crying Gal_04_06 /${crying /Abba , Father .

crying Mar_15_08 /${crying /aloud began to
desire him to do as he had ever done unto them .

crying Mar_05_05 /${crying /and cutting himself
with stones .

crying Mat_09_27 /${crying /and saying , Thou
Son of David , have mercy on us .

crying Heb_05_07 /${crying /and tears unto him
that was able to save him from death , and was heard in that he
feared ;

crying Act_21_36 /${crying /Away with him .

crying Isa_24_11 /^{crying /for wine in the
streets ; all joy is darkened , the mirth of the land is gone .

crying Pro_30_15 /^{crying /Give , give . There
are three things that are never satisfied , yea, four things say
not, It is enough :

crying Zec_04_07 /^{crying /Grace , grace unto

crying 1Sa_04_14 /^{crying /he said , What
meaneth the noise of this tumult ? And the man came in hastily ,
and told Eli .

crying Mat_21_15 /${crying /in the temple , and
saying , Hosanna to the Son of David ; they were sore displeased

crying Joh_01_23 /${crying /in the wilderness ,
Make straight the way of the Lord , as said the prophet Esaias .

crying Mat_03_03 /${crying /in the wilderness ,
Prepare ye the way of the Lord , make his paths straight .

crying Luk_03_04 /${crying /in the wilderness ,
Prepare ye the way of the Lord , make his paths straight .

crying Mar_01_03 /${crying /in the wilderness ,
Prepare ye the way of the Lord , make his paths straight .

crying Psa_69_03 /^{crying /my throat is dried :
mine eyes fail while I wait for my God .

crying Rev_21_04 /${crying /neither shall there
be any more pain : for the former things are passed away .

crying Job_39_07 /^{crying /of the driver .

crying Act_14_14 /${crying /out ,

crying Luk_04_41 /${crying /out , and saying ,
Thou art Christ the Son of God . And he rebuking them suffered
them not to speak : for they knew that he was Christ .

crying Mal_02_13 /^{crying /out , insomuch that
he regardeth not the offering any more, or receiveth it with
good will at your hand .

Crying Act_21_28 /${Crying /out , Men of Israel
, help : This is the man , that teacheth all men every where
against the people , and the law , and this place : and further
brought Greeks also into the temple , and hath polluted this
holy place .

crying Jer_48_03 /^{crying /shall be from
Horonaim , spoiling and great destruction .

crying Act_25_24 /${crying /that he ought not
to live any longer .

crying Act_17_06 /${crying /These that have
turned the world upside down are come hither also ;

crying Isa_22_05 /^{crying /to the mountains .

crying Rev_14_15 /${crying /with a loud voice
to him that sat on the cloud , Thrust in thy sickle , and reap :
for the time is come for thee to reap ; for the harvest of the
earth is ripe .

crying Act_08_07 /${crying /with loud voice ,
came out of many that were possessed with them: and many taken
with palsies , and that were lame , were healed .
