covet , 1CO , 12:31 , 1CO , 14:39

covet , DE , 5:21

covet , EX , 20:17 , EX , 20:17

covet , MIC , 2:2

covet , RO , 7:7 , RO , 13:9

coveted , 1TI , 6:10

coveted , AC , 20:33

coveted , JOS , 7:21

coveteth , HAB , 2:9

coveteth , PR , 21:26

covetous , 1CO , 5:10 , 1CO , 5:11 , 1CO , 6:10

covetous , 1TI , 3:3

covetous , 2PE , 2:14

covetous , 2TI , 3:2

covetous , EPH , 5:5

covetous , LU , 16:14

covetous , PS , 10:3

covetousness , HAB , 2:9

covetousness , 2CO , 9:5

covetousness , RO , 1:29

covetousness , MR , 7:22

covetousness , EPH , 5:3

covetousness , 2PE , 2:3

covetousness , 1TH , 2:5

covetousness , COL , 3:5

covetousness , HEB , 13:5

covetousness , PR , 28:16

covetousness , EX , 18:21

covetousness , LU , 12:15

covetousness , PS , 119:36

covetousness , EZE , 33:31

covetousness , ISA , 57:17

covetousness , JER , 6:13 , JER , 8:10 , JER , 22:17 , JER ,


affect 2206 # zeloo {dzay-lo'-o}; from 2205; to have warmth of
feeling for or against: -- {affect}, covet (earnestly), (have)
desire, (move with) envy, be jealous over, (be) zealous(-ly

affect 2206 # zeloo {dzay-lo'-o}; from 2205; to have warmth of
feeling for or against: -- affect, covet (earnestly), (have)
desire, (move with) envy, be jealous over, (be) zealous(-ly

after 3713 # oregomai {or-eg'-om-ahee}; middle voice of
apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary [compare
3735]; to stretch oneself, i.e. reach out after (long for): --
covet {after}, desire.[ql

be 2206 # zeloo {dzay-lo'-o}; from 2205; to have warmth of
feeling for or against: -- affect, covet (earnestly), (have)
desire, (move with) envy, {be} jealous over, (be) zealous(-ly

be 2206 # zeloo {dzay-lo'-o}; from 2205; to have warmth of
feeling for or against: -- affect, covet (earnestly), (have)
desire, (move with) envy, be jealous over, ({be}) zealous(-ly

covet 1937 # epithumeo {ep-ee-thoo-meh'-o}; from 1909 and 2372;
to set the heart upon, i.e. long for (rightfully or otherwise): -
- {covet}, desire, would fain, lust (after).[ql

covet 2206 # zeloo {dzay-lo'-o}; from 2205; to have warmth of
feeling for or against: -- affect, {covet} (earnestly), (have)
desire, (move with) envy, be jealous over, (be) zealous(-ly

covet 3713 # oregomai {or-eg'-om-ahee}; middle voice of
apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary [compare
3735]; to stretch oneself, i.e. reach out after (long for): --
{covet} after, desire.[ql

desire 2206 # zeloo {dzay-lo'-o}; from 2205; to have warmth of
feeling for or against: -- affect, covet (earnestly), (have)
{desire}, (move with) envy, be jealous over, (be) zealous(-ly

desire 3713 # oregomai {or-eg'-om-ahee}; middle voice of
apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary [compare
3735]; to stretch oneself, i.e. reach out after (long for): --
covet after, {desire}.[ql

earnestly 2206 # zeloo {dzay-lo'-o}; from 2205; to have warmth
of feeling for or against: -- affect, covet ({earnestly}),
(have) desire, (move with) envy, be jealous over, (be) zealous(-
ly affect).[ql

have 2206 # zeloo {dzay-lo'-o}; from 2205; to have warmth of
feeling for or against: -- affect, covet (earnestly), ({have})
desire, (move with) envy, be jealous over, (be) zealous(-ly

jealous 2206 # zeloo {dzay-lo'-o}; from 2205; to have warmth of
feeling for or against: -- affect, covet (earnestly), (have)
desire, (move with) envy, be {jealous} over, (be) zealous(-ly

move 2206 # zeloo {dzay-lo'-o}; from 2205; to have warmth of
feeling for or against: -- affect, covet (earnestly), (have)
desire, ({move} with) envy, be jealous over, (be) zealous(-ly

over 2206 # zeloo {dzay-lo'-o}; from 2205; to have warmth of
feeling for or against: -- affect, covet (earnestly), (have)
desire, (move with) envy, be jealous {over}, (be) zealous(-ly

with 2206 # zeloo {dzay-lo'-o}; from 2205; to have warmth of
feeling for or against: -- affect, covet (earnestly), (have)
desire, (move {with}) envy, be jealous over, (be) zealous(-ly

zealous 2206 # zeloo {dzay-lo'-o}; from 2205; to have warmth of
feeling for or against: -- affect, covet (earnestly), (have)
desire, (move with) envy, be jealous over, (be) {zealous}(-ly


covet Interlinear Index Study

covet DEU 005 021 Neither <03808 +lo> > shalt thou desire <02530
+chamad > thy neighbour s <07453 +rea< > wife <00802 +>ishshah >
, neither <03808 +lo> > shalt thou {covet} <00185 +>avvah > thy
neighbour s <07453 +rea< > house <01004 +bayith > , his field
<07704 +sadeh > , or his manservant <05650 + , or his
maidservant <00519 +>amah > , his ox <07794 +showr > , or his
ass <02543 +chamowr > , or any <03605 +kol > [ thing ] that [ is
] thy neighbour s <07453 +rea< > .

covet MIC 002 002 And they {covet} <02530 +chamad > fields
<07704 +sadeh > , and take <05375 +nasa> > [ them ] by violence
<01497 +gazal > ; and houses <01004 +bayith > , and take <05375
+nasa> > [ them ] away <07726 +showbab > : so they oppress
<06231 + a man <01397 +geber > and his house <01004
+bayith > , even a man <00376 +>iysh > and his heritage <05159
+nachalah > .

covet ROM 007 007 . What <5101 -tis -> shall we say <2046 -ereo -
> then <3767 -oun -> ? [ Is ] the law <3551 -nomos -> sin <0266
-hamartia -> ? God <1096 -ginomai -> forbid <1096 -ginomai -> .
Nay <0235 -alla -> , I had not known <1097 -ginosko -> sin <0266
-hamartia -> , but by the law <3551 -nomos -> : for I had not
known <1492 -eido -> lust <1939 -epithumia -> , except <1508 -ei
me -> the law <3551 -nomos -> had said <3004 -lego -> , Thou
shalt not {covet} <1937 -epithumeo -> .

covet ROM 013 009 For this <3588 -ho -> , Thou shalt not commit
<3431 -moicheuo -> adultery <3431 -moicheuo -> , Thou shalt not
kill <5407 -phoneuo -> , Thou shalt not steal <2813 -klepto -> ,
Thou shalt not bear <5576 -pseudomartureo -> false <5576 -
pseudomartureo -> witness <5576 -pseudomartureo -> , Thou shalt
not {covet} <1937 -epithumeo -> ; and if <1487 -ei -> [ there be
] any <1536 -ei tis -> other <2087 -heteros -> commandment <1785
-entole -> , it is briefly <0346 -anakephalaiomai ->
comprehended <0346 -anakephalaiomai -> in this <5129 -toutoi ->
saying <3056 -logos -> , namely <1722 -en -> , Thou shalt love
<0025 -agapao -> thy neighbour <4139 -plesion -> as thyself
<1438 -heautou -> .

covet 1CO 012 031 But {covet} <2206 -zeloo -> earnestly <2206 -
zeloo -> the best <2909 -kreitton -> gifts <5486 -charisma -> :
and yet <2089 -eti -> shew <1166 -deiknuo -> I unto you a more
<5236 -huperbole -> excellent <5236 -huperbole -> way <3598 -
hodos -> .

covet 1CO 014 039 Wherefore <5620 -hoste -> , brethren <0080 -
adephos -> , {covet} <2206 -zeloo -> to prophesy <4395 -
propheteuo -> , and forbid <2967 -koluo -> not to speak <2980 -
laleo -> with tongues <1100 -glossa -> .

coveted JOS 007 021 When I saw <07200 +ra>ah > among the spoils
<07998 +shalal > a goodly <02896 +towb > Babylonish <08152
+Shin garment <00155 +>addereth > , and two <08147
+sh@nayim > hundred <03967 +me>ah > shekels <08255 +sheqel > of
silver <03701 +keceph > , and a wedge <06956 +Qohathiy > of gold
<02091 +zahab > of fifty <02572 +chamishshiym > shekels <08255
+sheqel > weight <04948 +mishqal > , then I {coveted} <02530
+chamad > them , and took <03947 +laqach > them ; and , behold
<02009 +hinneh > , they [ are ] hid <02934 +taman > in the earth
<00776 +>erets > in the midst <08432 +tavek > of my tent <00168
+>ohel > , and the silver <03701 +keceph > under <08478 +tachath
> it .

coveted ACT 020 033 I have {coveted} <1937 -epithumeo -> no
<3762 -oudeis -> man s <3762 -oudeis -> silver <0694 -argurion -
> , or <2228 -e -> gold <5553 -chrusion -> , or <2228 -e ->
apparel <2441 -himatismos -> .

coveted 1TI 006 010 For the love <5365 -philarguria -> of money
<5365 -philarguria -> is the root <4491 -rhiza -> of all <3956 -
pas -> evil <2556 -kakos -> : which <3739 -hos -> while some
<5100 -tis -> {coveted} <3713 -oregomai -> after , they have
erred <0635 -apoplanao -> from the faith <4102 -pistis -> , and
pierced <4044 -peripeiro -> themselves <1438 -heautou -> through
<4044 -peripeiro -> with many <4183 -polus -> sorrows <3601 -
odune -> .

coveteth PRO 021 026 He {coveteth} <00183 +>avah > greedily
<08378 +ta>avah > all <03605 +kol > the day <03117 +yowm > long :
but the righteous <06662 +tsaddiyq > giveth <05414 +nathan >
and spareth <02820 +chasak > not .

coveteth HAB 002 009 Woe <01945 +howy > to him that {coveteth}
<01214 +batsa< > an evil <07451 +ra< > covetousness <01215
+betsa< > to his house <01004 +bayith > , that he may set <07760
+suwm > his nest <07064 +qen > on high <04791 +marowm > , that
he may be delivered <05337 +natsal > from the power <03709 +kaph
> of evil <07451 +ra< > !

covetous PSA 010 003 For the wicked <07563 +rasha< > boasteth
<01984 +halal > of his heart s <05315 +nephesh > desire <08378
+ta>avah > , and blesseth <01288 +barak > the {covetous} <01214
+batsa< > , [ whom ] the LORD <03068 +Y@hovah > abhorreth
<05006 +na>ats > .

covetous LUK 016 014 And the Pharisees 5330 -Pharisaios - also
2532 -kai - , who were {covetous} 5366 -philarguros - , heard
LUK 0191 -akouo - all 3956 -pas - these 5023 -tauta - things :
and they derided 1592 -ekmukterizo - him .

covetous 1CO 005 010 Yet <2532 -kai -> not altogether <3843 -
pantos -> with the fornicators <4205 -pornos -> of this <5127 -
toutou -> world <2889 -kosmos -> , or <2228 -e -> with the
{covetous} <4123 -pleonektes -> , or <2228 -e -> extortioners
<0727 -harpax -> , or <2228 -e -> with idolaters <1496 -
eidololatres -> ; for then <0686 -ara -> must <3781 -opheiletes -
> ye needs go <1831 -exerchomai -> out of the world <2889 -
kosmos -> .

covetous 1CO 005 011 But now <3570 -nuni -> I have written <1125
-grapho -> unto you not to keep <4874 -sunanamignumi -> company
<4874 -sunanamignumi -> , if <1437 -ean -> any <5100 -tis -> man
that is called <3687 -onomazo -> a brother <0080 -adephos -> be
a fornicator <4205 -pornos -> , or <2228 -e -> {covetous} <4123 -
pleonektes -> , or <2228 -e -> an idolater <1496 -eidololatres -
> , or <2228 -e -> a railer <3060 -loidoros -> , or <2228 -e ->
a drunkard <3183 -methusos -> , or <2228 -e -> an extortioner
<0727 -harpax -> ; with such <5108 -toioutos -> an one no not to
eat <4906 -sunesthio -> .

covetous 1CO 006 010 Nor <3777 -oute -> thieves <2812 -kleptes -
> , nor <3777 -oute -> {covetous} <4123 -pleonektes -> , nor
<3756 -ou -> drunkards <3183 -methusos -> , nor <3756 -ou ->
revilers <3060 -loidoros -> , nor <3756 -ou -> extortioners
<0727 -harpax -> , shall inherit <2816 -kleronomeo -> the
kingdom <0932 -basileia -> of God <2316 -theos -> .

covetous EPH 005 005 For this <5124 -touto -> ye know <1097 -
ginosko -> , that no <3756 -ou -> whoremonger <4205 -pornos -> ,
nor <2228 -e -> unclean <0169 -akathartos -> person , nor <2228 -
e -> {covetous} <4123 -pleonektes -> man , who <3739 -hos -> is
an idolater <1496 -eidololatres -> , hath <2192 -echo -> any
inheritance <2817 -kleronomia -> in the kingdom <0932 -basileia -
> of Christ <5547 -Christos -> and of God <2316 -theos -> .

covetous 1TI 003 003 Not given <3943 -paroinos -> to wine <3943 -
paroinos -> , no <3361 -me -> striker <4131 -plektes -> , not
greedy <0866 -aphilarguros -> of filthy lucre <0866 -
aphilarguros -> ; but patient <1933 -epieikes -> , not a brawler
<0269 -amachos -> , not {covetous} <0866 -aphilarguros -> ;

covetous 2TI 003 002 For men <0444 -anthropos -> shall be lovers
<5367 -philautos -> of their own selves <5367 -philautos -> ,
{covetous} <5366 -philarguros -> , boasters <0213 -alazon -> ,
proud <5244 -huperephanos -> , blasphemers <0989 -blasphemos -> ,
disobedient <0545 -apeithes -> to parents <1118 -goneus -> ,
unthankful <0884 -acharistos -> , unholy <0462 -anosios -> ,

covetous 2PE 002 014 Having <2192 -echo -> eyes <3788 -
ophthalmos -> full <3324 -mestos -> of adultery <3428 -moichalis
-> , and that cannot <0180 -akatapaustos -> cease <0180 -
akatapaustos -> from sin <0266 -hamartia -> ; beguiling <1185 -
deleazo -> unstable <0793 -asteriktos -> souls <5590 -psuche -> :
an heart <2588 -kardia -> they have <2192 -echo -> exercised
<1128 -gumnazo -> with {covetous} <4124 -pleonexia -> practices ;
cursed <2671 -katara -> children <5043 -teknon -> :

covetousness EXO 018 021 Moreover thou shalt provide <02372
+chazah > out of all <03605 +kol > the people <05971 + able
<02428 +chayil > men <00582 +>enowsh > , such as fear <03373
+yare> > God <00430 +>elohiym > , men <00582 +>enowsh > of truth
<00571 +>emeth > , hating <08130 +sane> > {covetousness} <01215
+betsa< > ; and place <07760 +suwm > [ such ] over <05921 +
them , [ to be ] rulers <08269 +sar > of thousands <00505
+>eleph > , [ and ] rulers <08269 +sar > of hundreds <03967
+me>ah > , rulers <08269 +sar > of fifties <02572 +chamishshiym
> , and rulers <08269 +sar > of tens <06235 + :

covetousness PSA 119 036 Incline <05186 +natah > my heart <03820
+leb > unto thy testimonies <5715> , and not to {covetousness}
<01215 +betsa< > .

covetousness PRO 028 016 . The prince <05057 +nagiyd > that
wanteth <02638 +chacer > understanding <08394 +tabuwn > [ is ]
also a great <07227 +rab > oppressor <04642 +ma : [
but ] he that hateth <08130 +sane> > {covetousness} <01215
+betsa< > shall prolong <00748 +>arak > [ his ] days <03117
+yowm > .

covetousness ISA 057 017 . For the iniquity <05771 + of
his {covetousness} <01215 +betsa< > was I wroth <07107 +qatsaph
> , and smote <05221 +nakah > him : I hid <05641 +cathar > me ,
and was wroth <07107 +qatsaph > , and he went <03212 +yalak > on
frowardly <07726 +showbab > in the way <01870 +derek > of his
heart <03820 +leb > .

covetousness JER 006 013 For from the least <06996 +qatan > of
them even unto the greatest <01419 +gadowl > of them every
<03605 +kol > one [ is ] given to {covetousness} <01215 +betsa<
> ; and from the prophet <05030 +nabiy> > even unto the priest
<03548 +kohen > every <03605 +kol > one dealeth <06213 +
falsely <08267 +sheqer > .

covetousness JER 008 010 Therefore <03651 +ken > will I give
<05414 +nathan > their wives <00802 +>ishshah > unto others
<00312 +>acher > , [ and ] their fields <07704 +sadeh > to them
that shall inherit <03423 +yarash > [ them ] : for every <03605
+kol > one from the least <06996 +qatan > even unto the greatest
<01419 +gadowl > is given to {covetousness} <01215 +betsa< > ,
from the prophet <05030 +nabiy> > even unto the priest <03548
+kohen > every <03605 +kol > one dealeth <06213 + falsely
<08267 +sheqer > .

covetousness JER 022 017 But thine eyes <05869 + and
thine heart <03820 +leb > [ are ] not but for thy {covetousness}
<01215 +betsa< > , and for to shed <08210 +shaphak > innocent
<05355 +naqiy > blood <01818 +dam > , and for oppression <06233
+ , and for violence <04835 +m@rutsah > , to do <06213
+ [ it ] .

covetousness JER 051 013 O thou that dwellest <07931 +shakan >
upon many <07227 +rab > waters <04325 +mayim > , abundant <07227
+rab > in treasures <00214 +>owtsar > , thine end <07093 +qets >
is come <00935 +bow> > , [ and ] the measure <00520 +>ammah >
of thy {covetousness} <01215 +betsa< > .

covetousness EZE 033 031 And they come <00935 +bow> > unto thee
as the people <05971 + cometh <00935 +bow> > , and they sit
<03427 +yashab > before <06440 +paniym > thee [ as ] my people
<05971 + , and they hear <08085 +shama< > thy words <01697
+dabar > , but they will not do <06213 + them : for with
their mouth <06310 +peh > they shew <06213 + much love
<05690 + , [ but ] their heart <03820 +leb > goeth
<01980 +halak > after <00310 +>achar > their {covetousness}
<01215 +betsa< > .

covetousness HAB 002 009 Woe <01945 +howy > to him that coveteth
<01214 +batsa< > an evil <07451 +ra< > {covetousness} <01215
+betsa< > to his house <01004 +bayith > , that he may set <07760
+suwm > his nest <07064 +qen > on high <04791 +marowm > , that
he may be delivered <05337 +natsal > from the power <03709 +kaph
> of evil <07451 +ra< > !

covetousness MAR 007 022 Thefts <2829 -klope -> , {covetousness}
<4124 -pleonexia -> , wickedness <4189 -poneria -> , deceit
<1388 -dolos -> , lasciviousness <0766 -aselgeia -> , an evil
<4190 -poneros -> eye <3788 -ophthalmos -> , blasphemy <0988 -
blasphemia -> , pride <5243 -huperephania -> , foolishness <0877
-aphrosune -> :

covetousness LUK 012 015 And he said 2036 -epo - unto them ,
Take heed 3708 -horao - , and beware 5442 -phulasso - of
{covetousness} 4124 -pleonexia - : for a man s 5100 -tis - life
2222 -zoe - consisteth 2076 -esti - not in the abundance 4052 -
perisseuo - of the things which he possesseth 5224 -huparchonta -

covetousness ROM 001 029 Being filled <4137 -pleroo -> with all
<3956 -pas -> unrighteousness <0093 -adikia -> , fornication
<4202 -porneia -> , wickedness <4189 -poneria -> ,
{covetousness} <4124 -pleonexia -> , maliciousness <2549 -kakia -
> ; full <3324 -mestos -> of envy <5355 -phthonos -> , murder
<5408 -phonos -> , debate <2054 -eris -> , deceit <1388 -dolos -
> , malignity <2550 -kakoetheia -> ; whisperers <5588 -
psithuristes -> ,

covetousness 2CO 009 005 Therefore <3767 -oun -> I thought <2233
-hegeomai -> it necessary <0316 -anagkaios -> to exhort <3870 -
parakaleo -> the brethren <0080 -adephos -> , that they would go
<4281 -proerchomai -> before <4281 -proerchomai -> unto you ,
and make <4294 -prokatartizo -> up beforehand <4294 -
prokatartizo -> your <5216 -humon -> bounty <2129 -eulogia -> ,
whereof ye had notice <4293 -prokataggello -> before <4293 -
prokataggello -> , that the same <5026 -taute -> might be ready
<2092 -hetoimos -> , as [ a matter of ] bounty <2129 -eulogia ->
, and not as [ of ] {covetousness} <4124 -pleonexia -> .

covetousness EPH 005 003 . But fornication <4202 -porneia -> ,
and all <3956 -pas -> uncleanness <0167 -akatharsia -> , or
<2228 -e -> {covetousness} <4124 -pleonexia -> , let it not be
once <3366 -mede -> named <3687 -onomazo -> among <1722 -en ->
you , as becometh <4241 -prepo -> saints <0040 -hagios -> ;

covetousness COL 003 005 . Mortify <3499 -nekroo -> therefore
<3767 -oun -> your <5216 -humon -> members <3196 -melos -> which
<3588 -ho -> are upon the earth <1093 -ge -> ; fornication <4202
-porneia -> , uncleanness <0167 -akatharsia -> , inordinate
<3806 -pathos -> affection <3806 -pathos -> , evil <2556 -kakos -
> concupiscence <1939 -epithumia -> , and {covetousness} <4124 -
pleonexia -> , which <3748 -hostis -> is idolatry <1495 -
eidololatreia -> :

covetousness 1TH 002 005 For neither <3777 -oute -> at <4218 -
pote -> any <4218 -pote -> time <4218 -pote -> used <1722 -en ->
we flattering <2850 -kolakeia -> words <3056 -logos -> , as ye
know <1492 -eido -> , nor <3777 -oute -> a cloke <4392 -
prophasis -> of {covetousness} <4124 -pleonexia -> ; God <2316 -
theos -> [ is ] witness <3144 -martus -> :

covetousness HEB 013 005 [ Let your <3588 -ho -> ] conversation
<5158 -tropos -> [ be ] without <0866 -aphilarguros ->
{covetousness} <0866 -aphilarguros -> ; [ and be ] content
<0714 -arkeo -> with such <3588 -ho -> things as ye have <3918 -
pareimi -> : for he hath said <2046 -ereo -> , I will never
<3364 -ou me -> leave <0447 -aniemi -> thee , nor <3364 -ou me -
> forsake <1459 -egkataleipo -> thee .

covetousness 2PE 002 003 . And through <1722 -en ->
{covetousness} <4124 -pleonexia -> shall they with feigned <4112
-plastos -> words <3056 -logos -> make <1710 -emporeuomai ->
merchandise of you : whose <3739 -hos -> judgment <2917 -krima -
> now of a long time <1597 -ekpalai -> lingereth <0691 -argeo ->
not , and their damnation <0684 -apoleia -> slumbereth <3573 -
nustazo -> not .


but covet earnestly <1CO12 -:31 >

neither shalt thou covet thy neighbour's house

they covet fields

thou shalt not covet

thou shalt not covet

thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house

thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife

- covet , 0185 , 2530 ,

* covet , 2206 ,

covet DEU 005 021 Neither <03808 +lo> > shalt thou desire
<02530 +chamad > thy neighbour s <07453 +rea< > wife <00802
+>ishshah > , neither <03808 +lo> > shalt thou {covet} <00185
+>avvah > thy neighbour s <07453 +rea< > house <01004 +bayith
> , his field <07704 +sadeh > , or his manservant <05650
+ , or his maidservant <00519 +>amah > , his ox <07794
+showr > , or his ass <02543 +chamowr > , or any <03605
+kol > [ thing ] that [ is ] thy neighbour s <07453 +rea< >

covetousness EXO 018 021 Moreover thou shalt provide <02372
+chazah > out of all <03605 +kol > the people <05971 +
able <02428 +chayil > men <00582 +>enowsh > , such as fear
<03373 +yare> > God <00430 +>elohiym > , men <00582 +>enowsh
> of truth <00571 +>emeth > , hating <08130 +sane> >
{covetousness} <01215 +betsa< > ; and place <07760 +suwm > [
such ] over <05921 + them , [ to be ] rulers <08269
+sar > of thousands <00505 +>eleph > , [ and ] rulers <08269
+sar > of hundreds <03967 +me>ah > , rulers <08269 +sar > of
fifties <02572 +chamishshiym > , and rulers <08269 +sar > of
tens <06235 + :

* covet , 2206 zeloo ,


covet -2206 affect, affected, {covet}, desire, earnestly,
envieth, envy, jealous, moved, zealous, zealously,

coveted -1937 {coveted}, desire, desireth, lust, lusted, lusteth,

coveted -3713 {coveted},desire,

covetous -0866 {covetous}, covetousness, greedy, lucre, without,

covetous -4123 {covetous},

covetous -4124 {covetous}, covetousness, greediness,

covetous -5566 {covetous}, north, west,

covetousness -0866 covetous, {covetousness}, greedy, lucre,

covetousness -4124 covetous, {covetousness}, greediness,


covet -0185 {covet} ,

covet -2530 beauty , beloved , {covet} , coveted , delectable ,
delight , desire , desired , desireth , goodly , lust , pleasant
, precious ,

coveted -2530 beauty , beloved , covet , {coveted} , delectable ,
delight , desire , desired , desireth , goodly , lust ,
pleasant , precious ,

coveteth -0183 {coveteth} , desire , desired , desireth ,
desirous , longed , longeth , lusted , lusteth ,

coveteth -1214 {coveteth} , covetous , cut , finish , fulfilled ,
gain , gained , get , greedy , performed , wounded ,

covetous -1214 coveteth , {covetous} , cut , finish , fulfilled ,
gain , gained , get , greedy , performed , wounded ,

covetousness -1215 {covetousness} , dishonest , lucre , profit ,


covet 0183 -- /avah -- {covet}, (greatly) desire, be desirous,
long, lust (after).

covet 1214 -- batsa\ -- (be) {covet}(-ous), cut (off), finish,
fulfill, gain(greedily), get, be given to [covetousness], greedy,
perform, be wounded.

covet 2530 -- chamad -- beauty, greatly beloved, {covet},
delectable thing, (X great)delight, desire, goodly, lust, (be)
pleasant (thing), precious (thing).

covet 1937 ** epithumeo ** {covet}, desire, would fain, lust

covet 2206 ** zeloo ** affect, {covet} (earnestly), (have)
desire, (move with) envy,be jealous over, (be) zealous(-ly

covet 3713 ** oregomai ** {covet} after, desire.

covetous 4123 ** pleonektes ** {covetous}.

covetous 4124 ** pleonexia ** {covetous}(-ness) practices,

covetous 5366 ** philarguros ** {covetous}.

covetousness 1214 -- batsa\ -- (be) covet(-ous), cut (off),
finish, fulfill, gain(greedily), get, be given to
[{covetousness}], greedy, perform, be wounded.

covetousness 1215 -- betsa\ -- {covetousness}, (dishonest) gain,
lucre, profit.

covetousness 0866 ** aphilarguros ** without {covetousness}, not
greedy of filthy lucre.


covet ......... But covet 2206 -zeloo->

covet ......... covet 2206 -zeloo->

covet ......... Thou shalt not covet 1937 -epithumeo->

coveted ......... coveted 3713 -oregomai->

coveted ......... I have coveted 1937 -epithumeo->

covetous ......... covetous 4123 -pleonektes->

covetous ......... covetous 5366 -philarguros->

covetous ......... not covetous 0866 -aphilarguros->

covetous ......... who were covetous 5366 -philarguros->

covetous ......... with covetous 4124 -pleonexia->

covetous ......... with the covetous 4123 -pleonektes->

covetousness ......... and covetousness 4124 -pleonexia->

covetousness ......... and not as of covetousness 4124 -

covetousness ......... covetousness 0866 -aphilarguros->

covetousness ......... covetousness 4124 -pleonexia->

covetousness ......... of covetousness 4124 -pleonexia->



covet 0183 ## >avah {aw-vaw'}; a primitive root; to wish for: --
{covet}, (greatly) desire, be desirous, long, lust (after). [ql

covet 1214 ## batsa< {baw-tsah'}; a primitive root to break off,
i.e. (usually) plunder; figuratively, to finish, or
(intransitively) stop: -- (be) {covet}(-ous), cut (off), finish,
fulfill, gain (greedily), get, be given to [covetousness],
greedy, perform, be wounded. [ql

covet 2530 ## chamad {khaw-mad'}; a primitive root; to delight
in: -- beauty, greatly beloved, {covet}, delectable thing, (X
great) delight, desire, goodly, lust, (be) pleasant (thing),
precious (thing). [ql

covet 1937 # epithumeo {ep-ee-thoo-meh'-o}; from 1909 and 2372;
to set the heart upon, i.e. long for (rightfully or otherwise): -
- {covet}, desire, would fain, lust (after).[ql

covet 2206 # zeloo {dzay-lo'-o}; from 2205; to have warmth of
feeling for or against: -- affect, {covet} (earnestly), (have)
desire, (move with) envy, be jealous over, (be) zealous(-ly

covet 3713 # oregomai {or-eg'-om-ahee}; middle voice of
apparently a prolonged form of an obsolete primary [compare
3735]; to stretch oneself, i.e. reach out after (long for): --
{covet} after, desire.[ql

covetous 4123 # pleonektes {pleh-on-ek'-tace}; from 4119 and
2192; holding (desiring) more, i.e. eager for gain (avaricious,
hence a defrauder): -- {covetous}.[ql

covetous 4124 # pleonexia {pleh-on-ex-ee'-ah}; from 4123;
avarice, i.e. (by implication) fraudulency, extortion: --
{covetous}(-ness) practices, greediness.[ql

covetous 5366 # philarguros {fil-ar'-goo-ros}; from 5384 and 696;
fond of silver (money), i.e. avaricious: -- {covetous}.[ql

covetousness 1214 ## batsa< {baw-tsah'}; a primitive root to
break off, i.e. (usually) plunder; figuratively, to finish, or
(intransitively) stop: -- (be) covet(-ous), cut (off), finish,
fulfill, gain (greedily), get, be given to [{covetousness}],
greedy, perform, be wounded. [ql

covetousness 1215 ## betsa< {beh'-tsah}; from 1214; plunder; by
extension, gain (usually unjust): -- {covetousness}, (dishonest)
gain, lucre, profit. [ql

covetousness 0866 # aphilarguros {af-il-ar'-goo-ros}; from 1 (as
a negative particle) and 5366; unavaricious: -- without
{covetousness}, not greedy of filthy lucre.[ql


covet 013 009 Rom /${covet /and if there be
any other commandment , it is briefly comprehended in this
saying , namely , Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself .

covet 012 031 ICo /${covet /earnestly the best
gifts : and yet shew I unto you a more excellent way .

covet 002 002 Mic /^{covet /fields , and take
them by violence ; and houses , and take them away : so they
oppress a man and his house , even a man and his heritage .

covet 005 021 Deu /^{covet /thy neighbour's
house , his field , or his manservant , or his maidservant , his
ox , or his ass , or any thing that is thy neighbour's .

covet 020 017 Exo /^{covet /thy neighbour's
house , thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife , nor his
manservant , nor his maidservant , nor his ox , nor his ass ,
nor any thing that is thy neighbour's .

covet 020 017 Exo /^{covet /thy neighbour's
wife , nor his manservant , nor his maidservant , nor his ox ,
nor his ass , nor any thing that is thy neighbour's .

covet 014 039 ICo /${covet /to prophesy , and
forbid not to speak with tongues .

coveted 006 010 ITi /${coveted /after , they
have erred from the faith , and pierced themselves through with
many sorrows .

coveted 020 033 Act /${coveted /no man's silver ,
or gold , or apparel .

coveted 007 021 Jos /^{coveted /them, and took
them; and, behold, they are hid in the earth in the midst of my
tent , and the silver under it.

coveteth 002 009 Hab /^{coveteth /an evil
covetousness to his house , that he may set his nest on high ,
that he may be delivered from the power of evil !

coveteth 021 026 Pro /^{coveteth /greedily all
the day long: but the righteous giveth and spareth not.

covetous 003 002 IITi /${covetous /boasters ,
proud , blasphemers , disobedient to parents , unthankful ,
unholy ,

covetous 016 014 Luk /${covetous /heard all these
things : and they derided him .

covetous 005 005 Eph /${covetous /man , who is an
idolater , hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of
God .

covetous 006 010 ICo /${covetous /nor drunkards ,
nor revilers , nor extortioners , shall inherit the kingdom of
God .

covetous 005 011 ICo /${covetous /or an idolater ,
or a railer , or a drunkard , or an extortioner ; with such an
one no not to eat .

covetous 005 010 ICo /${covetous /or extortioners
, or with idolaters ; for then must ye needs go out of the world

covetous 002 014 IIPe /${covetous /practices ;
cursed children :

covetous 010 003 Psa /^{covetous /whom the LORD
abhorreth .

covetousness 013 005 Heb /${covetousness /and be
content with such things as ye have : for he hath said , I will
never leave thee , nor forsake thee .

covetousness 022 017 Jer /^{covetousness /and for to
shed innocent blood , and for oppression , and for violence , to
do it.

covetousness 006 013 Jer /^{covetousness /and from
the prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely .

covetousness 018 021 Exo /^{covetousness /and place
such over them, to be rulers of thousands , and rulers of
hundreds , rulers of fifties , and rulers of tens :

covetousness 012 015 Luk /${covetousness /for a man's
life consisteth not in the abundance of the things which he
possesseth .

covetousness 008 010 Jer /^{covetousness /from the
prophet even unto the priest every one dealeth falsely .

covetousness 002 005 ITh /${covetousness /God is
witness :

covetousness 005 003 Eph /${covetousness /let it not
be once named among you , as becometh saints ;

covetousness 001 029 Rom /${covetousness
/maliciousness ; full of envy , murder , debate , deceit ,
malignity ; whisperers ,

covetousness 028 016 Pro /^{covetousness /shall
prolong his days .

covetousness 002 003 IIPe /${covetousness /shall they
with feigned words make merchandise of you : whose judgment now
of a long time lingereth not , and their damnation slumbereth
not .

covetousness 002 009 Hab /^{covetousness /to his
house , that he may set his nest on high , that he may be
delivered from the power of evil !

covetousness 057 017 Isa /^{covetousness /was I wroth
, and smote him: I hid me, and was wroth , and he went on
frowardly in the way of his heart .

covetousness 003 005 Col /${covetousness /which is
idolatry :

covetousness 007 022 Mar /${covetousness /wickedness ,
deceit , lasciviousness , an evil eye , blasphemy , pride ,
foolishness :


covet 8 *

coveted 3 -

coveteth 2 -

covetous 9 -

covetousness 19 -
