Ch_07_07 /^{court /that was before the
house of the LORD : for there he offered burnt offerings , and
the fat of the peace offerings , because the brasen altar which
Solomon had made was not able to receive the burnt offerings ,
and the meat offerings , and the fat .

court Eze_42_01 /^{court /the way toward the
north : and he brought me into the chamber that was over against
the separate place , and which was before the building toward
the north .

court Eze_46_21 /^{court /there was a court .

court Eze_46_22 /^{court /there were courts
joined of forty cubits long and thirty broad : these four
corners were of one measure .

court Eze_44_17 /^{court /they shall be
clothed with linen garments ; and no wool shall come upon them,
whiles they minister in the gates of the inner court , and
within .

court Eze_44_27 /^{court /to minister in the
sanctuary , he shall offer his sin offering , saith the Lord GOD

court Eze_46_20 /^{court /to sanctify the
people .

court Eze_44_19 /^{court /to the people , they
shall put off their garments wherein they ministered , and lay
them in the holy chambers , and they shall put on other garments
; and they shall not sanctify the people with their garments .

court Eze_42_10 /^{court /toward the east ,
over against the separate place , and over against the building .

court Eze_40_32 /^{court /toward the east :
and he measured the gate according to these measures .

court Eze_40_27 /^{court /toward the south :
and he measured from gate to gate toward the south an hundred
cubits .

court Eze_42_08 /^{court /was fifty cubits :
and, lo, before the temple were an hundred cubits .

court Eze_10_04 /^{court /was full of the
brightness of the LORD'S glory .

court Eze_42_03 /^{court /was gallery against
gallery in three stories.

court Exo_38_18 /^{court /was needlework , of
blue , and purple , and scarlet , and fine twined linen : and
twenty cubits was the length , and the height in the breadth was
five cubits , answerable to the hangings of the court .

court Eze_40_23 /^{court /was over against the
gate toward the north , and toward the east ; and he measured
from gate to gate an hundred cubits .

court Exo_38_17 /^{court /were filleted with
silver .

court Exo_38_09 /^{court /were of fine twined
linen , an hundred cubits :

court Num_03_26 /^{court /which is by the
tabernacle , and by the altar round about , and the cords of it
for all the service thereof.

court Num_04_26 /^{court /which is by the
tabernacle and by the altar round about , and their cords , and
all the instruments of their service , and all that is made for
them: so shall they serve .

court Rev_11_02 /${court /which is without the
temple leave out , and measure it not ; for it is given unto the
Gentiles : and the holy city shall they tread under foot forty
and two months .

court Eze_40_44 /^{court /which was at the
side of the north gate ; and their prospect was toward the south
: one at the side of the east gate having the prospect toward
the north .

court 2Sa_17_18 /^{court /whither they went
down .

court Est_04_11 /^{court /who is not called ,
there is one law of his to put him to death , except such to
whom the king shall hold out the golden sceptre , that he may
live : but I have not been called to come in unto the king these
thirty days .

court 1Ki_06_36 /^{court /with three rows of
hewed stone , and a row of cedar beams .

court 1Ki_07_08 /^{court /within the porch ,
which was of the like work . Solomon made also an house for
Pharaoh's daughter , whom he had taken to wife, like unto this
porch .

court Eze_40_19 /^{court /without , an hundred
cubits eastward and northward .

courteously Act_27_03 /${courteously /entreated Paul
, and gave him liberty to go unto his friends to refresh himself

courts Zec_03_07 /^{courts /and I will give
thee places to walk among these that stand by .

courts 1Ch_23_28 /^{courts /and in the chambers
, and in the purifying of all holy things , and the work of the
service of the house of God ;

courts Neh_08_16 /^{courts /and in the courts
of the house of God , and in the street of the water gate , and
in the street of the gate of Ephraim .

courts 1Ch_28_06 /^{courts /for I have chosen
him to be my son , and I will be his father .

courts Psa_84_10 /^{courts /is better than a
thousand . I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God ,
than to dwell in the tents of wickedness .

courts Eze_46_22 /^{courts /joined of forty
cubits long and thirty broad : these four corners were of one
measure .

courts Isa_62_09 /^{courts /of my holiness .

courts Psa_92_13 /^{courts /of our God .

courts Neh_08_16 /^{courts /of the house of God
, and in the street of the water gate , and in the street of the
gate of Ephraim .

courts Neh_13_07 /^{courts /of the house of God

courts Psa_135_02 /^{courts /of the house of
our God ,

courts 1Ch_28_12 /^{courts /of the house of the
LORD , and of all the chambers round about , of the treasuries
of the house of God , and of the treasuries of the dedicated
things :

courts 2Ki_23_12 /^{courts /of the house of the
LORD , did the king beat down , and brake them down from thence,
and cast the dust of them into the brook Kidron .

courts 2Ch_33_05 /^{courts /of the house of the

courts 2Ch_23_05 /^{courts /of the house of the

courts 2Ki_21_05 /^{courts /of the house of the

courts Psa_84_02 /^{courts /of the LORD : my
heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God .

courts Psa_116_19 /^{courts /of the LORD'S
house , in the midst of thee, O Jerusalem . Praise ye the LORD .

courts Eze_42_06 /^{courts /therefore the
building was straitened more than the lowest and the middlemost
from the ground .

courts Psa_65_04 /^{courts /we shall be
satisfied with the goodness of thy house , even of thy holy
temple .

courts Psa_100_04 /^{courts /with praise : be
thankful unto him, and bless his name .

courts Eze_09_07 /^{courts /with the slain : go
ye forth . And they went forth , and slew in the city .
