Cush 3568 ## Kuwsh {koosh}; probably of foreign origin; Cush (or
Ethiopia), the name of a son of Ham, and of his territory; also
of an Israelite: -- Chush, {Cush}, Ethiopia. [ql

Cushan 3572 ## Kuwshan {koo-shawn'}; perhaps from 3568; Cushan,
a region of Arabia: -- {Cushan}. [ql

Cushi 3569 ## Kuwshiy {koo-shee'}; patronymically from 3568; a
Cushite, or descendant of Cush: -- {Cushi}, Cushite, Ethiopian(-
s). [ql

Cushi 3570 ## Kuwshiy {koo-shee'}; the same as 3569; Cushi, the
name of two Israelites: -- {Cushi}. [ql

Cushite 3569 ## Kuwshiy {koo-shee'}; patronymically from 3568; a
Cushite, or descendant of Cush: -- Cushi, {Cushite}, Ethiopian(-
s). [ql
