Cush Isa_11_11 /^{Cush /and from Elam , and
from Shinar , and from Hamath , and from the islands of the sea .

Cush Gen_10_06 /^{Cush /and Mizraim , and
Phut , and Canaan .

Cush 1Ch_01_08 /^{Cush /and Mizraim , Put ,
and Canaan .

Cush Gen_10_08 /^{Cush /begat Nimrod : he
began to be a mighty one in the earth .

Cush 1Ch_01_10 /^{Cush /begat Nimrod : he
began to be mighty upon the earth .

Cush 1Ch_01_09 /^{Cush /Seba , and Havilah ,
and Sabta , and Raamah , and Sabtecha . And the sons of Raamah ;
Sheba , and Dedan .

Cush Gen_10_07 /^{Cush /Seba , and Havilah ,
and Sabtah , and Raamah , and Sabtecha : and the sons of Raamah ;
Sheba , and Dedan .

Cush Psa_07_01 /^{Cush /the Benjamite .>> O
LORD my God , in thee do I put my trust : save me from all them
that persecute me, and deliver me:

Cushan Hab_03_07 /^{Cushan /in affliction : and
the curtains of the land of Midian did tremble .

Cushi 2Sa_18_22 /^{Cushi /And Joab said ,
Wherefore wilt thou run , my son , seeing that thou hast no
tidings ready ?

Cushi 2Sa_18_32 /^{Cushi /answered , The
enemies of my lord the king , and all that rise against thee to
do thee hurt , be as that young man is.

Cushi 2Sa_18_21 /^{Cushi /bowed himself unto
Joab , and ran .

Cushi 2Sa_18_31 /^{Cushi /came ; and Cushi said
, Tidings , my lord the king : for the LORD hath avenged thee
this day of all them that rose up against thee.

Cushi 2Sa_18_21 /^{Cushi /Go tell the king what
thou hast seen . And Cushi bowed himself unto Joab , and ran .

Cushi 2Sa_18_32 /^{Cushi /Is the young man
Absalom safe ? And Cushi answered , The enemies of my lord the
king , and all that rise against thee to do thee hurt , be as
that young man is.

Cushi 2Sa_18_31 /^{Cushi /said , Tidings , my
lord the king : for the LORD hath avenged thee this day of all
them that rose up against thee.

Cushi Zep_01_01 /^{Cushi /the son of Gedaliah ,
the son of Amariah , the son of Hizkiah , in the days of Josiah
the son of Amon , king of Judah .

Cushi Jer_36_14 /^{Cushi /unto Baruch , saying
, Take in thine hand the roll wherein thou hast read in the ears
of the people , and come . So Baruch the son of Neriah took the
roll in his hand , and came unto them.
