Greek Strong's Dictionary with all the Synonyms inserted into the definitions.

Greek Synonyms inserted into Greek Strong's Dictionary

2936 + stood + created + is created + for to make + who created + the Creator + hath created + things created + of him that created + things were created + for thou hast created + they are and were created +/ . ktizo {ktid'-zo}; probably akin to 2932 + possess + obtained + man purchased + that I possess + how to possess + may be purchased +/ (through the idea of proprietor-ship of the manufacturer); to fabricate, i .e . found (form originally): --create, Creator, make .

2937 + creature + building + creation + ordinance + the creature + of the creature + of the creation + For the creature + is there any creature + things of him from the creation +/ . ktisis {ktis'-is}; from 2936 + stood + created + is created + for to make + who created + the Creator + hath created + things created + of him that created + things were created + for thou hast created + they are and were created +/ ; original formation (properly, the act; by implication, the thing, literally or figuratively): --building, creation, creature, ordinance .

2938 + creature + of his creatures + part of the creatures +/ . ktisma {ktis'-mah}; from 2936 + stood + created + is created + for to make + who created + the Creator + hath created + things created + of him that created + things were created + for thou hast created + they are and were created +/ ; an original formation (concretely), i .e . product (created thing): --creature .

2939 + Creator +/ . ktistes {ktis-tace'}; from 2936 + stood + created + is created + for to make + who created + the Creator + hath created + things created + of him that created + things were created + for thou hast created + they are and were created +/ ; a founder, i .e . God (as author of all things): --Creator .