Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse

Bible Word Index with Strong's Number with the full text of each verse
cut ^ 47_2CO_11_12 But <1161> what <3739> I do <4160> (5719), that <2532> I will do <4160> (5692), that <2443> I may {cut} off <1581> (5661) occasion <0874> from them which desire <2309> (5723) occasion <0874>; that <2443> wherein <1722> <3739> they glory <2744> (5736), they may be found <2147> (5686) even <2532> as <2531> we <2249>.

cut ^ 44_ACT_05_33 When <1161> they heard <0191> (5660) that, they were {cut} <1282> (5712) to the heart, and <2532> took counsel <1011> (5711) to slay <0337> (5629) them <0846>.

cut ^ 44_ACT_07_54 When <1161> they heard <0191> (5723) these things <5023>, they were {cut} <1282> (5712) to the heart <2588> <0846>, and <2532> they gnashed <1031> (5707) on <1909> him <0846> with their teeth <3599>.

cut ^ 44_ACT_27_32 Then <5119> the soldiers <4757> {cut} off <0609> (5656) the ropes <4979> of the boat <4627>, and <2532> let <1439> (5656) her <0846> fall off <1601> (5629).

cut ^ 48_GAL_05_12 I would <3785> they were <0609> <0> even <2532> {cut} off <0609> (5698) which trouble <0387> (5723) you <5209>.

cut ^ 43_JOH_18_10 Then <3767> Simon <4613> Peter <4074> having <2192> (5723) a sword <3162> drew <1670> (5656) it <0846>, and <2532> smote <3817> (5656) the high priest's <0749> servant <1401>, and <2532> {cut} off <0609> (5656) his <0846> right <1188> ear <5621>. <1161> The servant's <1401> name <3686> was <2258> (5713) Malchus <3124>.

cut ^ 43_JOH_18_26 One <1520> of <1537> the servants <1401> of the high priest <0749>, being <5607> (5752) his kinsman <4773> whose <3739> ear <5621> Peter <4074> {cut} off <0609> (5656), saith <3004> (5719), Did <1492> <0> not <3756> I <1473> see <1492> (5627) thee <4571> in <1722> the garden <2779> with <3326> him <0846>?

cut ^ 42_LUK_12_46 The lord <2962> of that <1565> servant <1401> will come <2240> (5692) in <1722> a day <2250> when <3739> he looketh <4328> <0> not <3756> for <4328> (5719) him, and <2532> at <1722> an hour <5610> when <3739> he is <1097> <0> not <3756> aware <1097> (5719), and <2532> will {cut} <1371> <0> him <0846> in sunder <1371> (5692), and <2532> will appoint <5087> (5692) him his <0846> portion <3313> with <3326> the unbelievers <0571>.

cut ^ 42_LUK_13_07 Then <1161> said he <2036> (5627) unto <4314> the dresser of his vineyard <0289>, Behold <2400> (5628), these three <5140> years <2094> I come <2064> (5736) seeking <2212> (5723) fruit <2590> on <1722> this <5026> fig tree <4808>, and <2532> find <2147> (5719) none <3756>: {cut} <1581> <0> it <0846> down <1581> (5657); why <2444> <2532> cumbereth <2673> (5719) it <0846> the ground <1093>?

cut ^ 42_LUK_13_09 And if <2579> <3303> it bear <4160> (5661) fruit <2590>, well: and if not <1490>, then after that <1519> <3195> (5723) thou shalt {cut} <1581> <0> it <0846> down <1581> (5692).

cut ^ 42_LUK_22_50 And <2532> one <1520> <5100> of <1537> them <0846> smote <3960> (5656) the servant <1401> of the high priest <0749>, and <2532> {cut} off <0851> (5627) his <0846> right <1188> ear <3775>.

cut ^ 41_MAR_09_43 And <2532> if <1437> thy <4675> hand <5495> offend <4624> (5725) thee <4571>, {cut} <0609> <0> it <0846> off <0609> (5657): it is <2076> (5748) better <2570> for thee <4671> to enter <1525> (5629) into <1519> life <2222> maimed <2948>, than <2228> having <2192> (5723) two <1417> hands <5495> to go <0565> (5629) into <1519> hell <1067>, into <1519> the fire <4442> that never shall be quenched <0762>:

cut ^ 41_MAR_09_45 And <2532> if <1437> thy <4675> foot <4228> offend <4624> (5725) thee <4571>, {cut} <0609> <0> it <0846> off <0609> (5657): it is <2076> (5748) better <2570> for thee <4671> to enter <1525> (5629) halt <5560> into <1519> life <2222>, than <2228> having <2192> (5723) two <1417> feet <4228> to be cast <0906> (5683) into <1519> hell <1067>, into <1519> the fire <4442> that never shall be quenched <0762>:

cut ^ 41_MAR_11_08 And <1161> many <4183> spread <4766> (5656) their <0846> garments <2440> in <1519> the way <3598>: and <1161> others <0243> {cut} down <2875> (5707) branches <4746> off <1537> the trees <1186>, and <2532> strawed <4766> (5707) them in <1519> the way <3598>.

cut ^ 41_MAR_14_47 And <1161> one <5100> of them <1520> that stood by <3936> (5761) drew <4685> (5671) a sword <3162>, and smote <3817> (5656) a servant <1401> of the high priest <0749>, and <2532> {cut} off <0851> (5627) his <0846> ear <5621>.

cut ^ 40_MAT_05_30 And <2532> if <1487> thy <4675> right <1188> hand <5495> offend <4624> (5719) thee <4571>, {cut} <1581> <0> it <0846> off <1581> (5657), and <2532> cast <0906> (5628) it from <0575> thee <4675>: for <1063> it is profitable <4851> (5719) for thee <4671> that <2443> one <1520> of thy <4675> members <3196> should perish <0622> (5643), and <2532> not <3361> that thy <4675> whole <3650> body <4983> should be cast <0906> (5686) into <1519> hell <1067>.

cut ^ 40_MAT_18_08 Wherefore <1161> if <1487> thy <4675> hand <5495> or <2228> thy <4675> foot <4228> offend thee <4624> (5719), {cut} <1581> <0> them <0846> off <1581> (5657), and <2532> cast <0906> (5628) them from <0575> thee <4571> <4675>: it is <2076> (5748) better <2570> for thee <4671> to enter into <1525> (5629) <1519> life <2222> halt <5560> or <2228> maimed <2948>, rather than <2228> having <2192> (5723) two <1417> hands <5495> or <2228> two <1417> feet <4228> to be cast <0906> (5683) into <1519> everlasting <0166> fire <4442>.

cut ^ 40_MAT_21_08 And <1161> a very great <4118> multitude <3793> spread <4766> (5656) their <1438> garments <2440> in <1722> the way <3598>; others <1161> <0243> {cut} down <2875> (5707) branches <2798> from <0575> the trees <1186>, and <2532> strawed <4766> (5707) them in <1722> the way <3598>.

cut ^ 40_MAT_24_51 And <2532> shall {cut} <1371> <0> him <0846> asunder <1371> (5692), and <2532> appoint <5087> (5692) him his <0846> portion <3313> with <3326> the hypocrites <5273>: there <1563> shall be <2071> (5704) weeping <2805> and <2532> gnashing <1030> of teeth <3599>.

cut ^ 45_ROM_09_28 For <1063> he will finish <4931> (5723) the work <3056>, and <2532> {cut} it short <4932> (5723) in <1722> righteousness <1343>: because <3754> a short <4932> (5772) work <3056> will <4160> <0> the Lord <2962> make <4160> (5692) upon <1909> the earth <1093>.

cut ^ 45_ROM_11_22 Behold <1492> (5657) therefore <3767> the goodness <5544> and <2532> severity <0663> of God <2316>: on <1909> them which fell <4098> (5631) <3303>, severity <0663>; but <1161> toward <1909> thee <4571>, goodness <5544>, if <1437> thou continue <1961> (5661) in his goodness <5544>: otherwise <1893> thou <4771> also <2532> shalt be {cut} off <1581> (5691).

cut ^ 45_ROM_11_24 For <1063> if <1487> thou <4771> wert {cut} <1581> (5648) out of <1537> the olive tree which is wild <0065> by <2596> nature <5449>, and <2532> wert graffed <1461> (5681) contrary to <3844> nature <5449> into <1519> a good olive tree <2565>: how much <4214> more <3123> shall these <3778>, which be the natural <2596> <5449> branches, be graffed into <1461> (5701) their own <2398> olive tree <1636>?

cutting ^ 41_MAR_05_05 And <2532> always <1275>, night <3571> and <2532> day <2250>, he was <2258> (5713) in <1722> the mountains <3735>, and <2532> in <1722> the tombs <3418>, crying <2896> (5723), and <2532> {cutting} <2629> (5723) himself <1438> with stones <3037>.

execute ^ 45_ROM_13_04 For <1063> he is <2076> (5748) the minister <1249> of God <2316> to thee <4671> for <1519> good <0018>. But <1161> if <1437> thou do <4160> (5725) that which is evil <2556>, be afraid <5399> (5737); for <1063> he beareth <5409> (5719) not <3756> the sword <3162> in vain <1500>: for <1063> he is <2076> (5748) the minister <1249> of God <2316>, a revenger <1558> to {execute} wrath <3709> upon <1519> him that doeth <4238> (5723) evil <2556>.

execute ^ 43_JOH_05_27 And <2532> hath given <1325> (5656) him <0846> authority <1849> to {execute} <4160> (5721) judgment <2920> also <2532>, because <3754> he is <2076> (5748) the Son <5207> of man <0444>.

execute ^ 65_JDE_01_15 To {execute} <4160> (5658) judgment <2920> upon <2596> all <3956>, and <2532> to convince <1827> (5658) all <3956> that are ungodly <0765> among them <0846> of <4012> all <3956> their <0846> ungodly <0763> deeds <2041> which <3739> they have ungodly committed <0764> (5656), and <2532> of <4012> all <3956> their hard <4642> speeches which <3739> ungodly <0765> sinners <0268> have spoken <2980> (5656) against <2596> him <0846>.

executed ^ 42_LUK_01_08 And <1161> it came to pass <1096> (5633), that while <1722> he <0846> {executed} the priest's office <2407> (5721) before <1725> God <2316> in <1722> the order <5010> of his <0846> course <2183>,

executioner ^ 41_MAR_06_27 And <2532> immediately <2112> the king <0935> sent <0649> (5660) an {executioner} <4688>, and commanded <2004> (5656) his <0846> head <2776> to be brought <5342> (5683): and <1161> he went <0565> (5631) and beheaded <0607> (5656) him <0846> in <1722> the prison <5438>,

persecute ^ 45_ROM_12_14 Bless <2127> (5720) them which {persecute} <1377> (5723) you <5209>: bless <2127> (5720), and <2532> curse <2672> (5737) not <3361>.

persecute ^ 40_MAT_23_34 Wherefore <1223> <5124>, behold <2400> (5628), I <1473> send <0649> (5719) unto <4314> you <5209> prophets <4396>, and <2532> wise men <4680>, and <2532> scribes <1122>: and <2532> some of <1537> them <0846> ye shall kill <0615> (5692) and <2532> crucify <4717> (5692); and <2532> some of <1537> them <0846> shall ye scourge <3146> (5692) in <1722> your <5216> synagogues <4864>, and <2532> {persecute} <1377> (5692) them from <0575> city <4172> to <1519> city <4172>:

persecute ^ 40_MAT_10_23 But <1161> when <3752> they {persecute} <1377> (5725) you <5209> in <1722> this <5026> city <4172>, flee ye <5343> (5720) into <1519> another <0243>: for <1063> verily <0281> I say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Ye shall <5055> <0> not <3364> have gone over <5055> (5661) the cities <4172> of Israel <2474>, till <2193> the Son <5207> of man <0444> be <0302> come <2064> (5632).

persecute ^ 40_MAT_05_44 But <1161> I <1473> say <3004> (5719) unto you <5213>, Love <0025> (5720) your <5216> enemies <2190>, bless <2127> (5720) them that curse <2672> (5740) you <5209>, do <4160> (5720) good <2573> to them that hate <3404> (5723) you <5209>, and <2532> pray <4336> (5737) for <5228> them which <3588> despitefully use <1908> (5723) you <5209>, and <2532> {persecute} <1377> (5723) you <5209>;

persecute ^ 42_LUK_11_49 Therefore <1223> <5124> also <2532> said <2036> (5627) the wisdom <4678> of God <2316>, I will send <0649> (5692) <1519> them <0846> prophets <4396> and <2532> apostles <0652>, and <2532> some of <1537> them <0846> they shall slay <0615> (5692) and <2532> {persecute} <1559> (5692):

persecute ^ 40_MAT_05_11 Blessed <3107> are ye <2075> (5748), when <3752> men shall revile <3679> (5661) you <5209>, and <2532> {persecute} <1377> (5661) you, and <2532> shall say <2036> (5632) all manner <3956> of evil <4190> <4487> against <2596> you <5216> falsely <5574> (5730), for my sake <1752> <1700>.

persecute ^ 42_LUK_21_12 But <1161> before <4253> all <0537> these <5130>, they shall lay <1911> (5692) their <0846> hands <5495> on <1909> you <5209>, and <2532> {persecute} <1377> (5692) you, delivering <3860> (5723) you up <1519> to the synagogues <4864>, and <2532> into prisons <5438>, being brought <0071> (5746) before <1909> kings <0935> and <2532> rulers <2232> for <1752> <0> my <3450> name's <3686> sake <1752>.

persecute ^ 43_JOH_15_20 Remember <3421> (5720) the word <3056> that <3739> I <1473> said <2036> (5627) unto you <5213>, The servant <1401> is <2076> (5748) not <3756> greater than <3187> his <0846> lord <2962>. If <1487> they have persecuted <1377> (5656) me <1691>, they will <1377> <0> also <2532> {persecute} <1377> (5692) you <5209>; if <1487> they have kept <5083> (5656) my <3450> saying <3056>, they will keep <5083> (5692) yours <5212> also <2532>.

persecute ^ 43_JOH_05_16 And <2532> therefore <1223> <5124> did <1377> <0> the Jews <2453> {persecute} <1377> (5707) Jesus <2424>, and <2532> sought <2212> (5707) to slay <0615> (5658) him <0846>, because <3754> he had done <4160> (5707) these things <5023> on <1722> the sabbath day <4521>.

Persecuted ^ 47_2CO_04_09 {Persecuted} <1377> (5746), but <0235> not <3756> forsaken <1459> (5746); cast down <2598> (5746), but <0235> not <3756> destroyed <0622> (5730);

persecuted ^ 48_GAL_04_29 But <0235> as <5618> then <5119> he that was born <1080> (5685) after <2596> the flesh <4561> {persecuted} <1377> (5707) him that was born after <2596> the Spirit <4151>, even <2532> so <3779> it is now <3568>.

persecuted ^ 48_GAL_01_13 For <1063> ye have heard <0191> (5656) of my <1699> conversation <0391> in time past <4218> in <1722> the Jews' religion <2454>, how that <3754> beyond <2596> measure <5236> I {persecuted} <1377> (5707) the church <1577> of God <2316>, and <2532> wasted <4199> (5707) it <0846>:

persecuted ^ 44_ACT_22_04 And I <3739> {persecuted} <1377> (5656) this <5026> way <3598> unto <0891> the death <2288>, binding <1195> (5723) and <2532> delivering <3860> (5723) into <1519> prisons <5438> both <5037> men <0435> and <2532> women <1135>.

persecuted ^ 48_GAL_01_23 But <1161> they had <2258> (5713) heard <0191> (5723) only <3440>, That <3754> he which {persecuted} <1377> (5723) us <2248> in times past <4218> now <3568> preacheth <2097> (5731) the faith <4102> which <3739> once <4218> he destroyed <4199> (5707).

persecuted ^ 44_ACT_07_52 Which <5101> of the prophets <4396> have <1377> <0> not <3756> your <5216> fathers <3962> {persecuted} <1377> (5656)? and <2532> they have slain <0615> (5656) them which <3588> shewed before <4293> (5660) of <4012> the coming <1660> of the Just One <1342>; of whom <3739> ye <5210> have been <1096> (5769) now <3568> the betrayers <4273> and <2532> murderers <5406>:

persecuted ^ 44_ACT_26_11 And <2532> I punished <5097> (5723) them <0846> oft <4178> in <2596> every <3956> synagogue <4864>, and compelled <0315> (5707) them to blaspheme <0987> (5721); and <5037> being <1693> <0> exceedingly <4057> mad against <1693> (5740) them <0846>, I {persecuted} <1377> (5707) them even <2532> unto <1519> <2193> strange <1854> cities <4172>.

persecuted ^ 52_1TH_02_15 Who both <2532> killed <0615> (5660) the Lord <2962> Jesus <2424>, and <2532> their own <2398> prophets <4396>, and <2532> have {persecuted} <1559> (5660) us <2248>; and <2532> they please <0700> (5723) not <3361> God <2316>, and <2532> are contrary <1727> to all <3956> men <0444>:

persecuted ^ 46_1CO_04_12 And <2532> labour <2872> (5719), working <2038> (5740) with our own <2398> hands <5495>: being reviled <3058> (5746), we bless <2127> (5719); being {persecuted} <1377> (5746), we suffer it <0430> (5736):

persecuted ^ 46_1CO_15_09 For <1063> I <1473> am <1510> (5748) the least <1646> of the apostles <0652>, that <3739> am <1510> (5748) not <3756> meet <2425> to be called <2564> (5745) an apostle <0652>, because <1360> I {persecuted} <1377> (5656) the church <1577> of God <2316>.

persecuted ^ 66_REV_12_13 And <2532> when <3753> the dragon <1404> saw <1492> (5627) that <3754> he was cast <0906> (5681) unto <1519> the earth <1093>, he {persecuted} <1377> (5656) the woman <1135> which <3748> brought forth <5088> (5627) the man <0730> child.

persecuted ^ 40_MAT_05_10 Blessed <3107> are they which are {persecuted} <1377> (5772) for <1752> righteousness' sake <1343>: for <3754> theirs <0846> is <2076> (5748) the kingdom <0932> of heaven <3772>.

persecuted ^ 40_MAT_05_12 Rejoice <5463> (5720), and <2532> be exceeding glad <0021> (5737): for <3754> great <4183> is your <5216> reward <3408> in <1722> heaven <3772>: for <1063> so <3779> {persecuted} they <1377> (5656) the prophets <4396> which <3588> were before <4253> you <5216>.

persecuted ^ 43_JOH_15_20 Remember <3421> (5720) the word <3056> that <3739> I <1473> said <2036> (5627) unto you <5213>, The servant <1401> is <2076> (5748) not <3756> greater than <3187> his <0846> lord <2962>. If <1487> they have {persecuted} <1377> (5656) me <1691>, they will <1377> <0> also <2532> persecute <1377> (5692) you <5209>; if <1487> they have kept <5083> (5656) my <3450> saying <3056>, they will keep <5083> (5692) yours <5212> also <2532>.

persecutest ^ 44_ACT_22_07 And <5037> I fell <4098> (5627) unto <1519> the ground <1475>, and <2532> heard <0191> (5656) a voice <5456> saying <3004> (5723) unto me <3427>, Saul <4549>, Saul <4549>, why <5101> {persecutest} thou <1377> (5719) me <3165>?

persecutest ^ 44_ACT_09_04 And <2532> he fell <4098> (5631) to <1909> the earth <1093>, and heard <0191> (5656) a voice <5456> saying <3004> (5723) unto him <0846>, Saul <4549>, Saul <4549>, why <5101> {persecutest} thou <1377> (5719) me <3165>?

persecutest ^ 44_ACT_09_05 And <1161> he said <2036> (5627), Who <5101> art thou <1488> (5748), Lord <2962>? And <1161> the Lord <2962> said <2036> (5627), I <1473> am <1510> (5748) Jesus <2424> whom <3739> thou <4771> {persecutest} <1377> (5719): it is hard <4642> for thee <4671> to kick <2979> (5721) against <4314> the pricks <2759>.

persecutest ^ 44_ACT_22_08 And <1161> I <1473> answered <0611> (5662), Who <5101> art thou <1488> (5748), Lord <2962>? And <5037> he said <2036> (5627) unto <4314> me <3165>, I <1473> am <1510> (5748) Jesus <2424> of Nazareth <3480>, whom <3739> thou <4771> {persecutest} <1377> (5719).

persecutest ^ 44_ACT_26_15 And <1161> I <1473> said <2036> (5627), Who <5101> art thou <1488> (5748), Lord <2962>? And <1161> he said <2036> (5627), I <1473> am <1510> (5748) Jesus <2424> whom <3739> thou <4771> {persecutest} <1377> (5719).

persecutest ^ 44_ACT_26_14 And <1161> when we <2257> were <2667> <0> all <3956> fallen <2667> (5631) to <1519> the earth <1093>, I heard <0191> (5656) a voice <5456> speaking <2980> (5723) unto <4314> me <3165>, and <2532> saying <3004> (5723) in the Hebrew <1446> tongue <1258>, Saul <4549>, Saul <4549>, why <5101> {persecutest} thou <1377> (5719) me <3165>? it is hard <4642> for thee <4671> to kick <2979> (5721) against <4314> the pricks <2759>.

persecuting ^ 50_PHP_03_06 Concerning <2596> zeal <2205>, {persecuting} <1377> (5723) the church <1577>; touching <2596> the righteousness <1343> which <3588> is in <1722> the law <3551>, <1096> (5637) blameless <0273>.

Persecutions ^ 55_2TI_03_11 {Persecutions} <1375>, afflictions <3804>, which <3634> came <1096> (5633) unto me <3427> at <1722> Antioch <0490>, at <1722> Iconium <2430>, at <1722> Lystra <3082>; what <3634> persecutions <1375> I endured <5297> (5656): but <2532> out of <1537> them all <3956> the Lord <2962> delivered <4506> (5673) me <3165>.

persecution ^ 45_ROM_08_35 Who <5101> shall separate <5563> (5692) us <2248> from <0575> the love <0026> of Christ <5547>? shall tribulation <2347>, or <2228> distress <4730>, or <2228> {persecution} <1375>, or <2228> famine <3042>, or <2228> nakedness <1132>, or <2228> peril <2794>, or <2228> sword <3162>?

persecution ^ 41_MAR_04_17 And <2532> have <2192> (5719) no <3756> root <4491> in <1722> themselves <1438>, and <0235> so endure <1526> (5748) but for a time <4340>: afterward <1534>, when affliction <2347> or <2228> {persecution} <1375> ariseth <1096> (5637) for <1223> the word's sake <3056>, immediately <2112> they are offended <4624> (5743).

persecution ^ 40_MAT_13_21 Yet <1161> hath he <2192> (5719) not <3756> root <4491> in <1722> himself <1438>, but <0235> dureth <2076> (5748) for a while <4340>: for <1161> when tribulation <2347> or <2228> {persecution} <1375> ariseth <1096> (5637) because <1223> of the word <3056>, by and by <2117> he is offended <4624> (5743).

persecution ^ 44_ACT_13_50 But <1161> the Jews <2453> stirred up <3951> (5656) the devout <4576> (5740) and <2532> honourable <2158> women <1135>, and <2532> the chief men <4413> of the city <4172>, and <2532> raised <1892> (5656) {persecution} <1375> against <1909> Paul <3972> and <2532> Barnabas <0921>, and <2532> expelled <1544> (5627) them <0846> out of <0575> their <0846> coasts <3725>.

persecution ^ 48_GAL_06_12 As many as <3745> desire <2309> (5719) to make a fair shew <2146> (5658) in <1722> the flesh <4561>, they <3778> constrain <0315> (5719) you <5209> to be circumcised <4059> (5745); only <3440> lest <3363> they should suffer {persecution} <1377> (5747) for the cross <4716> of Christ <5547>.

persecution ^ 48_GAL_05_11 And <1161> I <1473>, brethren <0080>, if <1487> I <2784> <0> yet <2089> preach <2784> (5719) circumcision <4061>, why <5101> do I <1377> <0> yet <2089> suffer {persecution} <1377> (5743)? then <0686> is <2673> <0> the offence <4625> of the cross <4716> ceased <2673> (5769).

persecution ^ 55_2TI_03_12 Yea <1161>, and <2532> all <3956> that will <2309> (5723) live <2198> (5721) godly <2153> in <1722> Christ <5547> Jesus <2424> shall suffer {persecution} <1377> (5701).

persecution ^ 44_ACT_11_19 Now <3767> <3303> they which were scattered abroad <1289> (5651) upon <0575> the {persecution} <2347> that arose <1096> (5637) about <1909> Stephen <4736> travelled <1330> (5627) as far as <2193> Phenice <5403>, and <2532> Cyprus <2954>, and <2532> Antioch <0490>, preaching <2980> (5723) the word <3056> to none <3367> but <1508> unto the Jews <2453> only <3440>.

persecution ^ 44_ACT_08_01 And <1161> Saul <4569> was <2258> (5713) consenting <4909> (5723) unto his <0846> death <0336>. And <1161> at <1722> that <1565> time <2250> there was <1096> (5633) a great <3173> {persecution} <1375> against <1909> the church <1577> which <3588> was at <1722> Jerusalem <2414>; and <5037> they were <1289> <0> all <3956> scattered abroad <1289> (5681) throughout <2596> the regions <5561> of Judaea <2449> and <2532> Samaria <4540>, except <4133> the apostles <0652>.

persecutions ^ 47_2CO_12_10 Therefore <1352> I take pleasure <2106> (5719) in <1722> infirmities <0769>, in <1722> reproaches <5196>, in <1722> necessities <0318>, in <1722> {persecutions} <1375>, in <1722> distresses <4730> for <5228> <0> Christ's <5547> sake <5228>: for <1063> when <3752> I am weak <0770> (5725), then <5119> am <1510> (5748) I strong <1415>.

persecutions ^ 53_2TH_01_04 So <5620> that we <2248> ourselves <0846> glory <2744> (5738) in <1722> you <5213> in <1722> the churches <1577> of God <2316> for <5228> your <5216> patience <5281> and <2532> faith <4102> in <1722> all <3956> your <5216> {persecutions} <1375> and <2532> tribulations <2347> that <3739> ye endure <0430> (5736):

persecutions ^ 41_MAR_10_30 But <3362> he shall receive <2983> (5632) an hundredfold <1542> now <3568> in <1722> this <5129> time <2540>, houses <3614>, and <2532> brethren <0080>, and <2532> sisters <0079>, and <2532> mothers <3384>, and <2532> children <5043>, and <2532> lands <0068>, with <3326> {persecutions} <1375>; and <2532> in <1722> the world <0165> to come <2064> (5740) eternal <0166> life <2222>.

persecutions ^ 55_2TI_03_11 Persecutions <1375>, afflictions <3804>, which <3634> came <1096> (5633) unto me <3427> at <1722> Antioch <0490>, at <1722> Iconium <2430>, at <1722> Lystra <3082>; what <3634> {persecutions} <1375> I endured <5297> (5656): but <2532> out of <1537> them all <3956> the Lord <2962> delivered <4506> (5673) me <3165>.

persecutor ^ 54_1TI_01_13 Who <3588> was <5607> (5752) before <4386> a blasphemer <0989>, and <2532> a {persecutor} <1376>, and <2532> injurious <5197>: but <0235> I obtained mercy <1653> (5681), because <3754> I did <4160> (5656) it ignorantly <0050> (5723) in <1722> unbelief <0570>.