cut 1214 ## batsa< {baw-tsah'}; a primitive root to break off, i.
e. (usually) plunder; figuratively, to finish, or
(intransitively) stop: -- (be) covet(-ous), {cut} (off), finish,
fulfill, gain (greedily), get, be given to [covetousness],
greedy, perform, be wounded. [ql

cut 1219 ## batsar {baw-tsar'}; a primitive root; to clip off;
specifically (as denominative from 1210) to gather grapes; also
to be isolated (i.e. inaccessible by height or fortification): --
{cut} off, (de-)fenced, fortify, (grape) gather(-er), mighty
things, restrain, strong, wall (up), withhold. [ql

cut 1234 ## baqa< {baw-kah'}; a primitive root; to cleave;
generally, to rend, break, rip or open: -- make a breach, break
forth (into, out, in pieces, through, up), be ready to burst,
cleave (asunder), {cut} out, divide, hatch, rend (asunder), rip
up, tear, win. [ql

cut 1254 ## bara> {baw-raw'}; a primitive root; (absolutely) to
create; (qualified) to cut down (a wood), select, feed (as
formative processes): -- choose, create (creator), {cut} down,
dispatch, do, make (fat). [ql

cut 1413 ## gadad {gaw-dad'}; a primitive root [compare 1464];
to crowd; also to gash (as if by pressing into): -- assemble
(selves by troops), gather (selves together, self in troops),
{cut} selves. [ql

cut 1438 ## gada< {gaw-dah'}; a primitive root; to fell a tree;
generally, to destroy anything: -- {cut} (asunder, in sunder,
down, off), hew down. [ql

cut 1468 ## guwz {gooz}; a primitive root [compare 1494];
properly, to shear off; but used only in the (figuratively)
sense of passing rapidly: -- bring, {cut} off. [ql

cut 1494 ## gazaz {gaw-zaz'}; a primitive root [akin to 1468];
to cut off; specifically to shear a flock or shave the hair;
figuratively to destroy an enemy: -- {cut} off (down), poll,
shave, ([sheep-]) shear(-er). [ql

cut 1504 ## gazar {gaw-zar'}; a primitive root; to cut down or
off; (figuratively) to destroy, divide, exclude, or decide: --
{cut} down (off), decree, divide, snatch. [ql

cut 1505 ## g@zar (Aramaic) {ghez-ar'}; corresponding to 1504;
to quarry; determine: -- {cut} out, soothsayer. [ql

cut 1629 ## garaz {gaw-raz'}; a primitive root; to cut off: --
{cut} off. [ql

cut 1820 ## damah {daw-mam'}; a primitive root; to be dumb or
silent; hence, to fail or perish; trans. to destroy: -- cease,
be {cut} down (off), destroy, be brought to silence, be undone,
X utterly. [ql

cut 1826 ## damam {daw-man'}; a prim root [compare 1724, 1820];
to be dumb; by implication, to be astonished, to stop; also to
perish: -- cease, be {cut} down (off), forbear, hold peace,
quiet self, rest, be silent, keep (put to) silence, be (stand)
still, tarry, wait. [ql

cut 2404 ## chatab {khaw-tab'}; a primitive root; to chop or
carve wood: -- {cut} down, hew(-er), polish. [ql

cut 2498 ## chalaph {khaw-laf'}; a primitive root; properly, to
slide by, i.e. (by implication) to hasten away, pass on, spring
up, pierce or change: -- abolish, alter, change, {cut} off, go
on forward, grow up, be over, pass (away, on, through), renew,
sprout, strike through. [ql

cut 2686 ## chatsats {khaw-tsats'}; a primitive root [compare
2673]; properly, to chop into, pierce or sever; hence, to
curtail, to distribute (into ranks); as denom. from 2671, to
shoot an arrow: -- archer, X bands, {cut} off in the midst. [ql

cut 3582 ## kachad {kaw-khad'}; a primitive root; to secrete, by
act or word; hence (intensively) to destroy: -- conceal, {cut}
down (off), desolate, hide. [ql

cut 3683 ## kacach {kaw-sakh'}; a primitive root; to cut off: --
{cut} down (up). [ql

cut 3772 ## karath {kaw-rath'}; a primitive root; to cut (off,
down or asunder); by implication, to destroy or consume;
specifically, to covenant (i.e. make an alliance or bargain,
originally by cutting flesh and passing between the pieces): --
be chewed, be con-[feder-]ate, covenant, {cut} (down, off),
destroy, fail, feller, be freed, hew (down), make a league
([covenant]), X lose, perish, X utterly, X want. [ql

cut 4135 ## muwl {mool}; a primitive root; to cut short, i.e.
curtail (specifically the prepuce, i.e. to circumcise); by
implication, to blunt; figuratively, to destroy: -- circumcise(-
ing), selves), {cut} down (in pieces), destroy, X must needs.[ql

cut 5243 ## namal {naw-mal'}; a primitive root; to become
clipped or (specifically) circumcised: -- (branch to) be {cut}
down (off), circumcise.[ql

cut 5352 ## naqah {naw-kaw'}; a primitive root; to be (or make)
clean (literally or figuratively); by implication (in an adverse
sense) to be bare, i.e. extirpated: -- acquit X at all, X
altogether, be blameless, cleanse, (be) clear(-ing), {cut} off,
be desolate, be free, be (hold) guiltless, be (hold) innocent, X
by no means, be quit, be (leave) unpunished, X utterly, X wholly.

cut 5362 ## naqaph {naw-kaf'}; a primitive root; to strike with
more or less violence (beat, fell, corrode); by implication (of
attack) to knock together, i.e. surround or circulate: --
compass (about, -ing), {cut} down, destroy, go round (about),
inclose, round.[ql

cut 5408 ## nathach {naw-thakh'}; a primitive root; to dismember:
-- {cut} (in pieces), divide, hew in pieces.[ql

cut 5648 ## do, make, prepare, keep, etc.: -- X {cut}, do, execute, go on,
make, move, work.[ql

cut 5927 ## intransitively (be high) or actively (mount); used in a great
variety of senses, primary and secondary, literal and figurative
(as follow): -- arise (up), (cause to) ascend up, at once, break
[the day] (up), bring (up), (cause to) burn, carry up, cast up,
+ shew, climb (up), (cause to, make to) come (up), {cut} off,
dawn, depart, exalt, excel, fall, fetch up, get up, (make to) go
(away, up); grow (over) increase, lay, leap, levy, lift (self)
up, light, [make] up, X mention, mount up, offer, make to pay, +
perfect, prefer, put (on), raise, recover, restore, (make to)
rise (up), scale, set (up), shoot forth (up), (begin to) spring
(up), stir up, take away (up), work.[ql

cut 6202 ## 6201 through the idea of sloping]; properly, to bend downward;
but used only as a denominative from 6203, to break the neck;
hence (figuratively) to destroy: -- that is beheaded, break down,
break ({cut} off, strike off) neck.[ql

cut 6398 ## palach {paw-lakh'}; a primitive root; to slice, i.e.
break open or pierce: -- bring forth, cleave, {cut}, shred,
strike through.[ql

cut 6789 ## tsamath {tsaw-math'}; a primitive root; to extirpate
(literally or figuratively): -- consume, {cut} off, destroy,

cut 6990 ## qatat {kaw-tat'}; a primitive root; to clip off, i.e.
(figuratively) destroy: -- be {cut} off.[ql

cut 6998 ## qataph {kaw-taf'}; a primitive root; to strip off: --
crop off, {cut} down (up), pluck.[ql

cut 7059 ## qamat {kaw-mat'}; a primitive root; to pluck, i.e.
destroy: -- {cut} down, fill with wrinkles.[ql

cut 7082 ## qacac {kaw-sas'}; a primitive root; to lop off: --
{cut} off.[ql

cut 7088 ## qaphad {kaw-fad'}; a primitive root; to contract, i.
e. roll together: -- {cut} off.[ql

cut 7094 ## qatsab {kaw-tsab'}; a primitive root; to clip, or
(generally) chop: -- {cut} down, shorn.[ql

cut 7096 ## qatsah {kaw-tsaw'}; a primitive root; to cut off;
(figuratively) to destroy; (partially) to scrape off: -- cut off,
{cut} short, scrape (off).[ql

cut 7096 ## qatsah {kaw-tsaw'}; a primitive root; to cut off;
(figuratively) to destroy; (partially) to scrape off: -- {cut}
off, cut short, scrape (off).[ql

cut 7112 ## qatsats {kaw-tsats'}; a primitive root; to chop off
(literally or figuratively): -- {cut} (asunder, in pieces, in
sunder, off), X utmost.[ql

cut 7113 ## q@tsats (Aramaic) {kets-ats'}; corresponding to 7112:
-- {cut} off.[ql

cut 7114 ## qatsar {kaw-tsar'}; a primitive root; to dock off, i.
e. curtail (transitive or intransitive, literal or figurative);
especially to harvest (grass or grain): -- X at all, {cut} down,
much discouraged, grieve, harvestman, lothe, mourn, reap(-er),
(be, wax) short(-en, -er), straiten, trouble, vex.[ql

cut 7167 ## qara< {kaw-rah'}; a primitive root; to rend,
literally or figuratively (revile, paint the eyes, as if
enlarging them): -- {cut} out, rend, X surely, tear.[ql

cut 7787 ## suwr {soor}; a primitive root [identical with 7786
through the idea of reducing to pieces; compare 4883]; to saw: --

cut 8295 ## sarat {saw-rat'}; a primitive root; to gash: --
{cut} in pieces, make [cuttings] pieces.[ql

cut 8456 ## tazaz {taw-zaz'}; a primitive root; to lop off: --
{cut} down.[ql

cut 0609 # apokopto {ap-ok-op'-to}; from 575 and 2875; to
amputate; reflexively (by irony) to mutilate (the privy parts): -
- {cut} off. Compare 2699.[ql

cut 0851 # aphaireo {af-ahee-reh'-o}; from 575 and 138; to
remove (literally or figuratively): -- {cut} (smite) off, take

cut 1282 # diaprio {dee-ap-ree'-o}; from 1223 and the base of
4249; to saw asunder, i.e. (figuratively) to exasperate: --
{cut} (to the heart).[ql

cut 1371 # dichotomeo {dee-khot-om-eh'-o}; from a compound of a
derivative of 1364 and a derivative of temno (to cut); to bisect,
i.e. (by extension) to flog severely: -- {cut} asunder (in

cut 1581 # ekkopto {ek-kop'-to}; from 1537 and 2875; to exscind;
figuratively, to frustrate: -- {cut} down (off, out), hew down,

cut 2629 # katakopto {kat-ak-op'-to}; from 2596 and 2875; to
chop down, i.e. mangle: -- {cut}.[ql

cut 2875 # kopto {kop'-to}; a primary verb; to "chop"; specially,
to beat the breast in grief: -- {cut} down, lament, mourn, (be-
)wail. Compare the base of 5114.[ql

cut 4932 # suntemno {soon-tem'-no}; from 4862 and the base of
5114; to contract by cutting, i.e. (figuratively) do concisely
(speedily): -- ({cut}) short.[ql

Cuth 3575 ## Kuwth {kooth}; or (feminine) Kuwthah {koo-thaw'};
of foreign origin; Cuth or Cuthah, a province of Assyria: --
{Cuth}. [ql

cutting 1418 ## g@duwdah {ghed-oo-daw'}; feminine participle
passive of 1413; an incision: -- {cutting}. [ql

cutting 1824 ## d@miy {dem-ee'}; or domiy {dom-ee'}; from 1820;
quiet: -- {cutting} off, rest, silence. [ql

cutting 2799 ## charosheth {khar-o'-sheth}; from 2790;
mechanical work: -- carving, {cutting}. [ql

cutting 8296 ## seret {seh'-ret}; and sareteth {saw-reh'-teth};
from 8295; an incision: -- {cutting}.[ql

cuttings 8295 ## sarat {saw-rat'}; a primitive root; to gash: --
cut in pieces, make [{cuttings}] pieces.[ql

execute 1777 ## diyn {deen}; or (Gen. 6:3). duwn {doon}; a
primitive root [comp. 113]; to rule; by impl. to judge (as
umpire); also to strive (as at law): -- contend, {execute}
(judgment), judge, minister judgment, plead (the cause), at
strife, strive. [ql

execute 3547 ## kahan {kaw-han'}; a primitive root, apparently
meaning to mediate in religious services; but used only as
denominative from 3548; to officiate as a priest; figuratively,
to put on regalia: -- deck, be (do the office of a, {execute}
the, minister in the) priest('s office). [ql

execute 5647 ## any sense); by implication, to serve, till, (causatively)
enslave, etc.: -- X be, keep in bondage, be bondmen, bond-
service, compel, do, dress, ear, {execute}, + husbandman, keep,
labour(-ing man, bring to pass, (cause to, make to) serve(-ing,
self), (be, become) servant(-s), do (use) service, till(-er),
transgress [from margin], (set a) work, be wrought, worshipper,

execute 5648 ## to do, make, prepare, keep, etc.: -- X cut, do, {execute}, go
on, make, move, work.[ql

execute 6213 ## in the broadest sense and widest application (as follows): --
accomplish, advance, appoint, apt, be at, become, bear, bestow,
bring forth, bruise, be busy, X certainly, have the charge of,
commit, deal (with), deck, + displease, do, (ready) dress(-ed),
(put in) {execute}(-ion), exercise, fashion, + feast, [fight-
]ing man, + finish, fit, fly, follow, fulfill, furnish, gather,
get, go about, govern, grant, great, + hinder, hold ([a feast]),
X indeed, + be industrious, + journey, keep, labour, maintain,
make, be meet, observe, be occupied, offer, + officer, pare,
bring (come) to pass, perform, pracise, prepare, procure,
provide, put, requite, X sacrifice, serve, set, shew, X sin,
spend, X surely, take, X thoroughly, trim, X very, + vex, be
[warr-]ior, work(-man), yield, use.[ql

execute 8199 ## shaphat {shaw-fat'}; a primitive root; to judge,
i.e. pronounce sentence (for or against); by implication, to
vindicate or punish; by extenssion, to govern; passively, to
litigate (literally or figuratively): -- + avenge, X that
condemn, contend, defend, {execute} (judgment), (be a) judge(-
ment), X needs, plead, reason, rule.[ql

execute 2407 # hierateuo {hee-er-at-yoo'-o}; prolongation from
2409; to be a priest, i.e. perform his functions: -- {execute}
the priest's office.[ql

execute 4160 # poieo {poy-eh'-o}; apparently a prolonged form of
an obsolete primary; to make or do (in a very wide application,
more or less direct): -- abide, + agree, appoint, X avenge, +
band together, be, bear, + bewray, bring (forth), cast out,
cause, commit, + content, continue, deal, + without any delay,
(would) do(-ing), {execute}, exercise, fulfil, gain, give, have,
hold, X journeying, keep, + lay wait, + lighten the ship, make,
X mean, + none of these things move me, observe, ordain, perform,
provide, + have purged, purpose, put, + raising up, X secure,
shew, X shoot out, spend, take, tarry, + transgress the law,
work, yield. Compare 4238.[ql

executioner 4688 # spekoulator {spek-oo-lat'-ore}; of Latin
origin; a speculator, i.e. military scout (spy or [by extension]
life-guardsman): -- {executioner}.[ql

persecute 0310 ## >achar {akh-ar'}; from 309; properly, the hind
part; generally used as an adverb or conjunction, after (in
various senses): -- after (that, -ward), again, at, away from,
back (from, -side), behind, beside, by, follow (after, -ing),
forasmuch, from, hereafter, hinder end, + out (over) live, +
{persecute}, posterity, pursuing, remnant, seeing, since,
thence[-forth], when, with. [ql

persecute 1814 ## dalaq {daw-lak'}; a primitive root; to flame
(literally or figuratively): -- burning, chase, inflame, kindle,
{persecute}(-or), pursue hotly. [ql

persecute 7291 ## radaph {raw-daf'}; a primitive root; to run
after (usually with hostile intent; figuratively [of time] gone
by): -- chase, put to flight, follow (after, on), hunt, (be
under) {persecute}(-ion, -or), pursue(-r).[ql

persecute 1377 # dioko {dee-o'-ko}; a prolonged (and causative)
form of a primary verb dio (to flee; compare the base of 1169
and 1249); to pursue (literally or figuratively); by implication,
to persecute: -- ensue, follow (after), given to, (suffer)
{persecute}(-ion), press forward.[ql

persecute 1559 # ekdioko {ek-dee-o'-ko}; from 1537 and 1377; to
pursue out, i.e. expel or persecute implacably: -- {persecute}.

persecuted 4783 ## murdaph {moor-dawf'}; from 7291; persecuted: -
- {persecuted}.[ql

persecution 1375 # diogmos {dee-ogue-mos'}; from 1377;
persecution: -- {persecution}.[ql

persecution 2347 # thlipsis {thlip'-sis}; from 2346; pressure
(literally or figuratively): -- afflicted(-tion), anguish,
burdened, {persecution}, tribulation, trouble.[ql

persecutor 1376 # dioktes {dee-oke'-tace}; from 1377; a
persecutor: -- {persecutor}.[ql
