all things were created by him

beginning god created

behold who hath created these

created him

created man upon it

created thee

creation which god created unto this time

female created he them

female created he them

for thou hast created all things

god created great whales

god created he him

god created man

god created man upon

hath not one god created us

have created from

have created him for my glory

he created it not

israel hath created it

it he had rested from all his work which god created >

lord have created it

man created for <1CO11 -:9 >

people which shall be created shall praise

so god created man

south thou hast created them

they are created

they are created now

they were created

thou wast created

were created

which after god is created

which god hath created <1TI4 -:3 >

who created all things by jesus christ

who created heaven
