cried 2Ki_04_01 /^{cried /a certain woman of
the wives of the sons of the prophets unto Elisha , saying , Thy
servant my husband is dead ; and thou knowest that thy servant
did fear the LORD : and the creditor is come to take unto him my
two sons to be bondmen .

cried Isa_21_08 /^{cried /A lion : My lord , I
stand continually upon the watchtower in the daytime , and I am
set in my ward whole nights :

cried 2Sa_20_16 /^{cried /a wise woman out of
the city , Hear , hear ; say , I pray you, unto Joab , Come near
hither, that I may speak with thee.

cried 2Ki_06_26 /^{cried /a woman unto him,
saying , Help , my lord , O king .

cried 1Sa_24_08 /^{cried /after Saul , saying ,
My lord the king . And when Saul looked behind him, David
stooped with his face to the earth , and bowed himself.

cried 1Sa_20_37 /^{cried /after the lad , and
said , Is not the arrow beyond thee?

cried 1Sa_20_38 /^{cried /after the lad , Make
speed , haste , stay not. And Jonathan's lad gathered up the
arrows , and came to his master .

cried Mat_27_50 /${cried /again with a loud
voice , yielded up the ghost .

cried 1Ki_13_04 /^{cried /against the altar in
Bethel , that he put forth his hand from the altar , saying ,
Lay hold on him. And his hand , which he put forth against him,
dried up , so that he could not pull it in again to him.

cried 1Ki_13_02 /^{cried /against the altar in
the word of the LORD , and said , O altar , altar , thus saith
the LORD ; Behold, a child shall be born unto the house of David
, Josiah by name ; and upon thee shall he offer the priests of
the high places that burn incense upon thee, and men's bones
shall be burnt upon thee.

cried 1Ki_18_28 /^{cried /aloud , and cut
themselves after their manner with knives and lancets , till the
blood gushed out upon them.

cried Dan_04_14 /^{cried /aloud , and said
thus , Hew down the tree , and cut off his branches , shake off
his leaves , and scatter his fruit : let the beasts get away
from under it , and the fowls from his branches :

cried Dan_03_04 /^{cried /aloud , To you it is
commanded , O people , nations , and languages ,

cried Dan_05_07 /^{cried /aloud to bring in
the astrologers , the Chaldeans , and the soothsayers . And the
king spake , and said to the wise men of Babylon , Whosoever
shall read this writing , and shew me the interpretation thereof,
shall be clothed with scarlet , and have a chain of gold about
his neck , and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom .

cried Eze_09_01 /^{cried /also in mine ears
with a loud voice , saying , Cause them that have charge over
the city to draw near , even every man with his destroying
weapon in his hand .

cried Jud_07_21 /^{cried /and fled .

cried Zec_07_13 /^{cried /and I would not hear
, saith the LORD of hosts :

cried Mar_09_26 /${cried /and rent him sore ,
and came out of him : and he was as one dead ; insomuch that
many said , He is dead .

cried Eze_09_08 /^{cried /and said , Ah Lord
GOD ! wilt thou destroy all the residue of Israel in thy pouring
out of thy fury upon Jerusalem ?

cried 2Ki_06_05 /^{cried /and said , Alas ,
master ! for it was borrowed .

cried Luk_16_24 /${cried /and said , Father
Abraham , have mercy on me , and send Lazarus , that he may dip
the tip of his finger in water , and cool my tongue ; for I am
tormented in this flame .

cried Joh_12_44 /${cried /and said , He that
believeth on me , believeth not on me , but on him that sent me .

cried Jon_03_04 /^{cried /and said , Yet forty
days , and Nineveh shall be overthrown .

cried Jud_09_07 /^{cried /and said unto them,
Hearken unto me, ye men of Shechem , that God may hearken unto

cried Job_29_12 /^{cried /and the fatherless ,
and him that had none to help him.

cried Isa_06_04 /^{cried /and the house was
filled with smoke .

cried Psa_34_06 /^{cried /and the LORD heard
him, and saved him out of all his troubles .

cried Num_14_01 /^{cried /and the people wept
that night .

cried Exo_02_23 /^{cried /and their cry came
up unto God by reason of the bondage .

cried Deu_22_27 /^{cried /and there was none
to save her.

cried Zec_07_13 /^{cried /and they would not
hear ; so they cried , and I would not hear , saith the LORD of
hosts :

cried 2Sa_18_25 /^{cried /and told the king .
And the king said , If he be alone, there is tidings in his
mouth . And he came apace , and drew near .

cried Gen_41_43 /^{cried /before him , Bow the
knee : and he made him ruler over all the land of Egypt .

cried Psa_18_41 /^{cried /but there was none
to save them: even unto the LORD , but he answered them not.

cried Jon_02_02 /^{cried /by reason of mine
affliction unto the LORD , and he heard me; out of the belly of
hell cried I, and thou heardest my voice .

cried Zec_07_07 /^{cried /by the former
prophets , when Jerusalem was inhabited and in prosperity , and
the cities thereof round about her , when men inhabited the
south and the plain ?

cried 1Ki_13_32 /^{cried /by the word of the
LORD against the altar in Bethel , and against all the houses of
the high places which are in the cities of Samaria , shall
surely come to pass.

cried Gen_45_01 /^{cried /Cause every man to
go out from me. And there stood no man with him, while Joseph
made himself known unto his brethren .

cried Isa_30_07 /^{cried /concerning this ,
Their strength is to sit still .

cried Psa_88_01 /^{cried /day and night before

cried Jon_01_05 /^{cried /every man unto his
god , and cast forth the wares that were in the ship into the
sea , to lighten it of them. But Jonah was gone down into the
sides of the ship ; and he lay , and was fast asleep .

cried Jer_04_20 /^{cried /for the whole land
is spoiled : suddenly are my tents spoiled , and my curtains in
a moment .

cried Luk_08_08 /${cried /He that hath ears to
hear , let him hear .

cried Zec_06_08 /^{cried /he upon me, and
spake unto me, saying , Behold , these that go toward the north
country have quieted my spirit in the north country .

cried Joh_12_13 /${cried /Hosanna : Blessed is
the King of Israel that cometh in the name of the Lord .

cried Psa_119_014 /^{cried /I hoped in thy
word .

cried Jon_02_02 /^{cried /I, and thou heardest
my voice .

cried Job_30_28 /^{cried /in the congregation .

cried Joh_07_28 /${cried /Jesus in the temple
as he taught , saying , Ye both know me , and ye know whence I
am : and I am not come of myself , but he that sent me is true ,
whom ye know not .

cried Rev_18_02 /${cried /mightily with a
strong voice , saying , Babylon the great is fallen , is fallen ,
and is become the habitation of devils , and the hold of every
foul spirit , and a cage of every unclean and hateful bird .

cried 2Ki_02_12 /^{cried /My father , my father
, the chariot of Israel , and the horsemen thereof. And he saw
him no more: and he took hold of his own clothes , and rent them
in two pieces .

cried Deu_22_24 /^{cried /not, being in the
city ; and the man , because he hath humbled his neighbour's
wife : so thou shalt put away evil from among you.

cried Psa_88_13 /^{cried /O LORD ; and in the
morning shall my prayer prevent thee.

cried Act_19_32 /${cried /one thing , and some
another : for the assembly was confused ; and the more part knew
not wherefore they were come together .

cried Act_21_34 /${cried /one thing , some
another , among the multitude : and when he could not know the
certainty for the tumult , he commanded him to be carried into
the castle .

cried Mar_01_23 /${cried /out ,

cried Act_22_23 /${cried /out , and cast off
their clothes , and threw dust into the air ,

cried Luk_08_28 /${cried /out , and fell down
before him , and with a loud voice said , What have I to do with
thee , Jesus , thou Son of God most high ? I beseech thee ,
torment me not .

cried Mar_15_39 /${cried /out , and gave up
the ghost , he said , Truly this man was the Son of God .

cried 2Ki_04_40 /^{cried /out , and said , O
thou man of God , there is death in the pot . And they could not
eat thereof.

cried Mar_09_24 /${cried /out , and said with
tears , Lord , I believe ; help thou mine unbelief .

cried 2Ch_18_31 /^{cried /out , and the LORD
helped him; and God moved them to depart from him.

cried Joh_19_15 /${cried /out , Away with him,
away with him, crucify him . Pilate saith unto them , Shall I
crucify your King ? The chief priests answered , We have no king
but Caesar .

cried Act_19_34 /${cried /out , Great is Diana
of the Ephesians .

cried Jer_20_08 /^{cried /out , I cried
violence and spoil ; because the word of the LORD was made a
reproach unto me, and a derision , daily .

cried Joh_19_06 /${cried /out , saying ,
Crucify him, crucify him. Pilate saith unto them , Take ye him ,
and crucify him: for I find no fault in him .

cried Act_19_28 /${cried /out , saying , Great
is Diana of the Ephesians .

cried Mat_20_30 /${cried /out , saying , Have
mercy on us , O Lord , thou Son of David .

cried Joh_19_12 /${cried /out , saying , If
thou let this man go , thou art not Caesar's friend : whosoever
maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar .

cried Luk_09_38 /${cried /out , saying ,
Master , I beseech thee , look upon my son : for he is mine only
child .

cried 1Sa_05_10 /^{cried /out , saying , They
have brought about the ark of the God of Israel to us, to slay
us and our people .

cried Mat_08_29 /${cried /out , saying , What
have we to do with thee , Jesus , thou Son of God ? art thou
come hither to torment us before the time ?

cried 1Ki_22_32 /^{cried /out .

cried 1Sa_04_13 /^{cried /out .

cried Mar_06_49 /${cried /out :

cried Mar_15_13 /${cried /out again , Crucify
him .

cried Luk_23_18 /${cried /out all at once ,
saying , Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas :

cried Mat_14_26 /${cried /out for fear .

cried Act_23_06 /${cried /out in the council ,
Men and brethren , I am a Pharisee , the son of a Pharisee : of
the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question .

cried Mat_27_23 /${cried /out the more ,
saying , Let him be crucified .

cried Mar_15_14 /${cried /out the more
exceedingly , Crucify him .

cried Exo_14_10 /^{cried /out unto the LORD .

cried Luk_04_33 /${cried /out with a loud
voice ,

cried Act_07_57 /${cried /out with a loud
voice , and stopped their ears , and ran upon him with one
accord ,

cried Luk_23_21 /${cried /saying , Crucify him,
crucify him .

cried Mar_11_09 /${cried /saying , Hosanna ;
Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord :

cried Mat_21_09 /${cried /saying , Hosanna to
the Son of David : Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the
Lord ; Hosanna in the highest .

cried Joh_07_37 /${cried /saying , If any man
thirst , let him come unto me , and drink .

cried Luk_18_38 /${cried /saying , Jesus ,
thou Son of David , have mercy on me .

cried Mat_14_30 /${cried /saying , Lord , save
me .

cried Act_16_17 /${cried /saying , These men
are the servants of the most high God , which shew unto us the
way of salvation .

cried Joh_01_15 /${cried /saying , This was he
of whom I spake , He that cometh after me is preferred before me
: for he was before me .

cried Mar_03_11 /${cried /saying , Thou art
the Son of God .

cried Zec_01_04 /^{cried /saying , Thus saith
the LORD of hosts ; Turn ye now from your evil ways , and from
your evil doings : but they did not hear , nor hearken unto me,
saith the LORD .

cried Rev_10_03 /${cried /seven thunders
uttered their voices .

cried Act_22_24 /${cried /so against him .

cried Luk_18_39 /${cried /so much the more ,
Thou Son of David , have mercy on me .

cried Act_24_21 /${cried /standing among them ,
Touching the resurrection of the dead I am called in question
by you this day .

cried Gen_39_15 /^{cried /that he left his
garment with me , and fled , and got him out .

cried Gen_39_18 /^{cried /that he left his
garment with me , and fled out .

cried Mat_20_31 /${cried /the more , saying ,
Have mercy on us , O Lord , thou Son of David .

cried Mar_10_48 /${cried /the more a great
deal , Thou Son of David , have mercy on me .

cried Jud_07_20 /^{cried /The sword of the
LORD , and of Gideon .

cried Joh_18_40 /${cried /they all again ,
saying , Not this man , but Barabbas . Now Barabbas was a robber

cried Psa_138_03 /^{cried /thou answeredst me,
and strengthenedst me with strength in my soul .

cried Jud_05_28 /^{cried /through the lattice ,
Why is his chariot so long in coming ? why tarry the wheels of
his chariots ?

cried 1Ch_05_20 /^{cried /to God in the battle
, and he was intreated of them; because they put their trust in

cried 2Ch_32_20 /^{cried /to heaven .

cried Jud_10_12 /^{cried /to me, and I
delivered you out of their hand .

cried 2Sa_22_07 /^{cried /to my God : and he
did hear my voice out of his temple , and my cry did enter into
his ears .

cried Gen_41_55 /^{cried /to Pharaoh for bread
: and Pharaoh said unto all the Egyptians , Go unto Joseph ;
what he saith to you, do .

cried 2Ki_08_05 /^{cried /to the king for her
house and for her land . And Gehazi said , My lord , O king ,
this is the woman , and this is her son , whom Elisha restored
to life .

cried 1Sa_26_14 /^{cried /to the people , and
to Abner the son of Ner , saying , Answerest thou not, Abner ?
Then Abner answered and said , Who art thou that criest to the
king ?

cried Psa_30_08 /^{cried /to thee, O LORD ;
and unto the LORD I made supplication .

cried Rev_12_02 /${cried /travailing in birth ,
and pained to be delivered .

cried 2Ki_11_14 /^{cried /Treason , Treason .

cried Isa_06_03 /^{cried /unto another, and
said , Holy , holy , holy , is the LORD of hosts : the whole
earth is full of his glory .

cried Psa_77_01 /^{cried /unto God with my
voice , even unto God with my voice ; and he gave ear unto me.

cried Mat_15_22 /${cried /unto him , saying ,
Have mercy on me , O Lord , thou Son of David ; my daughter is
grievously vexed with a devil .

cried Psa_66_17 /^{cried /unto him with my
mouth , and he was extolled with my tongue .

cried Psa_22_24 /^{cried /unto him, he heard .

cried Hos_07_14 /^{cried /unto me with their
heart , when they howled upon their beds : they assemble
themselves for corn and wine , and they rebel against me.

cried Num_11_02 /^{cried /unto Moses ; and
when Moses prayed unto the LORD , the fire was quenched .

cried Psa_18_06 /^{cried /unto my God : he
heard my voice out of his temple , and my cry came before him,
even into his ears .

cried Exo_05_15 /^{cried /unto Pharaoh ,
saying , Wherefore dealest thou thus with thy servants ?

cried 1Sa_17_08 /^{cried /unto the armies of
Israel , and said unto them, Why are ye come out to set your
battle in array ? am not I a Philistine , and ye servants to
Saul ? choose you a man for you, and let him come down to me.

cried Jud_18_23 /^{cried /unto the children of
Dan . And they turned their faces , and said unto Micah , What
aileth thee, that thou comest with such a company ?

cried 1Ki_20_39 /^{cried /unto the king : and
he said , Thy servant went out into the midst of the battle ;
and, behold, a man turned aside , and brought a man unto me, and
said , Keep this man : if by any means he be missing , then
shall thy life be for his life , or else thou shalt pay a talent
of silver .

cried Psa_120_01 /^{cried /unto the LORD , and
he heard me.

cried 1Ki_17_20 /^{cried /unto the LORD , and
said , O LORD my God , hast thou also brought evil upon the
widow with whom I sojourn , by slaying her son ?

cried 1Ki_17_21 /^{cried /unto the LORD , and
said , O LORD my God , I pray thee, let this child's soul come
into him again .

cried Jon_01_14 /^{cried /unto the LORD , and
said , We beseech thee , O LORD , we beseech thee, let us not
perish for this man's life , and lay not upon us innocent blood :
for thou, O LORD , hast done as it pleased thee.

cried 1Sa_12_10 /^{cried /unto the LORD , and
said , We have sinned , because we have forsaken the LORD , and
have served Baalim and Ashtaroth : but now deliver us out of the
hand of our enemies , and we will serve thee.

cried 2Ch_13_14 /^{cried /unto the LORD , and
the priests sounded with the trumpets .

cried Num_20_16 /^{cried /unto the LORD , he
heard our voice , and sent an angel , and hath brought us forth
out of Egypt : and, behold, we are in Kadesh , a city in the
uttermost of thy border :

cried 027 007 Jos /^{cried /unto the LORD , he
put darkness between you and the Egyptians , and brought the sea
upon them, and covered them; and your eyes have seen what I have
done in Egypt : and ye dwelt in the wilderness a long season .

cried Lam_02_18 /^{cried /unto the Lord , O
wall of the daughter of Zion , let tears run down like a river
day and night : give thyself no rest ; let not the apple of
thine eye cease .

cried Num_12_13 /^{cried /unto the LORD ,
saying , Heal her now, O God , I beseech thee.

cried Jud_10_10 /^{cried /unto the LORD ,
saying , We have sinned against thee, both because we have
forsaken our God , and also served Baalim .

cried Exo_17_04 /^{cried /unto the LORD ,
saying , What shall I do unto this people ? they be almost ready
to stone me.

cried Jud_03_15 /^{cried /unto the LORD , the
LORD raised them up a deliverer , Ehud the son of Gera , a
Benjamite , a man lefthanded : and by him the children of Israel
sent a present unto Eglon the king of Moab .

cried Jud_03_09 /^{cried /unto the LORD , the
LORD raised up a deliverer to the children of Israel , who
delivered them, even Othniel the son of Kenaz , Caleb's younger
brother .

cried 1Sa_12_08 /^{cried /unto the LORD , then
the LORD sent Moses and Aaron , which brought forth your fathers
out of Egypt , and made them dwell in this place .

cried Jud_06_06 /^{cried /unto the LORD .

cried 2Ki_20_11 /^{cried /unto the LORD : and
he brought the shadow ten degrees backward , by which it had
gone down in the dial of Ahaz .

cried Jud_04_03 /^{cried /unto the LORD : for
he had nine hundred chariots of iron ; and twenty years he
mightily oppressed the children of Israel .

cried Exo_15_25 /^{cried /unto the LORD ; and
the LORD shewed him a tree , which when he had cast into the
waters , the waters were made sweet : there he made for them a
statute and an ordinance , and there he proved them,

cried 1Sa_15_11 /^{cried /unto the LORD all
night .

cried Exo_08_12 /^{cried /unto the LORD
because of the frogs which he had brought against Pharaoh .

cried Jud_06_07 /^{cried /unto the LORD
because of the Midianites ,

cried 1Sa_07_09 /^{cried /unto the LORD for
Israel ; and the LORD heard him.

cried Deu_26_07 /^{cried /unto the LORD God of
our fathers , the LORD heard our voice , and looked on our
affliction , and our labour , and our oppression :

cried 2Ch_14_11 /^{cried /unto the LORD his God
, and said , LORD , it is nothing with thee to help , whether
with many , or with them that have no power : help us, O LORD
our God ; for we rest on thee, and in thy name we go against
this multitude . O LORD , thou art our God ; let not man prevail
against thee.

cried Psa_107_06 /^{cried /unto the LORD in
their trouble , and he delivered them out of their distresses .

cried Psa_107_13 /^{cried /unto the LORD in
their trouble , and he saved them out of their distresses .

cried Psa_03_04 /^{cried /unto the LORD with
my voice , and he heard me out of his holy hill . Selah .

cried Psa_142_01 /^{cried /unto the LORD with
my voice ; with my voice unto the LORD did I make my
supplication .

cried 1Ki_13_21 /^{cried /unto the man of God
that came from Judah , saying , Thus saith the LORD , Forasmuch
as thou hast disobeyed the mouth of the LORD , and hast not kept
the commandment which the LORD thy God commanded thee,

cried Psa_30_02 /^{cried /unto thee, and thou
hast healed me.

cried Psa_22_05 /^{cried /unto thee, and were
delivered : they trusted in thee, and were not confounded .

cried Psa_130_01 /^{cried /unto thee, O LORD .

cried Psa_142_05 /^{cried /unto thee, O LORD :
I said , Thou art my refuge and my portion in the land of the
living .

cried Neh_09_27 /^{cried /unto thee, thou
heardest them from heaven ; and according to thy manifold
mercies thou gavest them saviours , who saved them out of the
hand of their enemies .

cried Neh_09_28 /^{cried /unto thee, thou
heardest them from heaven ; and many times didst thou deliver
them according to thy mercies ;

cried Psa_31_22 /^{cried /unto thee.

cried Psa_119_014 /^{cried /unto thee; save me,
and I shall keep thy testimonies .

cried Eze_10_13 /^{cried /unto them in my
hearing , O wheel .

cried Lam_04_15 /^{cried /unto them, Depart ye;
it is unclean ; depart , depart , touch not: when they fled
away and wandered , they said among the heathen , They shall no
more sojourn there.

cried Jer_20_08 /^{cried /violence and spoil ;
because the word of the LORD was made a reproach unto me, and a
derision , daily .

cried Rev_18_19 /${cried /weeping and wailing ,
saying , Alas , alas , that great city , wherein were made rich
all that had ships in the sea by reason of her costliness ! for
in one hour is she made desolate .

cried Rev_18_18 /${cried /when they saw the
smoke of her burning , saying , What city is like unto this
great city !

cried Gen_27_34 /^{cried /with a great and
exceeding bitter cry , and said unto his father , Bless me, even
me also, O my father .

cried Dan_06_20 /^{cried /with a lamentable
voice unto Daniel : and the king spake and said to Daniel , O
Daniel , servant of the living God , is thy God , whom thou
servest continually , able to deliver thee from the lions ?

cried Est_04_01 /^{cried /with a loud and a
bitter cry ;

cried Rev_14_18 /${cried /with a loud cry to
him that had the sharp sickle , saying , Thrust in thy sharp
sickle , and gather the clusters of the vine of the earth ; for
her grapes are fully ripe .

cried Mar_15_37 /${cried /with a loud voice ,
and gave up the ghost .

cried Eze_11_13 /^{cried /with a loud voice ,
and said , Ah Lord GOD ! wilt thou make a full end of the
remnant of Israel ?

cried Mar_05_07 /${cried /with a loud voice ,
and said , What have I to do with thee , Jesus , thou Son of the
most high God ? I adjure thee by God , that thou torment me not .

cried Rev_10_03 /${cried /with a loud voice ,
as when a lion roareth : and when he had cried , seven thunders
uttered their voices .

cried Mar_01_26 /${cried /with a loud voice ,
he came out of him .

cried Luk_23_46 /${cried /with a loud voice ,
he said , Father , into thy hands I commend my spirit : and
having said thus , he gave up the ghost .

cried Joh_11_43 /${cried /with a loud voice ,
Lazarus , come forth .

cried Act_07_60 /${cried /with a loud voice ,
Lord , lay not this sin to their charge. And when he had said
this , he fell asleep .

cried 2Sa_19_04 /^{cried /with a loud voice , O
my son Absalom , O Absalom , my son , my son !

cried Act_16_28 /${cried /with a loud voice ,
saying , Do thyself no harm : for we are all here .

cried Mat_27_46 /${cried /with a loud voice ,
saying , Eli , Eli , lama sabachthani ? that is to say, My God ,
my God , why hast thou forsaken me ?

cried Mar_15_34 /${cried /with a loud voice ,
saying , Eloi , Eloi , lama sabachthani ? which is , being
interpreted , My God , my God , why hast thou forsaken me ?

cried Rev_06_10 /${cried /with a loud voice ,
saying , How long , O Lord , holy and true , dost thou not judge
and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth ?

cried Rev_07_10 /${cried /with a loud voice ,
saying , Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne ,
and unto the Lamb .

cried Rev_19_17 /${cried /with a loud voice ,
saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven , Come
and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God ;

cried Gen_39_14 /^{cried /with a loud voice :

cried 1Sa_28_12 /^{cried /with a loud voice :
and the woman spake to Saul , saying , Why hast thou deceived
me? for thou art Saul .

cried Isa_36_13 /^{cried /with a loud voice in
the Jews' language , and said , Hear ye the words of the great
king , the king of Assyria .

cried 2Ki_18_28 /^{cried /with a loud voice in
the Jews' language , and spake , saying , Hear the word of the
great king , the king of Assyria :

cried 2Ch_32_18 /^{cried /with a loud voice in
the Jews' speech unto the people of Jerusalem that were on the
wall , to affright them, and to trouble them; that they might
take the city .

cried Rev_07_02 /${cried /with a loud voice to
the four angels , to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the
sea ,

cried Neh_09_04 /^{cried /with a loud voice
unto the LORD their God .

cried Psa_119_014 /^{cried /with my whole
heart ; hear me, O LORD : I will keep thy statutes .
